Chapter 103

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Chris pov...

We reach the suite where Vi was staying before the ceremony and i drag her in. She giggles as i immediately put her against the wall kissing her passionately.  "Fuck princess, you look so gorgeous... I dont think i can wait to until tonight..." I growl and start kissing her neck and she moans..."Then dont..." She says moans under her breath in a soft needy plea. I growl and place a kiss on her pulse point. 

But before i can even do anything, there is a knock on the door. I groan and hang my head in her neck..."Who is it?" I ask trying to make myself sound as normal as possible. "It's Scott...I was told to come get you for the first dance." He says but thankfully stays on the other side of the door... "Tell him to go away..." Vi whines as she starts fumbling with my pants. "Fuck, princess... So needy..." I growl softly in her ear as i can feel her hand reach her intended target and starts moving up and down making a low guttaral growl escape me again. 

We will be right there just helping Vi fix something on her dress..." I say, my voice hoarse and i close my eyes as my dick grows hard in her hand. the pleasure building making me breathe heavy... It stays quiet for a second. "Do you need help?" Scott yells through the door and i roll my eyes... I love my brother burt right now he needs to fuck off... Vi giggles but never stops moving her hand. "NO! I got it..." I say suppressing a moan. 

We can hear Scott leave and i growl and kiss the skin in her neck again making her moan... I grab the skirt of her dress pushing it up which is a bit of a hassle as it is so big. I finally have access and groan..."No underwear...bad little princess..."  I growl with a smirk on my face... She chuckles and i hoist her up pinning her between me and the wall, her legs wrapped around my waist as i slam into her not giving her time to adjust... She moans and gasp at the same time. "This is gonna be quick princess..." I growl before kissing her hard. "Fuck Chris... Just fuck me already..." She moans as i thrust up into her quick and hard my hand finding her clit rubbing it to make her come with me... I can feel myself being almost there. After almost 2 and half months of not being inside of her... To now feel her around my dick, her walls pulsing and squeezing me hard is fucking heaven... It really doesn't take long before i can feel myself twitch as her walls tighten around me her hands grabbing me where she can. "Oh fuck..." She moans "Gonna come... Chris..." She whimpers. I kiss her again thrusting a few more times up into her before we both find our release. She buries her face in my neck to muffle her moans...

We catch our breath before i put her down softly and kiss her again. "Did i hurt you?" I ask and she looks at me with a smile as she pulls me in for another kiss. "No Mr. Evans, you did not hurt me... That was... long overdue. We both where not willing to wait any longer..." She hums. I chuckle and kiss her again. I help her clean herself up and put her dress back right and my pants back on that had fallen down to my ankles during all of it. "You do look absolutely stunning love... Like a real princess..." I whisper as i twirl her around and pull her into me kissing her... She smirks at me and before we walk out of the room, she whispers in my ear..."All for you my dear husband... So, i can be your princess all day and night..." I groan but compose myself taking her hand and we walk to the wedding planner who is waiting at the door of the room where everyone will be for the rest of the party, to eat drink and dance.

We get announced and walk into the room holding hands and everyone is cheering and clapping. I can see Vi is blushing, due to all the attention. So, i pull Vi onto the dance floor for our first dance. I twirl her around and she smiles that beautiful smile at me. That smile that can light up any room. I pull her in my arms and slide around the dance with her. She lays her head on my chest and lets out a sigh. She looks up and i can't resist, lean down and give her a little kiss making everyone cheer again. I look at her grinning as we pull apart and she matches my grin with ease. "Are you happy Mrs. Evans?" I whisper and she looks me in the eyes. "So happy Mr. Evans" 

Soon everyone joins us on the dance floor until dinner is served and everyone goes to their appointed seats...The seats we spend hours on to figure out where to sit everyone. I chuckle and shake my head as i see Cecile sitting with Mackie as Vi had put them together.  

Vi had no idea what dinner would be as i wanted it to be a surprise. I had arranged her favorite chef to cook our wedding dinner. When we were in our little bubble, she was religiously watching his cooking shows... She freaks out when he comes up to us to great her "You got freaking Gordon Ramsey to cook our wedding meal!" She squeals punching me and i have to hold her hands as she is surprisingly strong... He walks over to us and i have never seen Vi like this... Her hands grabbing my arm as she is trying to contain her excitement shaking me. "I did..." Is all i say smirking at her. She is so adorable totally freaking out. 

I dont know how she did it but after her little talk with Gordon she has managed to rope him into a cooking class. Before he leaves to go back to the kitchen i shake his hand and thank him for everything. He grins, "Thank me again when the bill comes" I laugh and shake my head. "Seeing her smile makes it all worth it" He wishes us all the luck in the world and leaves to go back to the kitchen. 

We make the rounds and are now sitting at the table with Scott, Steve, Seb, Mackie, Scarlet, Colin and Cecile..."Did you manage to fix the dress?" Scott asks all of a sudden and Vi almost chokes on her drink. I cant help but laugh patting her back to make sure she was okay. "Yeah i dont think there was anything wrong with the dress, Scott..." Cecile says smirking at us shaking her head as she picks up by our reactions what really was happening. I just smirk as Scott yells an "Oh gross, i didn't need to know that!" and both me and Vi start laughing. 

When dessert is served, we are back at our own table. Scott stands up and gets everyone's attention as he is going to hold his best man speech. He would never tell me what he wrote so i am bracing myself for what is to come. He promised me to not mention the events of the past as Vi didn't want it to be acknowledged even though she did in her speech but i guess she had control over what she was saying about it. I just hoped Scott respected that wish.  

Vi was just smiling at him holding my hand and God she looked so gorgeous i can't help but stare forgetting everyone around me. 

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