Chapter 71

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Chris pov...

I am sitting next to Vi who still hasn't woken up...It has been 3 days and i hadn't left the hospital. Even with my mother and Scott begging to come home for a good night sleep, i wouldn't budge... I was not leaving her. Ever again... The good news was the baby was healthy and strong. All due to her... She had fought like a lioness and protected our baby with everything she got...

They had taken pictures of her, and they wanted to do a rape kit. I said no to that, as the doctors said there was no sign of rape. I wasn't going to let them do a rape kit, not wanting them to violate her anymore then she already had been. I was convinced that Vi wouldn't have want it. Ma stopped by regularly, so did Scott. They brought me clothes and food, but they had given up on asking me to go home, to get some rest. They knew by now it was not going to happen.

The detective told me they had interrogated the bastard, but he wasn't really cooperative and lawyered up. When they had told him he was lucky that Vi and our baby were still alive he had flipped out... Apparently, he did not know she was pregnant... Vi had not told him about the baby... He had screamed and attacked the detective... Screaming that he wanted to kill Vi... That he wanted to kill the bastard baby... That was all they really needed... That he wished he had killed her...  It practically was a confession... That and the fact he was in that basement with her when we found her was proof enough, but we had to see what they needed from me and Vi in the future... We had to see if they needed her to testify...   

For now, he wasn't going back to prison until he had been to court for the escape and everything that followed. They had talked to Nick and Leon and both of them had stopped by Vi's room apologizing profusely. Seeing them both in a wheelchair was an eye opener and i felt guilty for being angry with them at first... i knew there had been nothing that they could have done... The bastard did not give them a chance... He just ambushed and shot them... They got lucky to walk away alive, sort of speak. I know i was angry at first but that had died down and all i was now, is scared.

Scared that Vi wasn't going to wake up. Even though the doctors assured me it was a matter of time... That her body was healing putting all of its energy in it... So much so that for her to be out right now. When her body would be ready, she would wake up. 

Her finger was going to be okay, and they found her wedding band and engagement ring at a pawn shop. That had been his downfall. The security guard there was a police officer working there parttime and recognized him from the briefings. He had called it in and an officer in a plain car had followed him to the disgusting place they had found her in. They had gotten me the rings back, but i couldn't put them back on her yet as her finger was still bandaged up. 

She had scans of her head and there was no brain damage... Her face would heal on its own... There was nothing they could do about that... It needed time... It just looked so bad... She was barely recognizable... They had put her on antibiotics to make sure the cuts on her ankle and arm would not be infected... I had asked if it would be safe for the baby, and they assured me it was... With every decision i had to make about her, i would think about what she would want and did that... So, no rape kit... No putting the baby in danger and no poking and prodding if it was not absolutely necessary... 

A nurse walked in and gave me a little smile as she checked up on Vi. "How is she?" I asked. "She is getting stronger every day, Mr. Evans. It is only a matter of time for her to wake up. We are all rooting for her." She says and i nod... "Thanks...I just need her to be okay." I mumble and she smiles... The doctors and nurses have been great... They are patient with me and i had the feeling they really cared about Vi... I could never thank them enough for all they did for us... 

"She will be..." I heard a voice say and as i looked up Robert and Susan were standing in the doorway. The nurse excused herself and left. Susan and Robert walked over to me hugging me. "Sorry we weren't here sooner... It took some time to get the gang together." Robert says and i look confused... "The gang?" I ask. They both smiled as the nodded at the door.  I stood up and walked to the door and saw them all sitting there... Part of my big Marvel family. Seb, Mackie, Scarlet, Renner, Hemsworth, and Ruffalo... "To be fair we had to wait the longest on Hemsworth as he flew in from Australia." Robert said and i nodded... They all looked at me and smiled walking up to me one for one giving me a hug. I started to cry again flabbergasted by the fact they were all here. "What... How..." Was all i could bring out as i was still in a little bit of a shock. 

"Come on Evans... We are a family and although you hurt us by taking away the joy of seeing you finally getting married..." Robert said joking and grinning.... "Family is there when you need it." He says and i sigh... "I ...i ... dont know what to say." I mumble and look back at Vi. "She is not awake yet..." I whisper.

"We can wait with you. We already have a schedule set up with your family. When i called your mother, she was worried about you being alone here so much. Knowing how you can go into your own head. So, we agreed... You need company so this is how it's gonna be." He said and i knew protesting it would not be smart... I smiled for the first time in a long time. "How is the little bean doing?" Robert asked and i chuckled. Of course, he knew she was pregnant... "Strong...healthy... All thanks to mommy..." I mumble "That is good news..." Robert said patting my my back.

Scarlet handed me a bag of food and i walked back into the room. "So, Seb and Mackie are taking the first shift. We are going back to the hotel and see you soon. We just wanted to show you we are here." Robert said and i nodded... "Thank you...all of you..." I said looking at the people now all standing in the doorway. One by one they came to say hi to Vi before leaving only Seb and Mackie stayed behind. 

Even though we didn't say much it was comforting having some people there. They were right... I was getting in my own head to much and sometimes I was my own worst enemy. I was just so scared of what was going to happen when she woke up. "She is gonna be alright man..." Mackie sad grabbing my shoulder. "She is tough, she won't let the bastard win." Seb added...

"Let's not talk about him in this room..." I said feeling the anger inside me rise. I would pay anything to get my hands on him and give him a dose of his own medicine, but I couldn't. He was in jail awaiting his day in court, but I wished they would just lock him up and throw away the keys... He was already serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. I just didn't want to put Vi trough another trial and I was for sure not gonna force her...

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and Cecile appeared. She had been here before... she would come to visit every day... Even if it was just for 5 minutes... "Sorry I didn't mean to intrude... Just wanted to see how she was doing." She says all shy... The normally very bubbly woman standing in the door looked absolutely shy and I know that it was because of Mackie. Vi told me she was a fan of his or at least thought he was hot. "Seb, this is Cecile... Cecile... Seb..." I said and they shook hands... I know Vi would never forgive me if i did not give Cecile and Mackie a proper introduction... So i put a smile on my face... "And this..."I said grabbing his shoulders... "Is Anthony... But we call him Mackie." 

She blushed while shaking his hand but quickly pulled herself together again. "How is she doing?" She said walking over to Vi and grabbing Vi's hand. "Getting stronger... But she hasn't woken up yet." I say and she nodded. She squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek. "Gotta wake up, silly girl... Ms. B is asking for you... She needs her pictures." She whispers... I smiled as I saw the love these two women had for each other.

I had learned that Cecile was her first friend after she moved to Boston to start over.  They became really close to a point that when Cecile lost her job Vi hired her and it was a perfect match.

I just felt guilty I had not flown her out to Vegas, but she assured me that as long Vi was happy and I was good to her. She didn't care. Only to joke to name my first born after her to make it up to her... Whether it was a boy or girl.

After she had left Mackie looked at me. "She is cute..." He said smirking from ear to ear... I smiled at him... "I came to understand from Vi, that she thinks the same about you... She wanted Vi to give you her number the first-time you guys met." I say smirking and Anthony looks surprised... "That little... She never did..." He says and i chuckled. "Oh yeah, that would be fun. Hi I am Vi... I know we just met but this is my friend's number she really likes you." I say and he smirks... "I don't mind if her friends look like that..."  Mackie said...  "Does she have any other hot friends?" Seb said smirking.

"Yeah me..." We heard a voice say and everyone laughed as Scott stood in the door with Scarlet. "We are here to dismiss you guys." Scarlet says... The guy's got up and said goodbye leaving the hospital.

This went on for a few days and as much as I loved everyone, it was getting on my nerves a little bit. I wanted some alone time as I was already exhausted and having to be social all the time was taking too much energy. After heavy protest they finally gave in. So, I was now alone sitting at her side. My head laying on the bed trying to get some sleep. "Please wake up love..." I murmur before I doze off.

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