Chapter 61

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Chris pov...

We order ice cream and I smile as for a brief moment everything feels normal. We sit in a booth in the back, but reality quickly sinks in again as i look to the side and see the two security guys are sitting in the booth next to us. Vi ignores them as she eats her ice cream smiling at the fact, they went next door to the bakery to get her a waffle to go with her ice cream. I got the idea the security guys all really liked her and would go above and beyond for her... It made me happy knowing they cared enough to keep her safe and happy... I text the family telling them Vi and I want some alone time. Ma and my sisters totally understand but my brother is harder to convince... I tell him the door will be locked tonight and will not be answered and that is that...

I know it is different now that I am married. Vi has told them not to change too much. She loved the family dynamics... But then again, she knew them before she knew me... Either way i expected them to at least respect it when we would tell them no and fortunately, they did. It was funny all my previous relationships my family dynamic was weird to them, and the women always tried to change it... Not Vi she wanted everything to stay the same... She would have lunch with ma. Make plans to hang out with Scott or she would tell me we would have family dinner... Most times i had no idea as they just called her to set it up and i was just expected to tag along... Vi loved them just as much as I did, so the least I could do is give her my time when she explicitly asks for it.

I was in awe of the woman I proudly call my wife. She has pulled herself together as best as she could and was determined to not let him win. To not let him ruin her happiness... I knew she was scared and didn't like the whole personal security thing, but she was trying to not let it get to her. She was doing much better and was more like herself again. There were moments she would still jump out of her skin... Mostly by loud noises like slamming of doors or even the doorbell.  As carefree as she had been by not locking the door when she was home. As security conscious she was now... She locked everything as soon as we set foot in the house. Checking if the alarm was on a few times before she finally would relax. Even then she would check the alarm every now and then to make sure it was still on... I hated that she felt like that and that the part of her being carefree with the knowledge that that bastard was behind bars... was gone. 

Part of me blamed myself for dragging her on the Tonight show. Vi had reassured me, that us going public would have happened in some way or other... That this would have happened regardless. She said we were allowed to be out with our relationship and happy. That she didnt want to be tucked away like some little secret...  Still i couldn't shake the feeling that if we had just kept to ourselves and i had kept her shielded from that part of my life. She would be safer right now. 

She made a good point saying, who would have thought that he would escape from a maximum-security prison. Let alone that after all this time he would even care enough... That he would still be obsessed. She said if he was smart that he would flee to Mexico or something... That it would be more torture for us, because we would always look over our shoulders. Wondering if he would show up at some point... That we should be happy he was not that smart... That he eventually would show up... It was not an if... But a when... I think that that scares me the most... She is adamant that he will show up at some point... She is sure... He either will be found before he can do anything, or he will get what he wants... Her... That is what he wants... Her... Sometime i wonder if she was mentally preparing for it, as it looked like she was sure he would get to her no matter what...

I smiled as Vi looked at me with a grin, happy with her food. I chuckled as she was humming and just happy with her ice cream and a waffle. "I am gonna get so fat..." She said grinning. I leaned in and kissed her. "You're gonna be beautiful..." I whisper in her ear, and she blushes. "Very smooth, Mr. Evans." She said smiling a little giggle escaping her. "Bonus points for you." She joked and i laughed...

A man walked up to us and immediately the guys sprung up into action terrifying the guy. I groaned as the guy pulled out a mini shield and a marker saying that he only wanted an autograph for his son. The little boy who was sitting at a table further down but was too shy to ask for it himself. The kid looked about 10 or 11 years old. I apologized profusely and Vi nudged me, whispering at me to go say hi. I smiled and walked over with the man to his kid and talked with them a bit and taking a picture and signing his shield. The kid was so sweet and as i was looking over at Vi she had this big smile on her face. When i paid our check, i paid theirs to before Vi and i made our way back to the car. 

We sat in the back of the car as the guys drove us home. Vi cuddled into me as i could see she was tired. By the time we got home she was asleep. "Love, we are home..." I whisper as i had walked around the car to her side and had opened the door for her to get out. "To tired... Can't walk..." She murmured pouting and i smiled. "Do you want me to carry you?" I ask. She sleepily nodded and put her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist clinging on to me as we walked up to the front door. I love the fact that she is even more clingy now... Always wanting to be close... Always wanting to cuddle... She has always been affectioned but pregnant Vi was even more clingy... She was scared it would annoy me but i have to admit i was loving it... 

I thanked one of the guys who was smirking when he opened the door. "Welcome to pregnancy hormones..." He mumbled to me and i couldn't help but laugh out loud. "I heard that..." Vi mumbled her head buried in my neck. I thanked the guys telling them we would stay in for the night and didn't expect anyone. They told me they would be replaced in a short while. They tell me who will be replacing them so we wouldn't be surprised. I said goodnight and close the door. 

I wanted to put Vi down, but she didn't let me. "No... I am comfy." She said in a small voice. I chuckled and walked to the couch, the dogs jumping around us. I sat down on the couch the dogs jumping up next to us and Vi lifted up her head and smiled at Lulu and Dodger reaching out for them. 

"You're gonna have a brother or sister..." She cooed at them.  I smiled as both dogs tilted their heads looking at us tail wagging... She grabbed my phone and took a picture of them and posted it to my Instagram with the caption... 'Whenever we tell them some news.' She smirked and i looked at the post. "You do know people will go crazy about that caption." I say and she giggles... 

"Have to keep them hooked on you somehow... Besides they are always begging for more Dodger content... Well, they get Dodger and Lulu content now... He has a sister now to share the attention with..." She said smirking before kissing me again. "Maybe i should put you in charge of my social media..." I say grinning. She chuckled. "I dont think you want that..." She said lifting my shirt over my head and as i threw it to the side i saw a flash and she looked at me smirking. "Because i would post these pictures..." She said giggling, Showing me the picture of me without a shirt. I smiled and shook my head. "Silly girl..." I said kissing her again.

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