Chapter 85

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Chris pov... 

We are having dinner at ma's with the whole family. Vi is laughing with my sisters and ma, while Scott is staring daggers at me. I sigh, maybe i should have talked with him after dinner... Even though Vi asked me not to, i had pulled him aside and asked him to stop pestering Vi for the gender of our baby... That we weren't going to tell him. That Vi and i agreed on keeping it to ourselves. He called us selfish and that we owed him for bringing us together... I thought he was joking at first... I quickly figured out he was serious as he looked at me with his arms crossed in front of him. A stubborn look on his face... 

I couldn't help but ask if he was going to use that line every time, he would not get his way with us... He told me he only wanted to know to find the perfect gift. I know it wasn't the reason, he was holding something back. I sighed... Telling him that was not a good enough of a reason... If only because Vi hated the whole blue is for boy's pink is for girl's thing....  That Vi and i had talked about it and that we weren't going to ask for gifts... But instead, will ask for donations to a few charities we had chosen... One of them being Christopher's haven and the other a shelter for single mothers coming out of abusive relationships...

He wouldn't budge, basically throwing a temper tantrum and i had enough. I told him we wouldn't tell him and that was that. He had stomped out of the room and i just thanked god that Vi was oblivious of the drama, knowing she wouldn't like it... Even more so because she asked me not to... I at first wanted to respect that request but when Scott had asked her out to lunch again and i could see the panic in her eyes. She was hesitant to go and was thinking of excuses not to... I just felt like i needed to step in. 

After dinner was finished ma asked me and Scott to help her with something upstairs and we followed her both of us ignoring each other.

She walked to the guestroom and closed the door behind us. Scott and i looked at each other annoyed but above all confused on what she wanted us to do here... "Wanna tell me what is going on with you two?" She said placing her hands on her hips looking at me and Scott with a stern look on her face... Both of us looking to the floor like we were little kids again. Just when we were kids, we kept silent... "I know you are both grown-ups... But i am still your mother... You better speak. Or i will tell Vi and Steve that you are both grounded and are not allowed to leave..." She says annoyed and i want to laugh as the idea alone is hilarious but the look on ma's face tells me not to... 

"Chris?" She said as both of us stayed silent. I look at Scott who is looking away and i let out a sigh... "I told Scott to back off from Vi. He keeps pressuring her into telling him the gender of our baby... Now he is mad and thinks me and Vi are selfish..." I mumble and Scott rolls his eyes... "Scott?? is this true?" Ma asks him and he scoffs... 

"I dont see what the big deal is... Why they just dont tell me, it's like they dont trust me..." He almost yelled throwing his hands up in the air. "Scott... It is not about trust..." Ma said and he scoffed again... "Are you not annoyed about it? Carly told you every time..." He said looking at ma. "It is their decision Scott, just as much as it was Carly's decision to tell... And no, i dont mind... Am i dying to know... Of course... But i think it is nice that the want to keep it a surprise..." She says and Scott rolls her eyes and i see ma is getting annoyed at his behavior and is about to scold him so i sigh and step in...

"Scott... The reason we are not telling is that we just want something for us... With everything coming out about the kidnapping, her being pregnant...We just want something for us and i am sorry if that hurts you, but we are not telling. Everyone has to wait until the baby is born. We enjoy our little bubble. We are not budging..." I say and he crosses his arms in front of his chest. I groan as i just want to smack him for acting like a child that does not get his way... "Its just not fair..." He said looking at me and i am confused... "Sorry but i dont see how not telling you is not fair... It is Vi and mines baby... Not yours..." I say and he huffs... "There was a time where she would tell me everything and now... Now she is keeping secrets. Our relationship has changed since she is with you..." He says and there it is... We have finally come to the root of the problem... 

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