'Does it involve the potential for losing fingers?' Tyrion questioned

'Not if you win.' Bronn smirked back at them making shae laugh.

'No.' Tyrion told him 'no fire games no knife games let's do something I'm good at.'

'What are you good at?' shae questioned

'I happen to be a great judge of character.' Tyrion told her.

'This seems like a boring game.' Bronn told him

'It's not.' Tyrion assured him. 'here's how it work I make a statement about your past if I am right you drink If I'm wrong I drink and no lying I will know if you're lying.'

'I don't want to play this game.' shae informed him

'All right Bronn first then.' Tyrion said and he stared deeply at bronn, trying to figure him out.

'I'm ready.' Bronn said pouring a drink

'Your father beat you.' Tyrion declared, Bronn took a drink

'But my mother hit harder.' Bronn told him

'You killed your first man before you were 12.'

'It was a woman.' Bronn corrected Tyrion took a drink.' She swung an ax at me.' Bronn informed shae

'You have been north of the wall.' Tyrion went on and again Bronn took a drink

'What brought you up there?' shae questioned.

'Work.' Bronn told shae simply

'And –' tyrion went on 'you once loved a woman many years ago but it turned out badly so you've never let yourself love again... oh wait that's me.' Tyrion said taking a drink. He looked shae as bronn poured him another drink. 'your turn my mysterious beauty.' Tyrion told shae. But she didn't make any intention of wanting to play.

'Come on it's fun look at how much fun we're having...' She nodded still laying back against the pillows 'wonderful wonderful.' he said looking over face. 'your mother was a whore.' She didn't budge. 'Your father left the family when you were very young never to return.' Again she didn't move. 'you are not supposed to lie' Tyrion reminded her.

'drink.' She told him. He drank down the wine, bronn filled his cup again. Tyrions face pinched as he looked over the whore.

'You wanted a different life you came from somewhere and you wanted to be elsewhere.'

'That's a piss poor question and you know it.' Bronn told him

'Fine you want specifics...'

'Nope it's my turn.' Shae told him

'Ask away. Try and penetrate the enigma that is me.' Tyrion told him.

'Who were you in love with?' shae questioned

'No that is not how the game works.'

'I don't care how the game works.' shae told him

'Our Lord here used to be married.' Bronn informed her


'How did you hear that?' Tyrion question him incredulously.

'We hear lots of things when playing dice with Lannister soldiers.' Bronn informed him.

'Another night perhaps.' Tyrion told her.

'No Tyrion not another night this night.' She told him grabbing his arm roughly in her hand.

'It's not a pleasant story.' he told her

''I think the lady and I can tell more unpleasant stories then your lordship.' Bronn informed him as they got comfortable on the ground

'So...' Tyrion said sitting down next to her. 'I was 16 my brother Jaime and I were riding when we heard a scream, she ran out onto the road... clothes half torn off and two men on her heels Jaime scared away the men easily enough and I wrapped in my cloak... she was too scared to send up on her own so while Jaime hunted the rapers I took her to the nearest in and fed her.' Tyrion told them, 'her name was Tysha... she was an orphan and she was hungry.' Tyrion said with a smile 'together we finished off three chickens and a flog of wine impossible as it seems there was a time when I was not accustomed to wine I forgot how afraid I was around girls.' He smiled over at shae. 'I was always waiting for them to laugh at me... Look away embarrassed or ask me about my tall handsome brother I forgot about everything except Tysha and somehow I found myself in her bed.'

'For three chickens I would hope so.' Bronn added

'it didn't ask long I didn't know what the hell I was doing but she was good to me she kissed me afterwards and sang me a song. And by morning I was deep enough in life to ask her for her hand. A few lies a few drinks a few coin and one drunken septon and there you have it man and wife for a fortnight anyway until the septon sobered up and told my father.' His face filled with grief and remorse.

'Well I imagine that was the end of all that.' bronn said pouring himself another drink but shae stayed staring at Tyrion

'Not quite.' Tyrion told him, swallowing the lump in his throat. 'First my father had Jaime tell me the truth. The girl was a whore you see Jaime had arranged the whole thing the ruse, the rapers all of it he thought it was time I had a woman in my bed.' Tyrion told them. 'after my brother confessed my father brought in my wife and gave her to his guards.'tyrion took a deep breath, not able to look at Shae or bronn. 'he paid her well a silver for each man and how many whores can demand that kind of price? he brought me into the barracks and made me watch by the end she had so much silver the coins were slipping through your fingers and rolling onto the floor...'

'I would've killed the man who did that to me.' Bronn told him.

'you should've known she was a whore.' Shae told him.

'Really? I was 16 drunk and in love.'

'A girl who is almost raped does not invite another man into her bed two hours later.' shae told him obviously.

'As I said... I was young and stupid.'

'You are still young and stupid.' shae told him climbing into his lap kissing him


'Lord Walder has granted you were crossing, his men are ours as well.' Catelyn said but she didn't look to happy about it.

'What does he want in return?' Robb questioned

'When the fighting is done you will marry one of his daughters.' Catelyn told him and Robb looked to Theon.

"I am married to Amelia." Robb said slowly.

"We can annul that marriage, I have complete faith in that." Catelyn said honestly.

"Or take a second wife, like Aegon the conquerer." Theon suggested.

"Is there another way?" Robb offered he didn't want to marry a Frey girl, he was already in a marriage for political gain and that turned out to be an awful decision.

'do you consent?' Catelyn asked.

'Can I refuse?' Robb asked. Catelyn shook her head, no. 'Then I guess I consent.'

"I do not envy you." Theon told him honestly. 

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