Chapter 51

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Vi pov...

"Chris, can we talk about something." I said taking a deep breath as i finally i had gathered the courage to bring it up. "Sure love, what's up?" He said looking concerned. "Remember that day i went shopping with Scott and your mother?"  I say and he smirks and i know he is thinking about the dress i had bought... "Yessss." He said smirking and i chuckle and shake my head... "Stop thinking about the dress... I want to have a serious conversation..." I sigh and he chuckles... "Wasn't really thinking about the dress... Was more thinking of what i did to you in that dress..." He says kissing me and i groan... 

"Focus... Just for a second please..." I say and he sighs and nods...  "Scott said something that reminded me, that i had to talk about something with you." I say taking another deep breath... I didn't want to chicken out now... "Okay..." He said looking at me unsure. I take a really deep breath and close my eyes just for a second to calm my nerves...

"What i wanted to talk about is..." I say as i am trying to find the words... "Look... We have gotten married really fast and never talked financials... But i wanted to talk about a prenup... I know you mostly do that before you get married... But if you want, we can still do one..."  I said nervously looking at my feet. 

"Nope... Absolutely not..." He said and i look at him as he is shaking his head. "But..." I start to say but he shakes his head again... "Nope not gonna happen... no prenup." He says cutting me off... "Chris..." I said letting out a sigh.  "You have way more money than me... It's not that i dont have anything but..." I say and he cuts me off again. "Love... Listen to me..." He said wrapping his arms around me kissing me. 

"I dont plan on divorcing you... Ever. You are stuck with me... Fooooorever..." He says and i giggle. "So... No prenup and that is the last i want to hear about it." He says and i sigh... "But..." I started to protest. But he shut me up by kissing me. "Is that the reason you haven't used your card?" He asks when we pull apart and i blush... "I know it sounds silly, but i have my own money, Chris. I dont need to use yours." I say and he smiles caressing my cheek... "Love... We are married now, what is mine is yours now to." He says and gives me another kiss... "Fine..." I sighed giving up as he was not budging. 

"Would it make you more comfortable, if we have a joined account where we both put money in for bills and stuff?" He said smiling. I looked up and smiled back at him... "Yes, it would..." I said feeling a little relieved that he was willing to compromise a little. "Well then, we go and get that done and set up." He says, I smiled and kissed him...

"Thank you..." I whisper as we broke apart. "I know it sounds stupid but i just dont want you to pay for everything." I sigh and he smiles... "That is not stupid princess..." He whispers kissing me again and i could feel myself getting tingly all over. Fuck, he knew what that pet name did to me. I know he is using it against me to get me to drop the subject but after coming to a compromise i didn't care. He was just about to take of my top when his phone rang. 

He groaned and i giggled. "Sorry princess, have to take this." He groans annoyed and i chuckled... "That's okay..." I said taking his hand while he answered the phone and i walked him to the couch and sat him down. 

He looked at me confused but continued talking to the person on the other side of the line. All of a sudden, his eyes grew wide when he realized what i was doing. I slowly unzipped his pants and for a moment he froze and as i pulled his dick out. He grabbed my hand shaking his head. But i was feeling naughty and it was his own fault... He set me off with the whole princess comment, so this was my pay back. 

I held his hand in mine keeping it from interfering and let my tongue run up and down his shaft. He coughed to hide his moan and i smirked. "Hmm yeah, i am still here..." I heard him say over the phone as he threw his head back. I took him in deep, my tongue playing with his dick, and he released my hand and bit on his knuckles. With my now free hand i took his shaft pumping him up and down while my tongue played with his tip circling around it. 

"Fuck!" He growls and i internally high five myself... "Yeah uh, no... I dropped something..." Chris said and i hummed, smirking as i looked up and our eyes met. His eyes are dark and filled with lust. "Sorry, can i call you back... I have to clean this up before the dogs get to it." He lies his ass off... The person on the other end probably agreed because Chris hanged up and threw his phone away. 

He grabbed my face and i smirked at him. "Naughty little princess..." He said before kissing me hard. "Well, you better finish what you started..." He growled. "With pleasure..." I moaned and i could feel his hand on the back of my head holding me still as had taken him all the way in deep again. He bucked up his hips fucking my face and i moaned, my pussy already dripping as his grunts filled the room together with my gagging noises. 

God i love to please him and he tastes so good. I moaned and he growled as the vibrations of my moaning made him twitch. "Gonna fill that pretty mouth of yours, princess..." He growled. I squeezed his balls, and he made an animalistic sound before emptying inside my mouth. 

"You better swallow it all, princess... Dont wanna make a mess on the couch." He says breathing heavy a smirk on his face... I sucked him dry and as i pulled off of him i opened my mouth sticking out my tongue showing him what a good little princess i was. "Good girl..." He smirked and kissed me hard. I crawled in his lap and kissed him again. 

"Chris?" I whisper... "Yes princess?" He said smiling pushing a strain of hair out of my face as his thumb caressed my cheek. I blushed i wanted to ask him something else... Something that floated through my mind ever since he started calling me princess. When we had sex like this him being all domineering i had this feeling... This urge.... The urge to just do it, but i didn't know how he would react. So, i had told myself to just ask it when the time was right. But i never could bring up the courage. 

It was worse than talking about the whole money thing. This was intimate, and it could backfire. He could be grossed out and that was the last thing i wanted. "Never mind..." I whisper kissing him again. We broke the kiss, and he cupped my face. "Just ask love... Safe space, remember." He says and i take a deep breath... It was now or never... I nodded... 

"Whenever you call me princess... When we have sex like this... Can i.. Can i... Call you daddy." I ask turning bright red... He smirked his eyes going dark, and he takes in a sharp breath cupping my face with both hands... "You want that princess...?" He said moving one of his hands around my neck. I blushed to a point i was now beyond bright red. I nodded... "You want me to be your daddy, princess..." He asked a big smirk on his face... "Not all the time..." I whisper... "But sometimes..." I whisper so soft it is barely audible... "Say it princess..." He growled his eyes even darker and filled with lust. "Say... it..." He said in a dominant tone of voice his hands now wrapped around my neck his mouth hovering over mine and God it was hot. "Daddy..." I said moaning feeling my core heat up. "Good little princess... Now let daddy take care of you..."

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