Chapter 1

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Viola pov

"I dont know Scott..." I said letting out a big sigh. "I dont even know your brother and you want me to watch his dog for 3 weeks? I mean, is he even okay with it?" I say feeling a bit weird about this... "I will tell him. It is not like there is any other choice, otherwise he has to go to the kennel for 3 weeks and i dont wanna do that and i know Chris doesn't want that either.... Come on Vi this is the chance of a lifetime for me... I'll be back in 3 weeks... please..." Scott said looking at me with puppy eyes. 

We were having lunch after Scott asked me to meet him because he needed a favor. "Is there nobody else in the family who can take him." I asked and Scott shook his head. "Carly is sick and her husband is out of town, so she has enough on her plate. Ma is coming with me, and Shanna is traveling for work." He explained and I groaned..."Please, please, please.... I am begging you." He says and i chuckle. God i can't say no to you..." I sigh looking at Scott and he smirked. "Oh, i know..." He said laughing. 

We finished lunch and agreed he would bring Dodger by tonight, because he had to leave early in the morning. I had just finished dinner as i looked at my own dog. I crouched down and she walked over to me snuggling into me. She loved to snuggle, and she was my everything. "We are going to have a guest for a few weeks Lulu..." I said scratching her behind her ears. "Yes, we are..." I cooed and she looked at me tilting her head. Lulu was only 11 months and i loved her already more than life itself. Lulu was a Bouvier a big black fluffy dog and she was a goofy girl always bouncing around. I had bought her after my last break up, It was an abusive relations ship and getting Lulu was helping me to look forward, not back and she was my cuddle buddy when i felt lonely. I was not planning to date anytime soon but also not wanting to be alone.

I had met Scott in a coffee shop about 7 months ago and we bonded over how cute Lulu was and became really close really fast. I knew who he was but i didn't care, he was a nice guy really sweet and a good friend that was all i cared about. He introduced me to his mother Lisa and his sisters Shanna and Carly. His brother Chris was not home a lot. When he was i was busy and we never got to meet and now Scott wanted me to watch his dog for 3 weeks. He and Lisa were trying to get a project of the ground and had to leave for LA for 3 weeks. Scott said he couldn't bring Dodger because he would be busy and i understood that. 

The doorbell rang. "It is open!" I yelled and a fluffy happy dog came running in followed by Scott with all sorts of stuff in his arms. I laughed. "How long is he staying again?" I said shaking my head and he grinned... "3 weeks..." He said putting everything down. "Dodger is spoiled, he can't function without these." Scott explained and i chuckled again. "Noted..." I said putting some of the stuff away. I put his pillow and toys next to Lulu's stuff and laughed as i saw Lulu and Dodger running around in the backyard. "Well, that is one less thing to worry about, they are getting along." I say smiling.

"I was not worried..." Scott said shrugging his shoulders. "Lulu is a sweetheart and so is Dodger, they are both happy go lucky dogs." He stated. I smiled as they were chasing each other through the yard. "So are there things i should know?" I asked and Scott nodded. "Yeah, this is his lion, he goes everywhere with it and his food is in this container i brought an extra bag of it. This is the number of his vet just in case you need it. His leash... Oh and be smart... Dont post pictures of him and Lulu because that will set of a whole circus. Dodger is almost as famous as Chris is, maybe even more..." He laughed and i take a deep breath... "Got it..." I say smiling. 

We walked into the yard to have a quick cup of coffee before Scott had to leave. The dogs came running over to me and Lulu jumped next to me on the porch couch and Dodger followed her action sitting on the other side. "See he likes you..." Scott said smiling. "I must admit he is a cutie."

After i said goodbye to Scott and wished him luck with his project i walked back inside smiling as i saw Dodger and Lulu laying on Lulu's bed together cuddled up. I took a picture and send it to Scott. See a match made in heaven he texted back. I smiled as both dogs where both asleep after tiring each other out running around. I sat down on the couch and Dodger lifted up his head to see what i was doing. "Dont worry buddy, just gonna finish some work go back to sleep." 

He huffed and put his head back down and closed his eyes making me laugh. I opened my laptop and did some paperwork for my store and after i was done i grabbed the leashes to go for the last walk of the day before i would go to sleep. Lulu jumped up as she heard the leashes jingle and Dodger followed.  I put them both on the leashes and did the normal route i did at night. When we got home i got ready for bed and called the dogs to come to bed and Lulu jumped up and ran to the bed finding her spot.  I looked over to Dodger who was standing there looking at me and then looking at his lion. 

"You can bring your toy..." I said smiling at him and like he knew what i said he grabbed his toy running towards the bedroom and jumped on the bed with his lion. I laughed as it was like i had 3 dogs on the bed. I stood on the foot off the bed. "Is there room for me?" I asked with my hands on my hips. They both looked at me tilting their heads and i smiled and crawled into bed. After getting comfortable, i fell asleep quick.

The next morning i did my normal morning routine. Before i would leave for work i walked the dogs.  When we got back, i loaded my stuff in my car and let the dogs on the backseat. I took off to the store. I was surprised that Cecile was already there and i greeted her as i walked inside with Lulu and Dodger. "Hey." She chirped but froze in the spot as she saw Dodger. "Is that who i think it is...?" She said a smile forming on her face her voice a pitch or two higher than usual. 

I rolled my eyes and smirked. "This is Dodger..." I said and Dodger looked up at me after hearing his name. "That... That...That is Chris Evans's dog..." She said looking at me shocked. I nodded and she starts to freak out. "OMG! You know Chris Evans and you didn't think to tell me?" She says looking at me stunned.  I shrugged my shoulders and sigh. "Look i dont know him, i know his brother and he needed someone to watch Dodger for 3 weeks." I say and she squeals. "OMG!" She yelled again, and Lulu and Dodger looked at her like she was crazy. I put the dogs in the courted off area, i had reserved. So i could take Lulu to work and she wouldn't pull everything from the shelves since i own a pet store.  

The day was busy and i was surprised how well-behaved Dodger was, seeing as it was a busy day and a new surrounding for him. I walked them during lunch and went into my office to place some orders when my phone rang. I smiled seeing it was Scott and answered. "Hey already in LA?" I asked. "Yep, already had my first meeting." He said sounding so proud and excited. "How did it go?" I asked. He told me about the meeting, and it sounded like everything was going great. He asked how Dodger was doing and i reassured him he was fine sending him a pic of him and Lulu lying beside me in the office. He thanked me again and i told him it was no problem, and that Dodger was being a good boy. 

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