'Gone.' Margaery said simply.

'Gone,' she agreed 'a gentle word I would say slaughtered. Every man woman and child put to the sword. I remember seeing their bodies hanging high above the gates at Casterly rock my father let them rot up there all summer it was a long summer and now the raynes weep the halls and not a soul to hear them.' Cersei took Margaery's hand in hers 'if you ever call my sister again I will strangle you in your sleep.' she threatened marching off. Joffrey was being married off to a bitch and Amelia was still missing. Of course walder couldnt do one thing right. SHe would rather have the starks alive and her daughter back.


"where are we?' Arya asked looking around, she didn't recognize anything.

'near fair market... I think.'

'you think?' arya questioned. 'you don't have a map?'

'No I don't have a map.'

'maybe we should get one.'

'Where pray tell Arya, where would we get a map?' Amelia sassed.

'alright just point out the next map shop you see and ill buy you one.' Sandor joked.

'how far is it to the errie?'

'Far.' Sandor replied.

'and you're sure we are going the right way?'

'sandor has gotten us this far, are you really still questioning his skills arya?' Amelia questioned. 'honestly this girl.' Amelia muttered.

'Thank you gorgeous. And believe me girl I want you there as soon as I can. I want my gold and I will be on my way.' Sandor said.

'where will you go?' arya questioned.

'Book passage over the narrow sea, start over... Take Amelia, somewhere she can swim.' Sandor told her.

"I like that." Amelia agreed. Sandor knew that back at the capital Amelia spent most of her time in the water. Being in the north, the frozen north he knew she hadn't gotten to swim in a while.

'I would like to see Bravvos one day.' Arya told him.

'why Bravvos?'

'I have friends there.' arya said. Arya was like venom she couldn't have friends that actually put up with her. all she had done since they found her was try and kill sandor.

'Friends?" Amelia chuckled and arya shot her a glare. 'Oh bite me girl, you have more bitter rage than I do, but i'm taking your shit!.' Amelia remarked and sandor chuckled, there was the attitude he knew and loved.

'whats In the errie?' arya asked.

'you have an aunt.' Sandor said thinking through the family tree.

'Ive never met her.'

'lady of the veil.' Amelia recalled. 'she is a bimbo I heard, and I hope she falls through her moon door.' Arya glared back at her. "What? Your mother wanted that for my uncle Tyrion. It only seems fair that Lysa's fate is the same as what she would have done to Tyrion."

"You are a cunt just like your family." Arya snapped.

"Takes one to know one." Amelia countered.

"I'm never met her." Arya declared looking away from amelia.

'lets hope she wants you.' Sandor grumbled.


'seven blessings.' An old man said from above them on the bridge.

'what do you want?' sandor grumbled.

'what do I want? This is my land.'

'if I'm standing on it, its my land.' Sandor replied.

''so sorry,' Amelia called up to him. 'we were just watering our horses, we will be on our way.'

'forgive my father,' arya spoke up. 'he was wounded fighting in the war. Our cottage burned down while he was gone, my bastard sister and I barely made it out with our lives.' She looked to Amelia, 'hes never been the same.'

'Very grumbly, he doesn't have any mannors.' Amelia agreed and Sandor gave her a pointed look but she just smiled sweetly. "This one is usually dreadful as well." Amelia remarked nodding to Arya.

'which house did he fight for?'

'the tullys of riverrun.' arya said thinking everyone oved her mother that was a safe bet. Amelia withheld the urge to scoff. Her fighting for tully's, never.

'there a storm coming, you will be wanting a place to sleep tonight.' the man said pointing ahead to his home. 'and sally here makes rabbit stew just like her mom used to.' that got sandor attention. Food. Warm fresh food. 'we don't have much but any man that fights for house tully is welcome to it.'

'that sounds great!' arya said 'right father?' she looked to Sandor.

"I could eat." Sandor agreed.

'that sounds so nice, we have been travelling for a while,' Amelia agreed. 'thank you.' 

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