Chapter 98

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Vi pov...

"Oh god what if it doesn't fit anymore..." I sigh and look at Cecile. We are at the dress store 2 weeks before the wedding. Chris is at home with Storm and i had to do my best to not check up on him every 5 minutes. It was not that i thought he couldn't handle it, i was just anxious being away from my baby for the first time, even it was just for a few hours. 

"Sweetie that is why we are here... If it doesn't fit anymore, which i highly doubt because damn girl, look at you... But if it doesn't fit, they can fix it." I look in the mirror, i have been working on getting my body back in shape wanting to fit in my wedding dress. "I dont get why i am so nervous for this wedding... I mean... We are already married..." I sigh. Cecile smiled at me and walked over hugging me tight. "You are nervous because you will be the center of attention..." I chuckle. I was about to say something when the consultant walked in holding the bag with my dress. 

I tried it on and looked in the mirror. "Vi you look so beautiful. Chris won't know what hit him." I chuckled and looked at myself with tears in my eyes. While the consultant gave us a little moment to ourselves i had a mini breakdown. I dont know if it was from seeing myself in the gorgeous dress or that i couldn't believe this was my life.  In the last two years, i have gone from thinking Chris was an absolute asshole... To the love of my life... Things went quick from there. I got married quick, got pregnant quick... But God it was worth it. Over the last year i had some very low points but the high point far outweighed them... Making the low, low points just a distant memory. 

"I dont know why i am crying" I said sobbing as Cecile hugged me tight. She chuckled, "It has been a hell of a year Vi, that's why." I pulled back and wiped away my tears. "Granted some parts where hell but damn it has been a great ride for most of it..." I whisper. Cecile chuckled. "Oh, by the way i seated you next to Mackie..." I said smirking at Cecile, and she turned bright red. I laughed and she swatted my arm. "Who knows maybe it is your wedding next" I said winking at her. She rolled her eyes and i was to say something else when the consultant walked in making me bite my tongue. 

There were only minor adjustments needed on my dress, that she could do on the spot. While she was working on it, Cecile and i talked like we always did. It was nice having a girly moment with her again and i realized how much i missed this. No shop talk, just girl talk. 

After the dress was finished and i could take it home. I called Lisa asking if i could bring the dress there, knowing Chris couldn't resist peaking. I know it's a stupid superstition... The more because we were already married but with the year we had, i wanted nothing to jinx us. Just in case. I could hear Lisa laugh and she said it was okay and to bring it on over. 

Cecile and i left the store and drove to Lisa's house where we had lunch with her before i dropped Cecile of at home and went home myself. 

I walked through the door and the dogs didn't greet me like they usually would do. The house was quiet... To quiet, so i walked to the living room... No Chris.... I found him in the nursery sitting in the chair Storm on his chest both fast asleep the dogs at his feet guarding over them. I take a picture and smile thinking about the first time the dogs met Storm and how instantly the bonded and accepted him. 

I gave Chris a quick kiss on his lips and he stirred. A smile appeared on his face, but his eyes still closed so i kissed him again. He opened his eyes and i smiled back at him. "Welcome back momma." He said smiling. "Did you have fun?" He asked. I nodded and kissed him again. Chris stood up and put Storm in his crib. I looked at our little boy and smiled. "Did everything go okay?" I asked him still looking at a sleeping Storm. "Other than missing mommy, we did okay." Chris said and i looked at him and smiled. I wrapped my arms around his waist laying my head on his chest. "I missed you guys to." Chris chuckled and put a finger under my chin kissing me softly.  "Now show me the dress." He said smirking. "Can't it is at your mothers..."  I said smiling and he pouted making me roll my eyes. 

We walked to the living room and i told him about my day. He told me about his and i was happy to hear he had no problems being alone with Storm. Not that i had expected it. Chris loved everything that came with fatherhood. Getting up in the middle of the night... No problem. Diaper changes... No problem. He was an amazing father from the minute we found out i was pregnant and i was so, so lucky to have him. 

He sat down, pulling me with him and kissed me passionately and God i wanted him. Officially i had been cleared by the doctor a few days ago but i had talked about it with Chris and i wanted to wait... I wanted to wait for our wedding night to make it somewhat more special. Maybe it was silly or stupid but i just liked the idea. Chris had no problem with it, telling me it was up to me. I set the time frame, and he would understand if i wasn't ready. I was ready, God i was ready my body screamed for him but i wanted to wait for our wedding night so i pushed through it. 

"Love if you keep moving and kissing me like this we aren't going to wait until the wedding night..." He growled. I leaned my forehead against his and took a deep breath. "You're right..." I gave him one last kiss and he groaned as i got off his lap. He grabbed my hand pulling me back kissing me again hard. Right then Storm started crying. "Saved by the cry..." I said smirking.

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