Chapter 90

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Vi pov...

Dinner with Scott and Cecile had gone great, and both were honored to be chosen as godparents. Chris and i smiled as they were already talking about spoiling our baby. The night was fun, having a laugh and at the end of the night all 3 where drunk. I couldn't help but laugh at their antics. The karaoke machine got pulled out of the dust and all 3 sang their hearts out while i filmed. I just laughed, sometimes almost peeing my pants. I secretly posted a little clip of Chris and Scott singing on Chris his Instagram account, making Cecile and i almost roll over laughing as Chris his phone blew up. 

He didn't have a clue too drunk to notice. I took their car keys away insisting they would stay the night. And after they all went to bed, i quickly cleaned up so i wouldn't have to do that in the morning. When i was done i crawled next to Chris in bed who immediately let me crawl against him wrapping myself around him like i did every night. 

I woke up before them and made breakfast going all out and first to wake up was Cecile. It was nice having some girl time. Chris was next coming in the kitchen groaning and complaining he was getting too old for this, making both me and Cecile chuckle. I handed him a bottle of water and some Advil before poring him a cup of coffee.  All of a sudden, we heard Scott yell from one of the guestrooms and Cecile and i immediately doubled over laughing as we knew why he was yelling. 

"Have you seen this?" Scott said to Chris pointing at his phone. "Seen what? " He groaned back still in a hangover daze. Scott played the little clip i had posted and showed it to Chris. "What the..." He yelled looking at me and i had to run to the toilet to not pee my pants. 

I walk back into the kitchen looking at Chris who smirks at me. "Payback is coming love." Chris said with a grin on his face and i stuck out my tongue to him. "Well, your fans love her for sure now... They comment to hand your Instagram over to her." Scott said showing me the reactions making me chuckle. 

After breakfast Scott and Cecile go home and Chris and i have a lazy day hanging on the couch. Chris watches a game while i read a book. I love days like this...Each of us doing our own thing but still wanting to be around each other.

3 days later Chris had taken off to the studio to record again. I was going to pick up Scarlet from the airport with two guys from the security company. Chris had insisted i bring them to pick Scarlet up. He wanted me to bring them tomorrow when we would go shopping for dresses to. He knew that Scarlet and all the girls together would attract attention and Chris just want to be safe rather than sorry. I was getting bigger and moving around got harder. With my due date coming soon, the attention from the paparazzi had gotten worse. So, like Chris had said better safe than sorry.

I open the door as the security team text me that they are at the front door. I immediately smile seeing Nick and Leon....I hug them, and they are caught off guard. I immediately get emotional and apologize. "No need to apologize Mrs. Evans." Leon says and for a moment i think i see a tear in the corner of his eye. "Oh, for fuck's sake after all we have been through together call me Vi." I say and they nod. 

We still have an hour until we have to leave so i invite them in and give them a cup of coffee. We talk about everything that happened and they keep apologizing. I tell them they have nothing to apologize for... "You guys got shot so i dont want to hear it" I say waving their apologies away. "He would have gotten his hands on me one way or another. I am just glad you guys are okay and still alive" They smiled and nodded but the smiles didn't reach their eyes. "Listen and listen carefully because i can still see the guilt in your eyes" I look at them as sternly as i can, to make my point come across. "There was nothing you could have done... You guys were lucky to get away with your lives..." I sigh pushing away the emotions bubbling to the surface. "If anyone has to apologize it is him..." I look at them hoping my point comes across. "I am here... I am alive... and please... let's move on dont let him win because that is what he wants and i am not giving him the satisfaction..." They finally smiled a real smile.

It was time to go, and we drove to the airport. Strange as it sounds everything that happened created a bond and we talked all the way to the airport. Leon told me about his own kids and that his wife was pregnant again. He shows me pictures and they are so cute. Nick has proposed to his boyfriend and are getting married next year. I make a mental note to make sure to send them both gifts as the baby is born and a wedding gift for nick.

They walk with me through the airport, and we wait for Scarlet. I smile as i see her and she runs up to me wrapping me in a big hug. "It is so good to see you" Scarlet says smiling as she places her hand on my belly. "How is the little one doing?" She asks. "Not so little if you ask my bladder." I say smiling and Scarlet chuckles. "Yeah, i remember that." She says and we both giggle. We walk out of the airport arms linked together followed by Nick and Leon.

The drive home we catch up. I smile as Scarlet talks about a new project she is working on, that is going to be amazing just by hearing her talk about it. We arrive at the house and i thank Leon and Nick. We hug and they tell me i will see them tomorrow. Scarlet and i go inside and she is immediately greeted by the dogs jumping all over her. She gets down giving them the attention they crave and after that i show her to her room. Scarlet had said she would be happy to stay in a hotel but i wouldn't hear of it. Why have this big house with all those guestrooms, if they are never used. I show her the nursery, and she smirks as she looks around. "Damn i had hoped by seeing the nursery i could tell if it is a boy or a girl" I laugh and smirk. "Nope all natural tones..." I say still smirking as Scarlet looks around again. Little did she know i had hidden the items that had his name on it. Chris and i finally had found a name we both liked. They were in a closet locked away so nobody but me and Chris could reach them.

We order lunch and after it arrives, we sit down in the kitchen to eat. We eat and talk and laugh and we have no idea of time until Chris walks through the front door. He hugs and kisses me before walking over to Scarlet hugging her. "What do you say i take you girls out to dinner tonight." He says smiling at us. Scarlet and i look at each other and nod and Chris tells us to get changed while he makes reservations. "Sushi?" He asks and both Scarlet and i look at him weird. 

"Uhm what am i supposed to eat at a sushi restaurant?" I ask him and Scarlet chuckles as we can see his brain starting to work. "Shit yeah, sorry..." He says blushing. "Maybe ask the pregnant lady what she is craving..." Scarlet says winking at Chris. He smirks and looks at me. "No... no... Scarlet is our guest. She gets to choose." I say and Scarlet smirks "Nope pregnant lady trumps guest..." She says smirking back at me and i roll my eyes. "Will someone make a choice!" Chris says laughing. Scarlet walks away to get changed leaving the decision to me. Chris looks at me raising his eyebrows as he waits for an answer. "I really crave pasta..." I say blushing. Chris smiles. "Italian it is then..." He says happy i made a choice and he calls the restaurant.

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