Chapter 35

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Chris pov. 

I had just sat down with Megan to talk about the press tour i was going on in a month or 2 when my phone dinged and i saw a message from Vi. I opened the text and my heart sank and i was confused at the same time. Can you call me... your girlfriend just walked in. I am sorry Megan i have an urgent call to make. 

I walked out to find a private spot and immediately called Vi. She answered and i could hear in her tone of voice that she was on the verge of a breakdown. She explained what happened and i told her i was on my way home. I couldn't believe my ex had the audacity to walk into my house and i couldn't believe i was this stupid by not changing the code to the gate.  "Megan i need to go home. Katelyn showed up at the house and just walked in... My girlfriend is alone at home." I say feeling panicked. "So, it is true... You are seeing someone new." She said smiling and i nod... "Yes, and can we please reschedule... I really need to go home to make sure Vi is okay and get Katelyn out of my house and my life." I sigh and she nods... "Yeah sure go... go... Let me know if there is anything i can do." I nodded and ran to my car. 

Vi pov

"Chris is on his way..." I said to the woman i learned was Katelyn. I now knew where i recognized her from. She was some actress who played in a few horror movies. She was up and coming...not as famous as Chris but getting there. I never watched them as i dont like horror movies. "So how do you like working for Chris?" She says a smug smile on her face. I dont answer not knowing what to say. "Hello?" She says waving her hand in my face. "I..i d.dont work for him..." I manage to get out. 

"Then what are you doing in his house?" She says as she stands up her hands on her hips. "I... We... we are dating..." I say in a small voice and i have to admit i am not even convincing myself of that fact... She laughs, she just laughs.... "YOU...and Chris... Are dating..." She says making it sound as it is the most ridiculous thing ever. I just nod. "YOU..." She says again laughing as she points at me. "God i have to give it to him..." She says rolling her eyes... "Listen honey..." She says walking up to me getting in my face and i freeze again on the spot... "Aaaaahw Sweetheart..." She sighs shaking her head... "God i feel bad for you... But YOU and Chris... It is not real... He is just dating you to get to me... Chris and i had a little argument the last time we spoke... But we had them before he always comes back to me... You are nothing more than a seat filler. The sooner you get that in that average head of yours, the better. You only end up getting hurt. I am doing you a favor sweetie..." She says in this nauseating sweet tone but her whole demeanor was anything but sweet.

Dodger and Lulu step in front of me and growl as Katelyn walks up to me. She looks at the dogs and pulls a face. "God damn dogs... Can you make yourself useful and put them outside?" She asks in an annoyed tone. "No i dont think i will..." I answer not wanting them gone feeling a bit safer with them here knowing she doesn't like them and they dont like her. 

All of a sudden, the front door swings open and Chris walks in. Katelyn's eyes light up. "Chrissy!!" She squeals and walks over to him wrapping her arms around his neck and before he can even react plants a kiss on his lips. I look away not wanting to witness this and internally preparing myself for the rejection that is about to come. Waiting for the words in which he will send me home and that he wants to go on with her. But instead, he pushes her away... and hard. 

"What the hell Katelyn!" He yells and when i look at them he looks angry... Really angry... It scares me a little bit even if i know it is not at me... "What the FUCK are you doing in my house." He growls... "Chrissy..." She says in a sweet voice batting her eyes at him. "I am here because i missed you..." She says pouting... "We have broken up...!" He yells at her. I am still standing there feeling like i shouldn't be here for this conversation. "Come on we worked through our little problems before." She coos... He scoffs... "So cheating on me is a little problem?"  He yells...

I feel uncomfortable and i dont want to be here anymore so i quietly leave to the kitchen and walk to the bedroom. I look around the bedroom and finally break down. Even though she is a horrible person, she is right. He needs someone who can keep up with him someone who understands the life he is living. I quickly gather my things stuffing my stuff in a suitcase. I look at the dress i am never gonna use. I dont want it anymore, as i had intended to wear it walking at Chris his arm. I hear more yelling coming from the kitchen and put my hands over my ears as i sink down to the floor totally shutting down. I hate yelling... It brings back so many bad memories and i just shut down... I know it is not aimed at me... I know he is angry at her but i can't help but think the worst... 

I dont know how long i am sitting there, before the door opens and i hear footsteps... Two arms wrap around me pulling me into his lap as he had sat down beside me. "Shhh love, she is gone... I am so sorry love..." He whispers but i dont respond. All i can do is cry and think how right she is. I am not good enough. "Why is all you stuff in your suitcase?" He asks all of a sudden. I dont answer just cry. 

"Oh love... Did you think i would pick her over you?" He whispers kissing the top of my head... I look up and our eyes meet. I just nod... He sighs and shakes his head... "Never... You are my only..." Chris says but i cut him off... "She...she is right... I am not good enough... She said  i am just ordinary... She is right..."  I say between sobs. "Chris i can't do this... I can't just be a seat filler until you find someone who is better adapt to your lifestyle just like she said... I...i wont survive that..." I ugly cry...

"Shhh love, that is not gonna happen... I love you..." He whispers rocking me back and forth in an effort to calm me down. The thought of losing him keeps coming back to the surface and it is getting harder to breath. He seems to notice. "Love... Look at me..." He says in a little bit more a demanding tone of voice and i look at him. "Breath with me... In....and....out. Deep breaths in.....and out. Again, deep breath in.....and out." He keeps doing this until i am finally calm... But i am exhausted and emotionally drained. I can't think straight anymore and i can't keep my feelings straight as they are bouncing all over the place between my own insecurities and some sort of anger towards the rudeness of this woman. But at the same time thinking she was right....

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