Chapter 83

522 22 4

Vi pov...

"A boy..." I whisper with tears in my eyes smiling at Chris as the doctor starts to show us. We both have smiles from ear to ear almost splitting our face in half. "Well i dont have to ask if you 2 are happy..." Doc says smirking... "Oh doc we would be happy either way..." I say smiling. Chris keeps kissing my hand and he has tears in his eyes. "A boy..." He murmurs his smile never faltering. 

"I will give you two a minute..." Doc says as he sees i am starting to tear up. Chris stands up kissing me as soon as the doctor has left the room. He sits back down we watch at the screen where a still of our little boy is still up. "He is beautiful..." I whisper. "Just like his mommy..." Chris says kissing my hand again making me giggle. "Little Brady..." He said smirking at me and i rolled my eyes. Chris chuckled and kissed me again. "We could make it Tom..." He said smirking and i shook my head hard... "Nope not gonna happen..." Chris laughs... "What did you have in mind then?" Chris asks me and i shrug my shoulders... "Not really thought about anything yet..." I whisper blushing...

"Vi...?" Chris said smirking, knowing i was lying. I blushed and looked at my fingers. "What?" I said innocently. "Tell me?" He said smirking. Right then the doctor came back in with our ultrasound video and pictures. I smirked at Chris. "This is not over princess..." He growled only for me to hear, and i had to bite my lip to stop a sound coming out as shiver ran down my spine. 

After saying goodbye, we got to the car and drove to my favorite diner to eat. We sat in a booth in the back tucked away... Not that it was really necessary here... Due to Chris coming here for almost his whole his life, people would let us be. Which was nice... But now the subject of names came back up and i smirked at him as he was eager to know what i was thinking of naming our little boy. 

"I was thinking Leo or Archie..." I whisper and he looks at me and smiles. "But i am not having a definite preference yet... It keeps changing..." I sigh at my own indecisiveness. "Dont worry love, we have time..." He says kissing my hand and i sigh... "But what if i can never decide..." I say pouting. "Then we will name him Brady..." H says smirking.  I start laughing shaking my head throwing a fry at him. "NOOO!" I say a little loud and people look at me making me blush and Chris grin. "Seriously... You and your obsession with Tom Brady... Should i be worried...?" I say smirking and he laughs... 

We finish our food and head home. I sing along to the music in the car feeling so happy. We have a boy on the way and i had some nice food... Live couldn't get better. "You happy, love?" Chris asks as he takes my hand in his, which he always likes to do when driving. I look at him and grin..."I just had some good food... How can i not be happy...?" I say smiling knowing that is not what he meant. Chris chuckles. "Oh, to be happy about the little things..." He says smiling. 

"The little things are the best..." I say smiling back... "But some big things make me happy to..." I say smirking and he laughs out loud. "Does it now, and what may that be...?" He asks. I release his hand and stroke him through his pants which makes him growl. He grabs my hand and holds it again. "Naughty girl..." He growls and i giggle... "But you have to behave now... I dont wanna crash the car, love..." I smirk at him but dont push it as i know he is serious and wouldn't forgive himself as he would crash the car and put me and the baby in danger. 

"Chris...?" I whisper and he smirks... "Yes love?" He says and kisses the back of my hand. "I love you..." He smiles as he keeps looking ahead but squeezing my hand a little tighter. "I love you to, love."

We arrive home and i am feeling lazy. So, i cuddle up on the couch with the dogs immediately lying beside me. Ever since they realized something was in my belly, they weren't leaving my side. They were curious to what was going on and both very protective. I could feel the baby started to kick. So, i excitedly called over Chris who came running, thinking something was wrong. I took his hand smiling and he sunk down next to my on the couch as he felt the baby kick or move or whatever it was. He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face. 

"Wauw..." He says as he looks up at me smiling his hand still on my belly the dogs looking at us like we are crazy not understanding what is going on. "Wauw..." He says again his smile never wavering. "There is a baby in there..." He said in awe... I start laughing hard, and he blushes. 

"I mean... I knew there was a baby... But now that i feel it, it is becoming so real." He says smiling while his blush gets bigger. I put my hand on his cheek and leaned in kissing him. "You're adorable..." I whisper kissing him again. The baby kicked again, and we both smiled. "Does it hurt?" He asks. I shook my head totally overwhelmed by this question and his worry and a tear escaped my eye rolling down my cheek. "I am sorry love,  i didn't mean to make you cry..." He said confused wiping away my tears. 

"Sorry good tears... I promise. Just wondering how i got so lucky with a husband like you." I whisper. Chris smiled and kissed me..."Could say the same about you, love..." He said smiling... "Really? you wonder how you got so lucky with a husband like me?" I ask grinning. He was stunned for a moment processing what i just said before starting to laugh. "Yes, i am gonna call you Mr. Evans from now on." He jokes.

I chuckled as i cuddled into him letting out a satisfied hum as he kept rubbing my belly. It felt nice... Just Chris, me and the dogs who were now laying at our feet. I smiled as he leaned down planting a kiss on my belly. "I can't wait to meet him..." Chris said smiling. 

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