Chapter 127

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Vi pov...

I wake up really early. Chris and Storm are still asleep. I slip out of bed and put on some clothes. I make my way to the kitchen to make Chris some breakfast. When i am almost done i can feel two arms wrap around my waist, his freshly showered delicious scent surrounding me. I turn around in his grip and pull him in for a kiss. "Are you excited for your first day?" 

"Just a little tense..." He hums as his hands roam my body. I smirk and start pushing him back until he hits the counter with his back. "Well, Mr. Evans let me see what i can do about that." I hum as i sink down on my knees pulling his sweats and boxers down with me.

He groans as i wrap my hands around his dick and slowly start pumping him up and down looking up at him and licking my lips. With the tip of my tongue i trace the thick vain on his cock and he groans gripping the kitchen counter his knuckles going white. "Fuck" He moans as i kiss his tip and run my tongue around it. I can't help but look up and smirk.

God i love sucking his cock... The feeling of having him fall apart under my touch... The way he throws his head back when he is giving in to the pleasure. The little grunts and moans, the way he says my name as he praises me. God i love it.

I let my tongue run up and down his shaft teasing him before i wrap my lips around his cock and start bobbing my head up and down. I hollow out my cheeks and take him in deep and hum making him curs under his breath. "Fuck such a good girl..." He groans and i can feel his hand grab my hair. He pulls on it and i groan making him involuntary buck up his hips, the tip of his cock hitting the back of my throat. 

I hold him deep in my throat fighting against my gag reflex, my nose hitting his pelvis. I start moving again bobbing my head up and down. His moans get louder and i can feel his body stiffen and i know he is close. I keep moving until i feel him release in my mouth. I hum and swallow it all looking up at him a smirk on my face. He looks down at me with those dazed out eyes. "Shit sweetheart that was... Fuck..."  He groans. I stand back up and he pulls me in for a kiss and i can't help but smile. "Feeling a bit more relaxed baby?" I murmur smiling in the kiss. He doesn't say anything but just nods smiling. 

I smirk "Cat got your tongue?" I say smiling.  He was about to say something when Storm started to cry. I give him a little kiss. "Go have breakfast, i am going to get Storm ready for the day."  He smiles and as i walk away he gives my ass a little squeeze. 

I walk to Storm and smile as he is standing in his Crib, his hands stretched out for me to take him out. I give him a bath and put him in a cute outfit before walking into the kitchen where Chris is just cleaning up his plate and coffee cup. He takes Storm from me to give him some last snuggles before he needs to go.  He puts him in his chair and walks over to me pulling me in for another kiss. "My ride is here..." He says letting out a sigh as his phone dings. I smile. "Go baby, have fun...Storm and i will be fine. Robert is coming to pick us up around 10. I promise to let you know if something is wrong." He smiles and gives me a kiss. "Have fun and say hi to him from me." I nod and after Storm and i get one more kiss he walks out the door. 

I sigh as i watch him walk out the door. I dont like that he is so worried but i think i have a solution for it. I just have to talk to Robert about it. I make breakfast for Storm and eat something myself. After we both have eaten, and Storm is on the ground playing i clean the kitchen and let the dogs in the backyard.

It's about 9.30 when the buzzer from the gate goes off and i smile as i see Robert trough the camera. I buzz him in and take Storm with me to open the front door. 

"Well, if it isn't my favorite Evans's" Robert says smiling as he walks up to us. I give him a hug and step aside to let him in. Storm immediately stretches out his little arms to go to Uncle Robert and Robert is happy to oblige. I smile as Robert pulls out a gift and handing it to Storm. "Here you go buddy, a gift to annoy your dad." I start laughing as Robert helps him open it and an Ironman toy appears. "What are you trying to do start Civil war 2?" I say smirking. "Well, you have to recruit them young and team iron man is the best choice of course." I chuckle shaking my head. "Do you want coffee?" He nods and i pour him a cup. 

"So, what is the plan for this shopping trip?" Robert asks. I sigh and grab the list. "First thing on the list is a stroller seeing as we left ours, in Boston." I name a few other things on the list and Robert just smiles. "Sorry it is not the most exciting thing to do." I say "Dont be silly i love to spend some time with you and the little man. Besides... La can be a bit daunting... So having someone with you is probably smart..." I smile and excuse myself leaving him with Storm to get my stuff.  

Robert and i get into the car after we figured out how to put the car seat in and Robert drove off. "So, want to tell me why i have the honor of being your shop buddy for the day?" I sigh. "Chris is worried with all the paparazzi here... About me going out with Storm and maybe getting hounded.... Especially in my current state."  Robert looks at me funny and i slap my hand for my mouth turning bright red.  All of a sudden it clicks in his head, and he looks at me smiling. "Nooo..." He says grinning. I start even blushing more. "Another mini-Evans?"  I blush but there is no point in denying it so i nod. "But it is still really early..." I start to say. "Dont worry honey i won't tell a soul. How far along are you?" I sigh "only 6 weeks, we found out just yesterday."  I say smiling. "Well congratulations honey." He says smiling.  

We arrive at the baby and kids store and Robert carry's Storm as we walk in. First, we walk to the strollers and i grab the one Chris and i had our eye on. Before we shop any further i go and pay for it so we can use it immediately. Shopping with Robert is fun, he goes all out to make Storm giggle and smile while i browse for clothes and everything else i needed. 

After arguing with Robert over the fact he wanted to pay and i wouldn't hear of it we compromise by saying he would buy lunch. 

We arrive at the restaurant and if i thought Chris got special treatment Robert even gets more. With his charming personality he has everyone wrapped around his finger. After they clear a table for us in a somewhat private part of the restaurant, we look over the menus. 

"Robert..." I said taking a deep breath and he looks up at me from his menu. I was wondering if you could get me the phone number of Mark who did our security. He looks at me surprised but nods. "Everything okay?  I thought your ex-husband has passed away?" Robert says looking at me worried. "He has..." I say nodding. 

I explain to him that Chris really is worried to a point he dreads going to work and to give him peace of mind i wanted to hire the guys again for the time i was here in LA.  "I know Chris was playing with the idea of security... i overheard him talking to Megan about it but he hasn't brought it up. He is scared i will reject the idea." I say and Robert smiles. "I will set up a meeting for you tonight." He says and i let out a little sigh of relief... "Thank you..."  I say blushing. 

After lunch we walk out of the restaurant and what Chris is scared of happens. A horde of paparazzi hounding us asking the most ridiculous questions. Why am i out shopping with Robert instead of Chris... Is my marriage over... Have i cheated on Chris with Robert and the questions keep coming. Thankfully we are parked nearby and after Robert put Storm in his car seat and we both got in we drove off. "Chris was not wrong..." I say letting out a sigh... "The paparazzi here is ridiculous." 

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