Chapter 108

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Vi pov...

We were back to reality, the wedding had been a few days ago and everyone was home again. "Love?! " Chris yelled out for me from his office. I rolled my eyes at him yelling. I walked in and could see he was on a zoom call. "Please dont yell... I just got Storm down for his nap..." I say and he blushes... "Sorry..." He mumbles. "What's up?" I say making sure to stay out of the cameras view because i had no idea who is on the other end. "Megan and i want to talk to you about something." Chris says... I am a bit apprehensive knowing if Megan is involved... It is either really bad... Or they want something that has to do with the press.  I sit down next to Chris and wave awkwardly at Megan. "We missed you at the wedding." I say smiling and she smiles back at me. "Sorry had to take care of work stuff that couldn't wait. I hope you guys got the flowers though?"  I smile and nod. "Yes, they were stunning thank you."   

Megan clears her throat before continuing and getting to the point "Okay i am coming right to the point... Everyone wants wedding pictures...." I look at her stunned. "That is it? That is what you needed me for?" They both look at me a little stunned. "Look i trust you two enough that you respect my wishes to not have Storm recognizable in pictures. Whatever the press wants beyond that... Well i trust you to pick the picture i look decent enough in...." I smirk at them both as they stay quiet. 

"Look i really dont care... Just keep Storm out of the press pictures or make sure you can't see his face... Just a heads up before posting something is enough... Oh! maybe do one of the Dorito t-shirt ones... Chris his fans will eat that one up. Was that all?" They both nod neither of them had said a word. Storm starts crying and i sigh... "Another nap cut short..." I mumble as Storm is having trouble sleeping lately... I kiss Chris his cheek, say goodbye to Megan before telling Chris i am taking the dogs out and taking Storm with me. 

My walk is nice and relaxing. The dogs are walking nicely next to the pram, and it is nice and sunny, Storm is fussing a little as he has trouble falling asleep again. Normally a walk does the trick but not today... "Yes, you are stubborn like your daddy..." I coo to him. When he finally had fallen asleep i walk back to the house. When i come back to the house Chris is sitting on the couch reading. I put Storm in his crib hoping he will stay asleep. I get changed and walk over to Chris giving him a kiss. I remind him i was going to meet up with Leon and Nick for lunch. He smiles wishes me fun and i grab my keys. I smile as i walk out the door once again reminded how amazing Chris is... No jealousy, no telling me no. No fight or gaslighting... Just a have fun...

I walk out the door and drive to the diner. I smile as Nick and Leon are already there. I hug them both after everything that happened... Well, it created a bond and i love these two men. I sit down and look at them both. When i called Leon to set up lunch, he said he would bring Nick to which was fine with me... I just wanted to know what was going on... To see if i could help. I owe these two even if they assured me i did not... We order food and while we wait i look at them both. They are looking back at me all nervous and fidgety. They are looking uncomfortable. 

"So, spit it out... One of you better tell me why you both are picking up extra shifts, working more than usual and couldn't come to my wedding because of it..." I say giving them a stern but playful look as coming to my wedding of course was not mandatory... "Like i said to Leon i thought private security paid good money.".... They blush and look at their fingers i get the idea the dont wanna talk but they promised. 

"Well?" i said getting impatient. "It's because of the medical bills...." Leon whispered. I was stunned, "You mean to tell me with the job you 2 are dont have good insurance...?" 

"Oh, we have good insurance...but even good insurance covers so much..." I couldn't believe it these men got shot because of me and were left behind with debt. "How much?" They both shook their heads, reluctant to tell me. "How...much??!"  I asked again. Nick was the first to look at me... He sighed shaking his head... "Come on... Tell me..." I say and he takes a deep breath. "For me its 134000..." I looked at Leon... He had been worse off, so i guess the bill would be higher and i could understand with 3 kids and one on the way... It was a strain...  "Leon??"  He sighed and mumbled something i couldn't understand. I grabbed his hand..."Please Leon...?"   " 257000." He said hanging his head. I sigh...

Our food came and the plates were put in front of us. My mind is spinning.  I couldn't let these men drown in debt because they were trying to protect me..."Eat up and then we are going." I said. We enjoyed our food and i showed them pictures of Storm and we just had a nice relaxing lunch. After lunch i paid the bill and told them to follow me in the car. 

I drove to the hospital determent to fix this situation... Chris wanted me to spend money... Well i hope he was prepared for me to spend a whole lot of money... I was nervous walking through the hallways of the hospital, on our way to the hospital administration and billing department. I know this wasn't how it would normally work... It was unusual but i didn't care i wouldn't leave after fixing this. 

A sweet looking woman pointed me out to the person going over the billing situation and under loud protest from Nick and Leon i paid the bills. I dont know why they were protesting... What else were they expecting me to do here... We left the hospital and i hugged them both and they thanked me. I said it was only the least i could do... I wanted them to keep their money for kids and in Nicks case his wedding. Time spend with family is more important than having to work yourself to exhaustion to survive. 

I drove home just hoping Chris wouldn't blow up at the fact that i just in 5 minutes spend 391000 dollars... I was so sure when i did it... But now a little bit of doubt set in... I had spent it from our joint account... I had put my own money in a trust for Storm and any future kids for college. Chris and i had decided this after i talked with him about what to do with the money i still had from the settlement as it was just sitting in an account. I used the money i made with the store for bills and such...

I walk through the door and throw my keys in the bowl, Dodger and Lulu running up to me and i get to their level fussing over them. "Where is Chris?" I ask them and they run towards the living room. I smile as Chris is playing with Storm. When he finally noticed i am home, he smiles at me. "Hey look who is back... Ma-ma..." I chuckle. "I dont think he will be saying that anytime soon sweetheart..." I say laughing..."Of course he will, our baby is a genius! Yes, he is... Yes, he is..." He coos at Storm... I chuckle and shake my head. 

I take a deep breath as i know i have to tell him about what i did... God why am i so scared all of a sudden... I still stand behind it and wouldn't change it... But i am nervous to tell him... "I need to talk to you about something..." I blurt out. He looks at me and smiles. "Okay let me put Storm to bed and we can talk without interruptions..." He says winking at me and i give him a forced smile back...

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