Chapter 52

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Chris pov...

I sit in my office talking on the phone with the person i promised to call back, because of Vi her antics. But damn i loved her antics. I had emailed my financial guy telling him i wanted to set up a joined account and he had emailed me back saying he was going to handle it. I had given Vi a credit card from my account, but not once had she used it. I thought she was just anxious using it, but when she had said that we could have a prenup. It became clear that she didn't feel comfortable using it, because of the fact we never really talked about it. 

It was a good thing she had brought it up. After ma and Scott had gone shopping with her and i had talked about it with ma, she suggested that it might have something to do with the fact that she probably was fully depended on her ex-husband. She probably had no financial freedom in her previous marriage with him... I could understand that she didn't want that again. I totally understood that being financially independent was important to her and this meant she also want to pay for stuff... So that she felt like she was contributing and had a say...

It was such a contrast to the whole daddy thing though... I think she wants to be independent in normal life but also wants to feel taken care off... Hence the daddy thing... When she asked i felt exhilarated... That little word going straight to my dick... 

I smiled thinking about a few hours before when she had asked if she could call me daddy and i grinned of what had followed... Me fucking her brains out to a point, she was now sleeping in our bed.  God i loved her... The trust she put in me after everything she had been trough in her life. It amazed me every day and i loved the fact that she felt comfortable enough to have sex with me like that. Sex with her was never dull. One moment it was slow and passionate and loving. The next time she wanted me to use her as a fuck toy, to dominate her and God i loved that to. 

The way she was laying underneath me not even an hour ago her hair wild and a blush on her cheeks as i pounded into her. Not to mention her moaning and calling me daddy, god i get hard even thinking about it. She was so light that i could just throw her around and use her as i pleased. I suppress a groan as my pants get uncomfortable and i have to concentrate on this call. 

I push it out of my mind not wanting to be rude and have to hang up again... To then go to the bedroom and fuck my wife again. The call was tedious and boring, and my mind kept wondering to my naked wife asleep in our bed. My naked beautiful, sexy, gorgeous wife... Fuuuuck i need to stop this, i am acting like a horny teenager. I pushed it out of my mind as best as i could and concentrated on the call. 

The call was finally over and i walked to the bedroom and smiled as Vi was still asleep. The dogs had sneaked in and were cuddled up against her, her arms wrapped around them both. I took off my clothes and climbed in, wanting some cuddle time myself. I had to go away in a few days for 6 days and i was not looking forward to it as Vi was not coming with. She was staying home with the dogs, and it surprised me that i not liked it one bit. I hadn't asked her to come with. I did not want her to feel obligated to go everywhere with me, especially when i would be busy and she would be much more comfortable at home. But damn i was gonna miss her. It was strange i always said i wanted someone who didn't conform to my life... Someone who was independent but with Vi i wanted her with me... She hummed something in her sleep and turned around automatically cuddling into me her face buried in my neck letting out a sigh in her sleep making me smile. 

A few days later it was time to go... Saying goodbye was hard... My car was waiting outside to take me to the airport and i just couldn't stop kissing Vi. I knew she was trying not to cry, to show me it was okay to go... But damn i could see it she didn't want me to go anymore as i wanted to go... But i had signed contracts people were depending on me and i had to go. I kissed her again, "I really have to go..." I murmur... "I'll be back in 6 days." I sigh and she nods... "Already counting down..." She whispered giving me a little smile. "I will call you when i land... I will call you every night." I say smiling. She nodded and i wanted to step away, but she pulled me back in kissing me hard. "I love you..." She whispered and i smiled... "Love you to, love..." I whisper back and kiss her again...

I said goodbye to Dodger and Lulu, telling them to take good care of Vi before i made my way to the car. 

The flight was fine and soon i landed in Atlanta. A driver picked me up and brought me to the hotel i was staying at. I called Vi letting her know i had landed. I smiled as her face appeared on my screen and smiled even more to see Scott was there to keep her company. We talked for a bit and then i had to hang up. I had to get to bed as i had a really early day tomorrow. The 6 days would be extremely busy. I needed to get every bit of sleep i could get, to keep up with the schedule. The upside to it was, that filming would only take 6 days as i didn't have a big role in this movie. 

The 6 days went by pretty quick but i missed Vi immensely. Sleeping alone at night was a pain. I missed her cuddling into me. I missed having her around me... I missed her little ticks, her smile... God i missed everything and i couldn't wait to go back home. Tomorrow was the last day of filming and i would go straight to the airport after the director had yelled cut, not wanting to spend another night sleeping alone. 

I called Vi one last time before i would go to sleep. She looked tired. Scott had told me she wasn't sleeping well. He told me, she missed me to and although i didn't like the fact that she didn't sleep well. It strangely made me happy that she missed me. But today there was something else... She seemed worried. 

"What is wrong love?" I asked her and she looked away from the camera as to not look me in the eye. "Nothing, just missing you..." She said giving me a small smile. "I know love... I miss you to. I'll be home tomorrow. I am coming straight home from the set." I say and she smiled. But the smile did not reach her eyes... I had the feeling there was something she was not telling me...

"Is there something else?" I ask and she shrugged her shoulders... "I dont know... Maybe..." She said letting out a sigh. "Tell me..." I say worried. She took a deep breath. "I have a feeling i am being followed..." She whispered... "A few weeks ago, a guy was taking pictures of me and i brushed it off to being paparazzi... But the last few days i keep seeing this guy and he takes pictures of my car... The other day he was taking pictures of the house. It is just weird..." She said letting out a sigh, alarm bells were going off in my head... "I dont know, it just makes me uncomfortable." She whispers... 

I was at a loss for words even for paparazzi this is strange behavior... "Love... Next time you see him again, can you do me a favor and take a picture of him?" I say and she nodded. "Make sure you lock up the house when you are home and set the alarm..." I say and she nodded again. "I am sorry i am not there, love." I said letting out a sigh. "It is okay, i am probably overreacting." She mumbles and i shake my head... "No love, you're not. If you feel uncomfortable you are for sure not overreacting. Why dont you call Scott ask him to stay with you tonight." I say and text Scott while talking with her, telling him to expect her to text him and to please do as she asks that i will explain later... "I will..." She said giving me a smile. 

We talked a bit more before i had to let her go, but it kept playing through my mind. I didn't like what she told me because if it was paparazzi, they for sure would take pictures of her and not the house and her car... I dialed the number of Megan. I told her what Vi had told me and she promised to dig around to find out what it is about. I hung up and tried to sleep but that was not easy as i was worried about Vi. She texted me and let out a sigh of relief that Scott was coming over making falling asleep a bit easier.

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