(Everything I do) I do it for you

Start from the beginning

Arizona turns to look at you and you could feel her eyes on you.

Y/n: What are you looking at?
Arizona: Just looking at you. You are so beautiful. You are just breath taking.
Y/n: Always a flirt. Please, eyes on the road.
Arizona: Sorry, but I know how to drive love.
Y/n: I know you can drive and I trust you, but I don't trust all the other drivers on the road.
Arizona: Just relax and in around 10 minutes we will be at the B&B.
Y/n: I can't wait to see the place.

Arizona looked at you again and giggled to herself.

Y/n: You're cute Zona. Oh god! Keep your eyes on the road!

Arizona looked at the road and all of a sudden a truck was on your side and hit you hard at the front, while Arizona tried to turn the car to the other side and hit the brakes of the car.

Arizona: What happened?!?

Arizona sees the seat next to hers is empty. She then sees your feet through the broken windshield. Arizona takes off her seatbelt and gets out of the car.

Arizona: Y/n! Y/n, can you hear me?!?
Y/n: Z-zona?
Arizona: I'm here and I'm not leaving you for a second. Someone help us?!?
Y/n: T-the b-baby.
Arizona: It will all be alright. Stay with y/n. Promise me to stay with me.

The driver of the truck the car crashed into tries to help, while Arizona calls for an ambulance. The call came trough and the team at Grey Sloan got informed of what happened.

April: Carina, can you come to the ER, we need you.
Carina: What happened?
April: Trauma coming in. There was a car crash and a pregnant women was involved. 26 weeks pregnant.
Amelia: Funny.
April: What is funny?
Amelia: Just that y/n is 26 weeks pregnant and is on her way with Arizona to the B&B Arizona choose.
Carina: Yes, that's a coincidence. Lets get going.
Amelia: Good luck, see you later.

In the ambulance bay, all the attendings and residents are waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The doctors open the ambulance doors, and they were shocked as they saw who were in the ambulance.

April: What happened?
Arizona: We were just chatting and I looked at her for a second and a truck came out of nowhere.
April: We will do everything we can to help her and the baby.
Arizona: Please safe both of them. I need them to be okay. This is all my fault.
Jo: Hey I just heard what happened. Can I do anything for you?
Arizona: Just try to help them Jo. You need to help them.
Jo: But it looks like you need a hand aswel. You're bleeding Arizona.
Arizona: I don't need your help. Y/n needs all the help she can get.
Jo: I will go and see what I can do, but please let someone have a look at that cut on your head.
Arizona: What did I just do? This is all my fault and she warned me before.

Some time later
Alex: Hey, I thought you could need some company.
Arizona: What if she doesn't make it? What will I do without her Alex?
Alex: You two are meant to be and will always be together. She will pull trough and she will make sure, your baby will survive.
Arizona: But what if this ends the wrong way? I can't live with the fact I've k1lled my wife and my baby. This is all my fault, I should've kept my eyes on the road.
Alex: I know you don't want to hear this, but it is just an accident. We all look away sometimes and the truck just came out of nowhere. You have to believe me when I say; this isn't your fault.
Arizona: But why does it feel like this is all my fault?
Alex: If I was in this situation, you would say something to me like you feel this way because you love her. When you love someone you want to protect them and when something like this happens you feel like you have failed.
Arizona: I would say something like that I guess. I feel so guilty.
Alex: There's one important thing you have to remember. Feeling guilty for this is the last thing y/n would want.
Arizona: You are right again. I just want her to be okay and to tell her how sorry I am.
Alex: And you will be able to tell her soon, although you don't have to be sorry at all.
Arizona: Thank you Alex. I don't say this much, but I'm glad we are friends. I love you.
Alex: I love you too Robbins. I don't know what I would have done without you all these years.
Arizona: Why have they stopped? What is going on down there?!?

Alex walked to the intercom and asked them why they have stopped.

Carina: It's the baby. I can't do this alone. I need someone else to help me keep the baby in.
Alex: I know someone who can help. I will call her immediately.
Carina: Thank you Alex. Y/n is stable for now, so we will close and get her to the ICU.

Alex and Carina were waiting on the helipad. The helicopter lands, and Addison gets out of it. Addison and Carina enter the room, where Addison sends out April to take a break as she seems to shaky. Carina and Addison discuss the plan to keep the baby in. After it they walk to your room to see you.

Addison: I promise you y/n to make sure the baby will be all fine. We will come up with a plan to figure everything out.
Carina: I will do everything I can. You deserve the best care you can get right now.
Arizona: Hey, can I sit with her?
Addison: Of course. We will leave to give you some space. Page us if you need anything.
Arizona: Thank you both so much. Thank you for coming so fast to Seattle Addison.
Addison: That's what we do for family.
Carina: I promise we will do everything we can to make sure both of them are fine.
Arizona: Just make sure that whatever happens, you safe y/n.
Carina: And the baby?
Arizona: I can't live without y/n. You have to safe y/n, that's the most important thing.

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