Chapter 6

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Vi pov...

It has been a week since i went out with Scott for drinks. 6 nights to be exact,6 nights filled with the dirtiest dreams i ever had. Followed by days where he was continuously on my mind. Scott had been calling but i had told him i was busy not wanting to face him scared that he could see it on my face. Cecile was getting on my nerves today, so i send her home seeing it was quiet and i could handle the store on my own. Cecile didn't question it, too thrilled to have the day off so she could go do something with her friends.

I was in my little photo studio taking pictures of my favorite model Lulu, when the chime of the door sounded. "I'll be right with you!" I yelled as i put my camera away and released Lulu from her outfit. All of a sudden, she started barking and as i looked up i saw Dodger running into the little studio making me freeze on the spot knowing that where Dodger would be, Chris would be. I just prayed that Scott had him for the day. "Hey Dodgie..." I said crouching down giving him some cuddles when i finally unfroze. Lulu started getting excited running to the door and when i looked up, i saw Chris leaning in the door opening. He crouched down giving Lulu attention. Giving me a moment to take a breath and put on my game face. He stood back up and smiled at me. "Hi..." He said awkwardly smiling.  "Hi..." I said back, feeling a blush creep on my face. The memories of the night at the bar still fresh on my mind... I had hoped it had been the booze but seeing him standing there i knew it had been not... God this is awkward... What is he even doing here...

Chris pov.

It's been a week and i couldn't get Vi out of my head, it was driving me crazy. I could still feel the kiss she had planted on my cheek when she had left the bar. Her scent from when i had held her close to me, stopping her was burned into my brain. I could still feel her touch linger from where she had placed her hands on my chest when she turned in my grip. 

God i wished i had kissed her right then and there. I had been walking by the store for the 4th time this week when i finally gathered the courage to go in. The store was empty which helped because when i walked by the day before, it was busy and there was someone else working to. So  i just kept on walking scolding myself for being such a coward. 

As i walked in the store i looked around seeing nobody when i heard her laughing in the back talking to what i guessed was Lulu. I stood in the doorway as she was cuddling Dodger who had run in before me. I smiled observing the scene in front of me, that was until Lulu noticed me and ran over. The black fluffy dog jumped around me and i crouched down giving it some cuddles and scratches. I stood back up and she was now standing to, looking at me. "Hi..." I said feeling nervous. "Hi..." She said back and she appeared nervous to. A blush appeared on her face making her even more beautiful than she already is. 

"I was in the neighborhood and i thought i stop by." I said lying my ass off knowing damn well i drove into town just for this the 4th day in a row... She gave me a small smile. "Okay..." She nodded... "So, what can i help you with?" She asked me and i took a deep breath... 

Okay Chris, this is it... Just ask... if she says no, she says no... But at least you can then push her out of your head. "I was wondering if you wanted to go and get some coffee..." I said scratching the back of my neck. I am so fucking nervous and scared she will say no... "Uhm... I am alone i can't leave the store..." She said blushing even more....

 Well at least it wasn't a no, i thought to myself. "What if i go and get us some coffee and we drink it here?" I ask. She smiled and God it was the most beautiful thing ever... "Make it an iced tea and you got yourself a deal." She chirped i felt a wave of relief wash over me... I nodded smiling at her. "Can i leave Dodger here with you?" I ask and she giggled... God a man would kill for that giggle... She looked at me and smirked. "That depends... Are you going be in a better mood picking him up this time?" She said and i turn bright red... "I uhm... Ye.. Yeah... of course.... I promise." I stutter and she giggles again... "Just kidding... Go we will be here..." 

I pulled down my cap and put on my sunglasses hoping i wouldn't be recognized while i went to get us drinks. I ordered drinks and without any hold ups i went back to the store. I smiled as i walked to the back and saw that Vi had put Lulu and Dodger together and in some outfits taking pictures.  I chuckled as Dodger looked at me that goofy smile on his face. 

"He never likes it when i put him in outfits." I say smirking. She smiles. "Well maybe they weren't the right outfits..." She says smirking. "She is still young, isn't she?" I ask her, pointing at Lulu. "11 months..."  She says smiling. "Still a puppy basically..." I say smiling. I hand Vi her iced tea and our hands touch briefly sending the familiar sparks through my body and for a moment i think she feels it to as she blushes quickly taking a sip. 

She shows me the pictures and i laugh at the ones with Lulu and Dodger dressed up like two angels. "That looks about right..." I say smiling, taking in her scent as she is standing close. "Wait a second..." She says smiling. She walks over to the dogs taking there outfits off. 

"Lulu place..." She says and Lulu walks over to her pillow laying down. She grabs the coffee out of my hand and again that spark... "Go stand over there with Dodger..." She says smirking looking all excited... "Really?" I say looking at her raising my eyebrow. "Really..." She says smirking. "Come on Hollywood, dont go shy on me now." She challenges me putting her hands on her hips looking at me all cute. I chuckle and walk over to Dodger, who looks at me still that goofy grin on his face. 

"Come on loosen up a bit, Hollywood..."  She says smiling as she holds up her camera. "Hollywood... Really... You are going to stick with that?" I ask her and she nods... "Mhm..." She hums giggling and i sigh and sit down with Dodger next to me. She takes picture after picture while i just play with Dodger. At some point Lulu seems to get jealous because she joins us and Vi just keeps taking pictures... 

When she is finally done, it is almost closing time. "I'll show you them in a minute... I am going to close up the store really quick." She says and i smile and nod... "Anything i can do to help?" I ask and she nods... "Yeah, if you could lock the door, that saves me from getting a step stool out to reach the upper lock." She says and I chuckle and take the keys. As she closes the register, i lock up the door. "You always close alone?" I ask as it just doesn't seem save to me... 

"Why... Are you strapped for cash... Is that why you are here... Are you going to rob me Hollywood?" She says smirking and i laugh... "No... I am doing fine...." I say and she chuckles... "Sometimes, not always..." She answers my question shrugging her shoulders. "Aren't you scared that they would rob you?" I say and she sighs and shakes her head... "If they rob me, they will rob me... Having Cecile here won't scare them off.  I think Lulu is more scaring them off than anything else, even tho she is harmless." She explains. I nod and when she is done with the register i follow her to her little studio.

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