Chapter 111

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Chris pov...

I kneel next to Vi holding her as she cries. I am totally in the dark on what happened and even though she i crying and holding on to me for dear life, it's not sad crying... Its more a relieved cry..."Love?" I say as i feel myself slightly panicking and try to keep it together not knowing what is going on. "Please talk to me...What is going on?" 

She wipes away her tears but still is holding onto me. "He...he... he is gone..." She says between sobs. "Who is gone love...?"  I say now totally confused holding her face wiping her hair out of it while i make her look at me. "My... my... ex... he...he... is dead...." I just hold her close to my chest as i dont know what to say or how to react. She buries her head in my chest and slowly but surely her sobs turn into giggling...."It's's really over..." She says..."I am free...i am finally fully free..." She says and i can hear the relief in her voice...

She starts to shiver a bit, so i pick her up from the cold floor and carry her to the couch. "Wanna tell me what happened. Who was on the phone?" She takes a deep breath... "It was someone from the prison..." She says in a soft tone. "He got in a fight during dinner time...He got stabbed...and died bleeding out."  She lets out a chuckle... That chuckle turns into a full on laugh... But still the tears stream down her face... It is like her body does not know how to react to this news, so it is doing everything.

"Isn't that...ironic dying the way..." She says taking a deep breath... "The way he tried to kill me..." She dry's her tears..."I dont even know why i am crying..."  I kiss her forehead... "It's okay to cry love..."  She shakes her head..."No, he doesn't deserve my tears..." She stands up and fixes her hair and takes a deep breath as if she wants to shake it off... "What do you want for dinner... I was thinking i could make some chicken tandoori?"  I look at her and give her a little smile as i am a little worried. "Sure, sounds good." Is all i say. She gives me a sweet soft kiss before walking to the kitchen. I watch her walk away and i can't help but feel a little worried. I walk after her. "Do you mind if i quickly make a few work calls?" She smiles at me "Of course not..." I kiss her again and walk to my office and close the door behind me. 

I call the prison... I need to make sure... After getting put through a few times, i finally get someone on the line who indeed confirms he is dead. Telling me he indeed got stabbed and bled out before they even could get him to a hospital... What comes next shocks me... Apparently, he still had Vi as emergency contact. Maybe his way to even after death torment her... That is why she got called. They want her to come and claim the body... I tell them i will ask but not to hold their breaths as she was his victim... He tells me Vi has 24 hours to claim his belongings and body otherwise he just gets cremated by the state... I tell them either i or Vi will call them back. As much as i dont want to have this talk with her and i know she doesn't want to claim his body or belonging... In the end it is her decision and i dont want to make it for her... She needs to decide how she wants to get her closure. 

I walk back to the kitchen and watch Vi being busy in the kitchen... She is humming while she is cooking. "Love? " She looks up at me and smiles. "What did they say?" She asks me and for a moment i am caught off guard. "It's okay i know you called them to check up if he really is dead..." She says. I nod and blush. "Sorry love, just had to be sure." She walks over to me and wraps her arms around me looking up. "No need to be sorry... You are just looking out for us and i love you for it." I smile at her and give her a little kiss. "There is something we need to talk about though..."

I walk her to a chair and sit her down. "They told me he still had you as an emergency contact... They want to know if you want to claim the body and his belongings..." She snorts shaking her head..."No!" She says loudly... "Let his favorite uncle do it...if they think i give one rats ass what happens to him now, they are wrong...I dont give a fuck...  What do they expect...!" She yells standing up and pacing the room. "I know love, i know...I just didn't want to make the decision for you..." She stops dead in her tracks and looks at me. Without saying a word, she walks over to me grabs my face as i am still sitting on a chair at the dining table... She kisses me... hard. "And that... is why i love you so much..."  She whispers as we pull apart. I smile at her and pull her into my lap..."I love you to, love..." 

After sitting for a bit, she gets up to finish up dinner and i get up to go get Storm who started crying.  I smile when  i look at him lying in his crib as soon as he sees me, he starts making cute little noises. A bundle of absolute joy and at that moment i am glad... Glad the bastard is dead and will never be able to come near my family again. My wife and little boy are safe from him... There is no risk of him escaping and coming after them anymore... Dont get me wrong he was in prison, we felt safe knowing they kept an extra eye on him... But i know in the back of our minds we would always take it into account... And now... Now we could let that go... I know you shouldn't be happy that someone died and especially in the manner he did, but Vi was right... It was some sort of poetic justice... It oozed irony... I let out a sigh as i picked up Storm and he smiled at me. My perfect boy safe from that idiot for sure..."Wanna go see mama?" I coo to him and smile as he grabs my beard with his tiny little hands. 

Vi is just plating up the food when i walk in with Storm. She smiles taking him from me holding him in her lap while we eat and every now and then she kisses his little head. I smile at the interaction.... She is amazing with him and i cant believe my luck that she is mine...

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