Chapter 56

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Chris pov...

I am sitting at the breakfast table looking at my breakfast but i am not hungry. My sisters had gone home last night but Scott and ma stayed over. Ma had made breakfast but neither i nor Vi where hungry. Vi was sitting next to me playing with her food pushing it around on her plate, her head resting on my shoulder. That i had noticed since yesterday... She had always been wanting to be somehow connected but now even more... As if she was scared if we were not touching one of us would disappear... She had showered and was dressed in hoodie of mine and some of my sweatpants. It was way too big for her, but she was comfortable and that is all i cared about... 

She was here, but her mind was not. My sweet bubbly wife is just a ghost... All of a sudden, she stood up and ran away... Ma and i looked at each other confused. I got up and went to look for her. I found her hunched over the toilet throwing up. I sigh and kneel beside her pulling her hair out of her face and rubbing her back as the few bites she did eat came back out again. I was worried... How long was she going to be able to take this. 

"I am sorry..." She lets out a sigh as she sits down. "Dont be sorry love..." I say caressing her cheek... "I am worried about you. This is not healthy love..." I whisper and she sighs... "I know..." She whispers back and looking down. I help her get cleaned up and we walk back to the kitchen where ma and Scott look at us worried. There is a knock on the door and Vi jumps, every little unexpected sound still scares her so much. Ma walks over and hugs her while i go and open the door, knowing it is the owner of the security company. To my surprise he stands there with a man in a suit. He introduces himself as Mark and explains he went by the police station first he then introduces detective Smith. I let the men in, and we walk to the kitchen and i introduce Scott, ma and then Vi who just nods at them. 

The men explain in order to be as secure as possible they are gonna work together and that there are some things to go over. Ma and Scott excuse themselves and retreat to the living room. The detective sits down opposite of Vi and she looks at him with a blank stare. 

He apologizes for not keeping her informed but explained that they didn't know until they got the call from Megan and that they will do will everything they can to catch him. That even the FBI is helping as is normal with escaped prisoners but that he will be our contact... 

He tells us that for now they dont even know if he is in Boston, it seems like he has vanished. "You should check out his uncle..." Vi whispers and the men and i look at her a little surprised... "They always where close and he has the financial means to help him with anything he wants." She mumbles... The detective nods and i kiss her cheek happy she is talking to them, hoping it will help. 

"So, we checked the security footage you sent us from around the house..." Mark said pulling out a photo. "Is this the guy you kept seeing?" He asks. Vi nods as she looks at the picture and Mark gives it to detective Smith. "You said he was taking pictures of your car and the house?" He asks and Vi nods again. I hold her hand as she starts to shake. "Okay, we need you to park your cars inside from now on after we check them thoroughly for trackers and other things..." He says taking a deep breath before he continues... "I would also prefer, if you guys dont drive anymore but let one of my guys drive you around. They will be with you anyway. That also will go for the other family members cars and personal security will be provided." He explains. Vi mumbled something. "What is it love?" I ask and she shakes her head. 

"Mrs. Evans..." Detective Smith said taking a deep breath looking a little worried of what he was going to ask next. "I know it might be tough but i have the file of what happened in the past, with me... I was wondering if you feel up to it, to go over it with me. So i can get an idea how this idiot thinks. I know it may be hard and if it will be easier i can arrange a female detective to come..." Her starts to say but Vi cuts him off... 

"It's fine... Let's get it over with." She mumbles... He nods and opens the file and i have to swallow as a picture appears of Vi laying in a hospital bed almost unrecognizable. "At any moment you need a break just tell me..." He says giving her a comforting smile. She nods and looks away from the picture. "Can you please turn the picture upside down..." She whispers a pained look on her face. "Of course... Sorry..." He says turning the picture around. It takes everything in me to keep it together... I knew it was bad from what she told me, but it looked even worse. 

He asks her questions about her marriage and what happened after they split. My stomach turns a few times but i manage to keep it together holding her hand rubbing my thumb in circles to comfort her. A mugshot appears from the ex-husband and i feel anger rise inside me and Vi looks away not even able to look at the picture... She starts shaking and the detective quickly puts the picture away. 

We finally end the interview and come to the part of security. The detective hands us a box with personal alarms for me, Vi and the rest of the family. There is a knock on the door and Scott appears. "I am sorry... Steve called, he landed and i am going to pick him up." Scott said. Mark looks at him. "Outside is one of my guys... He will drive you..." He says and Scott looks at me and i nod. Mark pulls out his phone and makes a call. "My guy is up front. He will meet you at the door." Scott nods and says goodbye. 

We end the interview, and the detective says goodbye to Vi and i walk him out. "We will find him Mr. Evans..." He says before he walks out. "I hope so... I dont know what i will do if something happens to my wife." I confess... He nods and walks out. I close the door and walk back in the kitchen. Vi is talking with Mark, asking him if she can meet his staff. Just so she knows who's who and doesn't get surprised by faces she doesn't know. He agrees and suggest that the team taking care of us will come by to introduce themselves with him tomorrow. I nod and agree not wanting anymore surprises. Vi stands up and excuses herself and as she walks off, i ask ma to check up on her. 

I look at Mark. "Robert speaks highly of you..." I say and he smiles... "Uncle Rob is to kind..." He says smiling. "Helped me set up my company when i retired from the navy seals... I owe him a lot." He says and i smiled. "He told me, to tell you... That he was picking up the tab." Mark says and i sigh and shake my head. "He shouldn't have..." I say and Mark shrugs his shoulders smiling. "Well like i said... I owe him a lot, and he likes your wife... So i am afraid there is no way i can say no to him. Besides he gets a family rate, so the costs are minimum just for expenses." He says and i smile and shake my head. 

"I will give him a call..." I mumble. Mark smiles... "Just so you know... He also speaks very highly of you." He grins... I chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I mumble... "Dont worry Mr. Evans we will do everything we can to keep you and your family safe... You have my word." He says. I nod and shake his hand. "Thank you and me Chris." I mumble. 

Before  i show him out, he tells me he will be here tomorrow with the team. They are flying in as we speak, he warns me to not go out and if it is really necessary, he will come with. I thank him again and after i close the door i go look for ma and Vi. I find them in the bathroom. "She has thrown up..." Ma whispers as Vi is brushing her teeth. Ma leaves and as Vi finishes up, i watch her. "Feeling better?" I ask, she gives me a small smile. "Can we take a nap?" She asks. I smile and nod. We crawl into bed. I hold her tight afraid if i let her go something will happen and soon, she is asleep. I watch her sleep for a while until i finally doze off myself.  

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