Chapter 67

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Vi pov...

I had woken up a few minutes ago... My head hurts and i am cold, i dont know where i am. The last thing i remember is seeing his face... The evil grin on it as he asked me if i missed him. Him calling me darling making me sick... It should be a loving word but out of his mouth it was just evil...  I could still feel the shiver run through my spine before everything went black. I touch my head and wince at the pain, a big lump the source of the pain. I look around but can barely see anything as the room is dark, cold and damp. I must be in some sort of basement. My ankle feels heavy and as i look at it, i see it has some sort of shackle around it... I can move but it is heavy and digs in my skin with every little movement. It hurts and i scoff... Great... I am in a dungeon chained like some sort of animal... Dragged back to the Middle Ages... My eyes adjust a little to the dark and i sigh looking around... No windows... Just cold, damp and hard walls... One door and i wonder if it is locked... Not that i could get to it as the chain around my ankle was not long enough... I think i could just reach the bucket in the corner that i was guessing is my toilet...

All of a sudden, the door opens and i hold my breath... I feel sick as he walks in carrying a tray. "Ah your awake... How is my whore of a wife feeling." He asks in a sinister tone. He doesn't care... There is no need to answer it he does not want to know how i am feeling... But i can't help but feel sick at him calling me his wife... "Ex wife..." I bite back at him, and he steps closer to me. 

His face in mine... He smells disgusting... Like sweat, cigarettes and beer... I think prison has not been kind on him... He is losing his hair... He lost weight and just looks old and disgusting... Somehow this makes me happy... But i tell myself to not show that... Every ounce of joy i get out of that i can't show or i know i will pay for it... 

"Do you really think, a piece of paper dictates if you are my wife or not..." He says that evil grin still on his face and getting bigger. I look away and fight the urge to throw up as his smell makes me sick... He grabs my chin. "It appears we have to start from scratch again... You have lost all of your manners." He growls still holding my face... It hurts but i do not respond... I say nothing, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of seeing me in pain or scared. 

"Dont worry darling... I'll make you forget all about that idiot that thinks he is your husband..." He growls... I scoff as i can feel the anger come to the surface as he mentions Chris... "He is my husband..." I spit at him showing him my ring... But that is my first mistake... I lost my cool and now i am paying for it... He takes my hand ripping the ring of my finger. I think he breaks it as a surge of pain shoots through it, making me cry out and him laugh. He puts the ring in his pocket and smirks as he pulls another one out... I gasp as it is the one i left behind the day i left him... The one that always felt like a weight holding me down. The ring that stood for his ownership of me. Not like the ring i had gotten from Chris... That one stood for love... Our love... I wince in pain as he roughly shoves the ring around my finger. 

"So... that is better..." He says patting my cheek. I want to take it off, but he stops me. "Take it off... and i will kill you... Do you understand?" He growls laughing and i swallow hard... "Just face it darling... The faster you give in the better it will be, and we can be happy again." He says and shake my head... "I was never happy with you..." I murmur making mistake number 2... He smacks me across the face, the force making me fall back on the bed. I feel my face and i notice i am bleeding... "Look at what you made me do, you stupid whore. Food is on the table..." He growls before he turns around and walks out of the room once again leaving me there surrounded by darkness. 

I feel the pain all over my body. I look at my hand where my beautiful ring from my amazing husband used to be... Now it is the ring that reminded me of the worse time of my life and i started crying. I looked over to the table with the tray of food. It looked disgusting... Just some cheap tv dinner... It wasn't even recognizable as food...  I didn't want to eat it, but i had to... If not for me for my baby, our baby. I looked around to make sure there was no way he was watching me before i laid my hand on my stomach. 

He could not find out... If he found out he would certainly kill my baby... He would never let another man's baby life in me. My mind wondered as i thought of what would have happened to Nick and Leon... Where they dead... Did he kill them? I took a bite of the food... It was not even warm... It is blend... Tasteless and disgusting... But i needed to eat, i needed to keep my baby healthy and my energy up if i wanted to get out of here. 

My mind wondered to Chris, i had no idea what time it was or even if it was the same day... He must have found out by now. My heart broke thinking of him... He was probably beside himself... For sure blaming himself... I know he would move heaven and earth to find us... He was coming for us, there was no way he would give up looking for us. He was going to save us... Right? I looked around again... Desperate for a way out... But it was just brick damp walls... Once again realizing there are no windows only a door and no way of knowing if it was even day or night. I laid down on the bed as i had taken a few bites of the food. The bed stinks and even the sheets are damp. I look around and it is hard to stay positive and think i will get out of here. The feeling of this going to be the room where i die gets stronger every passing second. 

I dont know how long it has been. I had fallen asleep and now got rudely woken up. "Did you miss me darling..." I hear him growl in a tone i was all too familiar with... It took everything in me not to throw up as he crawled in the bed and laid beside me pulling me into him as he spooned me. The urge to crawl away was strong. I did not move tho... I knew if i did, i would only make it worse for myself. Maybe i should play along but only the thought of it made me sick to my stomach. So, i said nothing. Bile kept rising as he kept planting kisses in my neck. I close my eyes and try to tune him out... I try to think of Chris... Our warm bed, cuddled up into his arms my head laying on his chest as he plays with my hair... His loving kisses... Nothing like the disgusting kisses my ex keeps planting in my neck... He must think that that will have me give in...

"You know what prison does to a man..." He growled into my ear and shivers ran down my spine but not the good kind. I could feel something poking me and i started to panic...  My mind went in overdrive. He was going to rape me and i was thinking of a way how i could stop him. I know once he gets going it would be rough and i didn't want him to hurt my baby... "I am not feeling so good. I think i might throw up." I whisper. That should do the trick because if i remember one thing from when we were together. It was that there was one thing he absolutely hated... That was someone throwing up and i knew the idea of me throwing up all over him would make him back off. "God you're useless..." He growled and got off the bed and walked out of the room once again leaving me alone. I didn't care. I rather be alone then with him in this room. 

I dont know how long he has been gone... Time did not seem to exist here... He came back in with a few bottles of water and some food. I guess i should be thankful for that... It meant he was planning on letting me life... Although i started to wonder if i would be better off dead..."I need to leave for a couple of hours... Dont worry darling, I'll be back to claim you once again as my wife." He growls an evil laugh escaping him... I sat up and just looked at the floor not moving and inch as i didn't want to trigger him again... "I'll buy you another fucking bucket to throw up in. See... I buy you things..." He said laughing... 

"I'll buy you the nicest bucket i can find... I am going to fuck you with the bucket on your head if i have to..." He said finding himself hilarious... "When i get back, i am gonna fuck you into submission... Do you understand..." His face hovering over mine and he grabbed my face kissing me hard and rough. I pulled away on instinct and he hit me again. This time not with an open hand but with his fist making me cry out in pain. I could feel pain in my skull and i could swear i heard something break. "Stupid whore!" He yelled before he left. I cried. Reality started to sink in... I knew i was eventually going to die... When he got his way, and he had his fill of me... Me and my baby were going to die... My baby was never going to meet his dad and i was never going to see Chris again. 

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