'wise men do not make threats to kings.' cat told him

'Wise men don't but for his sons he will and I will have this man's head!' caster told her storming off

'Thank you for fighting on my behalf lady Stark.' Jamie said smugly from the ground. 'I would want my head too, but thanks... I do hope Amelia is being treated well, I would hate to have to break these chains and show you what happens when my family is threatened.'

'Take him to the stocks bind him with every change you can find.' Catelyn demanded

'A real Lady she is,' Jamie said as they dragged him away

'And gag him!' she shouted


'You look nice.'

'Thank you my lord.' Sansa said stiffly.

'Your grace.' Joffrey corrected. 'I'm king now. walk with me, I want to show you something.'

'Do as you are bid child.' Sandor told her.

'And as soon as you had your blood I will put a son in you, mother says that shouldn't be long.' Joffrey remarked as they walked and then sansa realized where they were.

'No, please no!" Sansa begged pulling away but Meryn Trant held her put.

'This one is your father, this one here.' Joffrey told her. 'look at him and see what happens to traitors!'

'You promised to be merciful.' Sansa said not looking up, her eyes slammed closed.

'I was, I gave him a clean death.' Joffrey corrected. 'look at him.'

'Please let me go home I swear I won't do any treason,' sansa sobbed.

'mother says I'm still to marry you so you stay here and obey. LOOK AT HIM!" sansa's eyes slowly looked up to her fathers head. 'Well?'

'How long do I have to look?' Sansa questioned.

'as long as it pleases me. do you want to see the rest?" Joffrey questioned happily.

'If it pleases your grace.' Sansa answered stiffly.

'That one there is your septa.' Joffrey told her and sansa stared up at her severed head 'I will tell you what. I am going to give you a present.' Joffrey went on as sansa stared up at their severed heads. 'After I raise my armies and I kill your traitor brothers I'm going to give you his head as well.' Joffrey told Sansa as she was staring up at her father severed head.

'Or maybe he will give me yours.' Sansa threatened staring Joffrey in the eyes.

'my mother tells me a king should never strike his lady,' joffrey said calmly. 'Ser meryn.' He spun sansa around slapping her hard twice in the face. Sansa looked to the catwalk Joffrey was standing on it would be a long way down. She took a few steps forward but sandor grabbed her.

"Here girl.' He held out a rag for her bloody lip.

'Will you obey now? or do you need another lesson? I will look for you in court' Joffrey said marching off.

'save yourself some pain girl. Give him what he wants.'


'It is clear if we join forces with Renly Baratheon then he will help us get justice.'

'But Renly is not the king.' Robb remarked

'You cannot bend the knee to Joffrey my Lord he put your father to death!'

'That does not make Renly King, he is Robert's youngest brother.' Robb told them 'if Brandon can't be Lord of Winterfell before me Renly cannot become king before Stanis.'

'Do you mean to tell me that you stand with Stanis?'

'Renly is not right!' Robb looked around the outraged men before stepping forward. They started bickering amongst themselves agreeing and disagreeing who would be a better king who should they follow who would win?

'My Lord my Lord there are two kings here is what I have to say about that!' Umber spit on the ground 'Renly Baratheon means nothing to me. Stanis either!'

'why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the south? what do they know of the war? Of the Wolfwood? Maybe the gods are wrong. Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again as it was during the time of the dragons.'

'Now the dragons are dead!' he sheathed sword 'There is only one King I need to bend my knee to.' Umber said pointing at Robb 'the king of the north!' he declared kneeling before Robb.

'I will have peace on those terms.' another man agreed

'They can keep the red castle and their iron chair too. The king in the north.' he agreed bowing before Robb as well

'I am your brother, now and always.' Theon said

'Now and always.' Robb agreed

'My sword is yours the victory and defeat.' Theon said 'to this day until my last day.'

'The king of the north'

'The king of the north'

'The king of the north!' they repeated as they all bow down before Robb laying their swords at his feet


It was true, Ned was decapitated. The boys dream was fact not fiction.

"The sight... i heard in the capital they were witches.'' Amelia admitted.

''Witches?'' Bran questioned

''That they could travel into other animals or people.' Amelia went on.

''How?'' Amelia rolled onto her side to look at him

''I dont know. It was just stories from what I knew.'' Amelia admitted running a hand through his hair. ''What did you dream again?''

''I saw my fathers death. so did rickon.'' Bran reminded her and amelia cuddled in closer to him. Her awful brother did that. Took brans fathers head. ''But other times i running. Im running through the woods...' amelia traced a hand down his leg. He couldnt feel her touch but he watched her fingers slide up to his cheek. ''I see a three eyed raven''. Bran told her

''A three eyed raven? ''

''Yeah.'' Bran told her. ''Thats... strange right?''

''Maybe it means something.'' Amelia offered

''Like what?''

''That you are special.'' Amelia told him honestly.

''I dont want to special i want to be normal.'' Bran told her as she hugged tight to him.

''Im so sorry Bran. Im so very sorry my sweet boy.''

Evermore // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now