Chapter 20

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Vi pov...

I was sitting on the porch watching the dogs run around Chris's backyard. He had to take a work call and had excused himself to his office. I had told him everything, for the first time in a long time i had told someone other than my therapist everything. But now anxiety was setting in... Had i made a mistake by telling him...? He must think i am pathetic, staying with my husband going through that abuse for so long. He was probably rethinking everything. Yes, he said that he was sorry i went through that, but he couldn't still like me, right?  I mean i come with so much baggage what man would want that... I sigh and look at my feet dangling from the porch swing. I felt tired... emotionally drained... I laid back and looked at the sky. 

I could hear footsteps and Chris walking on the porch. "Here you are..." He said smiling. "I was looking for you." He says and i study him. I study him to see if there is a sliver of doubt about me on his face... If there is a sign that i have told him too much to fast... But i can't find it... All i see is him smiling at me... That gorgeous, charming smile... I dont know what it is but when he looks at me like that i feel on top of the world... Now i still have to convince myself that i deserve to be looked at like that...

 I gave him a small smile. "Well... You found me." I whisper and he chuckles before he sits down beside me on the porch swing and pulled me into him. "Wanna tell me what is going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He whispers. I laid my head on his chest. I take a deep breath... "Trust me... You dont wanna know..." I say letting out a sigh. 

"I wouldn't ask, if i didn't wanna know..." He mumbles kissing the top of my head. "I am scared..." I admitted to my surprise. What was it about him, that i just blurt out what is on my mind. "Scared of what?" Chris asked, his tone of voice is worried but not judging... "That i overshared... That it scared you and that you would look at me different." I say letting out a deep sigh and hold on to him a little tighter... Just in case it will be the last time... But i said it... I told him what was going on in my head... I just hope he does not think i am insane... God if my therapist could see me now, i thought to myself. 

"Never love." He whispers and we are silent for a second. "The only thing i think about you, is how incredibly strong you are." He mumbles and i scoff. He sat up and put his finger under my chin making me look at him. "Stop that..." He said giving me a little kiss. "You are strong..."another kiss was planted on my lips. "I am damaged..." I whisper. 

"We all are love. Everybody has something. I dont think differently of you." He says smiling... I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you..." I whisper our foreheads pressed together. All of a sudden Dodger started barking and as we looked up, we saw him chasing the squirrel who indeed looked like he was laughing at Dodger. We started laughing as Lulu joined in and they were now both running around the tree. 

Chris laid back down and i cuddled into him as we watched the dogs run around both of us not saying a word as we just laid there in each other's arms. It was getting colder, and the sky was beginning to get dark. We should go inside Chris whispered as dark clouds started to gather above the house. It where the last few nice days before fall would take completely over and the trees were starting to change color. 

Chris called over the dogs and we went inside. "Can i ask you something?" I say smirking. He looks at me and smiles and nods... "I saw a set up for beer pong yesterday, when you showed me around. Is that always set up?" He nodded. "It's mine and Scott's favorite game to play especially when i have people over.... Why? You wanna play?" He asks with a big grin on his face and i blush... "I never have..." I admitted and i saw a twinkle in his eyes. 

He grabbed my hand and i giggled as he dragged me to the basement. "Well, we have to change that..." He said grabbing some beers to fill the cups. "Isn't it a bit early for beer?" I said smirking. He grinned. "Why have somewhere to be?" He asks, I shook my head. "Nope i am off for the rest of the week." I say smirking and he looked up at me surprised. "What?" I said as he was staring at me. He shook his head while he smiled. "You didn't have to take all week off for me." He says and i giggle... "Dont flatter yourself Evans..." I said smirking. "I did it for me. I barely took time off over the last's years... Not counting the last couple of months... Besides... I pay Cecile very well to work for me.... so, she doesn't mind." I explain. 

Chris smirks. "Okay, let's bring it on then." He says and i chuckle as he explains the game. "That's it?" I ask and he nods... "That's it..." He says handing me the ball. "Ladies first." He says and I throw the ball and it goes in one of the cups on Chris's end. 

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and drinks the beer before throwing his ball also landing it in a cup and i drink. Chris smirks and i throw a ball hitting it dead center in one of his cups and he looks at me. "Are you sure, you have never done this before?" He says looking at me skeptical. "Nope... But i think you have to drink now." I point out. He takes the cup and drinks the beer. He looks adorable as he sticks out his tongue to throw trying really hard to hit one of the cups but missing by allot. I smirk and throw again hitting a cup and he looks at me. I can't help but laugh. "Sorry i really never have done this before..." I say smirking. He mumbles something and i can see his competitive side coming out. 

We continue the game until i have cleared his side first from all the cups making me the winner of the game. "There is no way you haven't done this before..."  He says pouting. I walk over to him and giggle as i snake my arms around his waist. "Nope, never... Just have good hand eye coordination... I guess," I say looking up at him batting my eyes at him. "Want a rematch?" I ask... 

"Hell yeah!" He says and we set the game back up. We play 2 more rounds. He wins the next and i laugh as he does a happy dance. The next round i win and i smirk as he demands another round. 

"Fine..." I say feeling the effect of the booze as we replaced the beer for tequila in the last round. But God i love this... It is fun, it is easy and just what i need after talking about all the heavy stuff... Just something fun to take my minds off of things... I love it as it is fun and just feels so easy... I look at him and grin biting my lip... I feel a little bit adventurous... "Let's play with a twist..." I say smirking. This seems to have peaked Chris his interest and he grins... "What did you have in mind love..." He says as he steps in front of me and wipes a strain of hair out of my face his touch sending tingles through my body.  "Let's play strip beer pong..." I say and his smirk grows. "Deal..." He says and we quickly set the cups back up. 

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