Chapter 116

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Vi pov...

A few weeks have gone by since i quit my birth control and today i had gotten my period so no joy...We had gotten pregnant with Storm without even trying. So, i was kinda hoping it would not take long, but i guess we had to just keep on trying. I tried to not be sad about it, telling myself we just got started and i had to be patient. I smirk looking in the mirror at the mark in my neck from last night... Not that i am complaining about that part... Chris was all over me without us trying for a baby but now... Every chance he got... He would jump me. The other day we were at Scott's place for a sort of party with some of Scott and Chris's friends, when he dragged me in the bathroom... Fucking me up against the wall. 

My period couldn't have come at a worse time though, seeing as today was Storms first birthday. Chris was getting me some last-minute groceries and picking up the cake together with Scott and Storm. I had told Scott to go with him because the last time i send Chris out for groceries he came back with half the store but not the items i needed. 

Chris and i where also in kind of a battle over what Storm's first word would be Mama or Dada and Storm had been pulling himself up and any day now would start to walk on his own as he now was only walking as we helped him. He was looking more and more like a carbon copy of his dad and Lisa had brought over baby pictures of Chris the other day and it was like i was looking at pictures of Storm. 

I took a quick shower and got dressed sighing as i grabbed a tampon putting it in. I walked into the kitchen starting on the salads and other things for the barbecue. I smiled as i heard the front door open and Scott and Chris walked in Scott carrying Storm while Chris had his arms full of groceries making me groan. "Please tell me you brought the stuff i need to..." I said putting my hands on my hips. "Dont worry..." Scott said smirking walking over to me kissing my cheek. 

"We bought some more decorations" Chris said smirking and i laughed shaking my head. He was so excited for this..."Well while you are going to put them up i will fix the rest of the food for the barbecue". Chris put everything on the counter walking over to me and kissing me passionately. "Ooookay Storm lets go outside Mommy and Daddy are being gross..." Scott says cooing at Storm.  Chris and i smirked as Scott walked out with Storm the dogs following closely behind. I rested my head on Chris his chest and he rubbed my back making me hum as my back was killing me. "What's is wrong love?" I took a deep breath. "Nothing, just gotten my period..." I whispered. "I am sorry love..." He whispered back. "We will just keep trying."  I nodded and he kissed me again rubbing my lower back now making me groan. 

"I am going to help Scott set up decorations okay?" I sighed... "Can you put down Storm for a nap first?" I ask and he nods. Chris grabbed the 4 bags filled with decorations making me chuckle and disappeared into the backyard to go get Storm... I grabbed the stuff i needed and continued with my preparations. 

A few hours later the family all trickled in and i brought all the food into the backyard with Lisa helping me. "You look a little sad sweetheart." Lisa said as we were in the kitchen putting the last finishing touches on the food. I smiled at her. "Just can't believe Storm is one already, time went by so fast." Lisa hugged me and smiled. "Yeah, enjoy it while you can because before you know he is like that..." She said pointing to Chris who was running around with Carly's kids. I laughed as i watched Chris running around. Scott walked in. "Hey, could you call Chris for me to come inside?" Scott took two steps yelling for Chris to come in and i rolled my eyes... "Could have done that myself Scott... You might have woken up Storm..."  I said shaking my head and he turned bright red mumbling a sorry... Just as Chris walked into the kitchen the doorbell rang and i looked at Chris as everyone was already here so i had no idea who that could be. 

"I'll go check." Chris said walking to the front door.  "Scott!! can you give me a hand." We heard Chris yell and Scott walked off to help him. I groan as i these two together are definitely are going to wake up Storm... They came back carrying a big heavy box as they had to carry it together. Chris grabbed the card on top of the box and started reading.  "Happy birthday Dorito jr. here is a little something from your Marvel family... Have a great birthday, love from us all." It was signed by everyone, and Chris signaled for me to come over to open the box. 

I shook my head. "Let's wait until Storm is awake." I said. Chris pouted. "But i wanna know what is in it..." He whined. I chuckled, "Well then go check if Storm is awake already..."  I chuckled as he walked out fast. "You know he is going to wake up Storm, right?" Lisa said smirking. I nodded "Oh yeah, i know... But something tells me with them yelling he is already awake."  

Half an hour later Chris walked in with a still sleepy looking but dressed Storm. Chris together with Storm opened the box... Revealing allot of children's books and some toys, making me smile as it was one of my favorite things Chris did with Storm. Every night he would read to him until he was asleep. 

We put the last of the food outside as Chris thanked everyone in the Marvel group app saying that he can't wait to read them all to Storm. He sent a picture of Storm in his birthday outfit and then walked outside with us. Then it was time to open gifts from the family and i smiled as everyone was gathered around and Chris was super cute opening all the presents with Storm in his lap. 

The rest of the day was great and i was glad that we had decided to not throw a big party. Even though i liked the big party's and seeing everyone...This was amazing, just family, small and intimate.  As Chris, Scott and Carly's husband where grilling. I talked with the girls and Lisa with Storm in my lap. "Mama" i heard a little voice say and i squealed hugging my baby. Chris yelled, "Nooooooo!" He had lost and i hugged my baby. "Yes, baby i am mama...".  

"Mama." Storm said again and i smiled again but wiping away a tear as i was getting emotional.  I smirked at Chris who was pouting but walking over to us starting to smile.  Everybody laughed and i just kept hugging Storm.  "That was not the deal we made buddy..." Chris said kissing his forehead. I stuck out my tongue at him and he leaned in to kiss me... "I am gonna take a rain check on my winnings" I said smirking and Chris chuckled kissing me again. "Deal..." He said before walking back to the grill again with a big smile on his face. 

"Can't believe he said mama first" Chris said pouting and i chuckled. "Yeah, well just like his daddy he is a mommy's boy." Everybody laughed as Chris looked at me shocked. After dinner it was time for cake and Chris and i helped Storm blow out his first candle. 

We cleaned everything up after we had put Storm to bed and the family had gone home. "Can we just lay in bed and watch a movie or something." I said hugging Chris from behind. I was done with the day. My cramps were killing me and all i wanted was to lay down, relax with a hot water bottle.  Chris smiled and nodded taking my hand and we walked to the bedroom. I didn't even make it halfway through the movie before i had fallen asleep exhausted from the busy day. 

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