Chapter 17

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Vi pov...

I packed some of my clothes in a little suitcase and went to my little office to grab my laptop and chargers. I grabbed the book i was reading stuffing it in with my clothes and made my way to the living room where Chris was waiting. "Got everything?" He asks me. I nod and take a deep breath... I am nervous... I am a home body... I love my home... I just hope his home is comfortable and not a typical bachelor pad... But why am i so nervous i think to myself. 

Chris is a good guy. He has his faults but is not afraid to admit it and apologize for it...He is nothing like your ex-husband. Get over it Vi, i scold myself internally. "You okay?" He asks. I give him a little smile and nod. "Yeah, i am fine... Just really tired." I say yawning again and i blush... He smiles and pulls on my arm making me fall into him. He wraps his arms around me and leans in for a kiss. God i could get used to this, i think to myself as he kisses me. Every moment i spend with him my heart wins a little bit more terrain from my head and it scares me how easy he tears down my walls. 

"You wanna get some Chinese food?" Chris asks and I shake my head. "I really want pancakes..." I say pouting. He chuckles and kisses me again. "Breakfast for dinner it is..." He says smiling as we break the kiss. We walk out and he loads Dodger and Lulu in the car after he had opened the door for me to get in. He puts my bags in the car and crawls behind the wheel, taking off to his house. 

We pick up dinner and continue our way and soon we arrive at his house. "Wauw this is so different then i imagined..." I say letting out a little sigh. "Different good? or different bad?" He asks. Different good i say smiling at him as. We grab our stuff and before i can even open the door of my car, he opens it for me. We take our stuff inside and i look around. It's so cozy and soft, i think to myself. 

"What did you think would be different?" He asks curiously, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I would have thought you would live in this modern, minimalistic bachelor pad..." I whisper and he starts laughing. "But this is really nice..." I say looking around me. "I love the wood with the industrial touches, its modern but not cold." I say and Chris smiles. "Thank you, glad you like it." he says smiling proudly... "Would you like a tour, or food first?" He asks and i smile... "Food please..." I say feeling hungry. "Food it is and after that we can put away your stuff." He says and I nod and sit down at the counter. He unpacks our food and sets my food down in front of me. 

We eat and talk about everything and nothing. It is nice having someone around after a long day of work. I do miss that sometimes not that my ex-husband was fun to be around after work though. Dodger scratches at the backdoor and Chris smirks letting him outside and Lulu follows closely behind. "He wants to see if the squirrel is there, he always chases it and i think the squirrel laughs at him for the fact that he never can get him." I laugh and Chris looks at me. "What?" I ask him. "I just love it when you laugh." He says smiling. I blush and push him not knowing how to react. 

After we ate Chris takes my suitcase. "Do you wanna sleep in the guestroom?" He asks me. I look at him and shake my head blushing. He chuckles and i follow him to the bedroom where he puts my stuff down. He gives me a tour of the house and i have to admit the house feels comfortable or is it him.... Oh god, i groan internally. Why is this all so confusing. 

He shows me the backyard where a fire pit sits. I smile thinking about sitting at a fire cuddled up just staring in the flames. But i am too tired to even think about building a fire. We go back inside, and he pulls me down with him on the couch. I sigh as i feel my body relax, the calm takes over as we sit there... No TV, no phones or social media... Nothing not even talking but just being. The silence doesn't feel awkward or tense it feels nice. My head is laying on his shoulder as he has his arms wrapped around me one hand rubbing my back. I sigh as i feel my eyes get heavy and i dont know how long it takes but i drift off to sleep. 

I wake up slightly due to being lifted up and carried to the bedroom. I can feel Chris put me down and asking me if i brought anything to sleep in. Before i can even answer or know what is happening, he hands me one of his shirts. I drag myself to the bathroom and change quickly and brush my teeth before going back into the bedroom where Chris has already undressed and i standing in his boxers as he plugs in his phone. He walks towards the bathroom to do whatever he does in there and i look at the bed. As far as i can see her sleeps on the left so i crawl in bed on the right and get comfortable. A few moments later Chris walks in and turns off the lights getting in bed to. I cuddle into him and let out a satisfied sigh. "Are you comfy?" He asks me and i nod. My head is on his chest and i can hear his heartbeat which has a calming effect on me. Before i know it i am in a deep sleep and this time no nightmares. 

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