Chapter 86

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Vi pov...

"How much trouble am i in?" Chris asked as we drove home from his mother's house.  "That depends..." I said trying my best to keep my face serious. "Depends on what?" Chris says looking all serious. "On how you are planning to make it up to me?" I say grinning. He chuckled. "Well what do you want sweetheart?" He asks and i smirk... "Hmmm let me think..." I said tapping my chin with my finger... "What... do... i... want..." I say and Chris chuckled as he laid his hand on my thigh slowly moving it up under my dress... "Uh uh..." I said pushing his hand back. "You're driving..." I said smirking. A low growl escaped him at me denying him access and i chuckled. 

We arrived home and i was teasing him, saying i was still thinking. He opened the door for me and held out his hand for me to get out of the car. He pulled me into his arms before we walked inside... "Do you know what you want, sweetheart?" He whispered his lips hovering over mine. "I think i know what i want..." I say smirking. "Okay... Tell me..." He says and i smile... "I want a yes day tomorrow." I say and he looks at me confused. I giggle and peck his lips... "Tomorrow whatever i say goes... You can't say no... To anything..." I say all giddy. He chuckles. "When have i ever said no to you?" He asks and i smirk... 

I know he is right but i always take into account what he likes to do or is comfortable with. I say nothing but just smile at him... "Okay love, you get your yes day..." He says smiling leaning down to kiss me. "Good..." I say giggling and stepping out of his reach. I walk in the house. I greet the dogs and Chris gets the leashes to take them out on a walk while i go change and get comfortable... Which is getting more and more difficult. 

Chris walks back in and scoots beside me. I let out a sigh as i finally can get comfy wrapping myself around him. He chuckles. "So, what are we doing tomorrow?" He says kissing the top of my head. "Whatever i feel like doing..." I say smirking and he groans... "You're not gonna tell me?" He asks. "Nope..."  I say smirking because he doesn't like the not knowing. "Dont worry I'll be gentle..." I whisper in his ear before biting his earlobe making him growl and i squeal as he lifts me up and sits so that i am straddling him. 

"You're a tease, Mrs. Evans..." He says smirking and i laugh. "Well i have learned from the best..." I say kissing his neck sucking at his skin until a dark red spot appears. "Can i ask you something?" I say as i lean back. "Always..." He says smiling. "When do you start recording again for the Disney thing.?" He looks at me and smiles that little twinkle back in his eye. "Next week baby why?" He asks and i shrug my shoulders. "Nothing..." I say shaking my head smiling at him. I am just glad he goes back to work, and life really goes back to normal. He had been staying home pushing the project back. Disney had agreed and where really accommodating when they easily could have moved on to another voice for the character. 

"Are you okay with me going back to work? You do know Disney had made an exception for you to come with me now." He says and i smile and shake my head. "Chris that is your thing... I want you to do things on your own again. You can't just drag me with you or stay home forever. Besides i wanted to go and check up on the store. I haven't been there in forever only getting updates from Cecile. She is doing great. The shop is busy but i feel kinda...bad." I sigh. Chris chuckled. "Love you gave her a generous pay raise and promotion." He says smiling... "I know but still... I realized something talking with Scott today..." I say letting out a sigh. "What?" Chris asks and i blush... "I have been so caught up in my own world, i forgot they have stuff going on to..." 

 "I know love, but they understand." He says putting a strand of hair behind my ear...
 "I know but life has to go back to normal sometime. Even if love spending my time with you i know we can't life like this forever... It is time to get back to normal..." I say kissing him passionately. "You just make me forget everything around me..." I whisper and he smiles. "You say it, as if it is a bad thing." He whispers my lips hovering over his. "It's not but friends are important to..." I mumble. He smiles and kisses me again. "Okay but no heavy lifting and you have to take it easy." He says and i smile... "Ay yay Captain..." I say smirking and he groans. 

"Mrs. Evans, you are getting into dangerous territory..." He says grinning.  look at him and smirk... "Why is that...Captain... Am i bringing out the naughty side of Steve?" I whisper. Chris chuckles. "Steve hasn't got a naughty bone in his body..." He growls and i smirk... "I would bet that nomad Steve has a dark naughty side..." I whisper in his ear before planting a soft kiss under it... "He looked like a man who could show me a good time... He looks like a man who wants you to call him captain as you are begging him to fuck you harder..." I whisper in his ear...

He groans and licks his lips. "Princess... If you weren't heavily pregnant i would fuck you into oblivion to show you what the captain is made off." He growls and i smirk...  "Good to know... We will keep the captain on ice for now..." I say grinning kissing him again and he laughs. "Silly girl..." He whispers making me smile. "Just admit you like the idea..." I whisper smiling. "Me calling you captain and you getting to order me around like a good captain does. Showing me that super soldier stamina." I say biting my lip... "Well...can't say i have ever tried it... It always felt kinda weird... Mostly because those kinds of offers came from fans... It always felt kinda...wrong." He says and i smirk... "Well, who says i am not a fan of yours Mr. Evans..." I say and he smiles...  "Are you now?" He whispers and i nod my head. 

I yawn as this day has been really wearing me down and Chris chuckles. "I think... That we should get you to bed... Big day tomorrow." He murmurs and i know it is killing him not knowing what we will be doing... I smirk and get all excited, making him roll his eyes. "Lord have mercy..." He says looking up before standing up lifting me with him and walking to the bedroom. 

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