Chapter 100

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Vi pov...

I am waiting anxiously in the suite until it is time for me to walk down the aisle. I keep looking in the mirror, i feel like a princess. My dress is simple but God i am in love with it. I feel so beautiful in it...  Scarlet has taken Storm inside already. Knowing Chris already is there to keep him calm if to many people will crowd him, and he will make sure he is safe.

Cecile is putting some touch ups on my makeup and i pray that professional waterproof      make-up really is waterproof.  There is a knock on the door. Cecile opens the door, and I can see at the way she is reacting, it is Robert. He walks in greeting her shaking her hand introducing himself, but she just looks at him not saying a word. All, star struck. I walk over and grab her shoulders. "Robert this is Cecile... Cecile this is Robert." Cecile turns bright red, but Robert reassures her. "Yes, it is me and yes I am amazing.... But today is all about the bride..." He says winking at her, and I chuckle as Cecile finally pulls herself together.

Robert turns to me "Wauw." Is all he says with a big smile on his face making me blush as he takes my hand and twirls me around. "Mrs. Dorito you are gonna make Mr. Dorito cry." I laugh loudly. "You look like a princess straight out of a fairy tale."  I blush and i can feel my face turn bright red. "Good because that was the look i was going for..." I can't help but smirk a little as i look in the mirror again. I chuckle at the underlying meaning of the princess style dress that nobody knows about, but me and Chris. Robert spins me around again and i can't help but giggle. There is another knock on the door, and it is the wedding planner telling Cecile it is time for her to walk down the aisle as she is the last one before the flower men. She walks over to me and gives me a hug, "You really look gorgeous Vi, i am so happy for you...If someone deserves the fairy tale life it is you..." She says wiping away a tear... I smile at her fighting my own tears. "You have to stop you're gonna make me cry, thank you for always being there and being the best friend, anyone could wish for."  I whisper Cecile hugs me again before walking out. 

"Is there a place where we can see the flower men without being spotted?" I ask the wedding planner not wanting to miss out on Seb and Mackie's moment. She smiles and nods and after Cecile has left Robert holds out his arm for me to take. I grab my flowers and take Roberts arm.  We walk to the spot where the wedding planner had said we could take a sneak peak of the antics of Mackie and Seb without being seen. We peak trough the curtains both of us giggling like little schoolgirls. 

It takes everything in Robert and i, to not burst out laughing and give away our location. Seb and Mackie walk down the aisle throwing rose peddles skipping around. It is like they have choreographed it all and it looks amazing. All the guests are laughing hard. Which makes me so happy. I love the fact that not everything is serious and strict. Although we went all out and it is literary a wedding out of a fairy tale with all the flowers and lights. There is room for some lighthearted fun.

"Are you ready Mrs. Dorito..." Robert asks when the show is over, and the wedding planner walks our way. I take a deep breath and hold on to him. "You look amazing sweetheart, no need to be nervous ...I won't let you fall and that man at the end, loves you more than life itself..." He kisses my cheek and I smile at him. "Thank you for this..." I whisper and he looks at me and smiles. "Anything for the woman that makes Dorito so happy..." I blush and the music starts to play. I take another deep breath as the curtains open and reveals me and Robert. My eyes meet with Chris's and his mouth is open when i step out on Robert's arm.

I have to fight my tears as I see a Chris standing at the end with Storm peacefully sleeping in his arms. He looks gorgeous in his grey suit. He looks at me and i can see he is fighting his tears as am i. As the music plays i slowly make my way up the aisle. I have to pace myself because if it where up to me, i would run but i refrain myself. 

I take a quick look around and see that everyone kept with the dress code... Dark blue. I didn't want people to show up in black as that to me, would feel like a funeral. I wanted it to be a happy day. The walk seems like it lasts forever and as my eyes meet with Chris's again i can see he is crying and Scott hands him a tissue. I smile as i see Lisa, Shanna and Carly already crying passing around tissues among themselves. The kids looking so cute and exited. "Look mama auntie Vi looks like a princess!" Stella says loudly making everyone chuckle. Chris smirks at me still tears in his eyes but the biggest smile on his face. Scott being Scott has this ever face-splitting grin plastered on his face. But i can see he is fighting the tears because i know he wants to stay strong for Chris and not be a blubbering mess in the video.... 

My eyes meet with Chris's again as i make the last few steps towards him and god he looks good as i let my eyes roam over him. I cant look away as i am now almost there. As i take the last few steps, Robert takes my hand. He hands over to Chris who has his hand held out for me to take. "Better take good care of her Dorito." He says smirking and Chris smirks back at him, "I am planning on it... For the rest of my life..." 

He helps me step up on the podium and i stand in front of him. "Wauw....just.... wauw..." He whispers smiling. "You dont look so bad yourself..." I say before i kiss Storms little head and then plant a soft kiss on Chris his lips not able to resist. It sets of a wave of protest that we are skipping a few steps. I look at the crowd and stick out my tongue. "My wedding my rules..." I says smirking. 

The officiant steps forward and i hand my bouquet over to Cecile who is standing behind me and Chris gives Storm to Scott. I smile at this fact that this is even better then i came up with as Storm is now up here with us. He may not understand was going on but he is here and that makes me so happy.

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