Rosey: Mommy has the same so you both have a matching neckless.
Arizona: I see, this is so sweet of you. Y/n I don't have anything for you.
Y/n: You already gave me the most beautiful thing I could wish for, this family and your love. Let me put the neckless on for you.
Timothy: It's even more beautiful now you wear it mama. This was an amazing day. I love you.
Y/n: We love you both so much. We are so grateful to have you both here with us today.
Rosey: Mommy, your dress is so beautiful, I want to have that dress. I love the dress so so much.
Y/n: You know what big girl. We will get you a new dress this weekend. What would you like to have Timothy?
Timothy: Can I have a new game to play for the Nintendo Switch?
Arizona: Of course you can buddy.  So now you can tell all your friends you will have a new baby brother or sister on the way.
Rosey: I will tell everyone at daycare I will be the best big sister ever.
Y/n: No doubt about that girlie.

It's been a few weeks and today you were having your scan to find out the gender of the baby.

Rosey: So we will pick if it is a girl or a boy today?
Timothy: How many times do we have to explain it Rosey? You can't choose if it is a boy or girl.  
Rosey: But I want a sister to play dolls with and play princes with.
Arizona: We will find out soon, because there is auntie Carina waiting for us.
Carina: Hello everyone, I first want to have a big group hug from my two best friends.
Timothy: Auntie Carina, I almost can't breath. You hug us to hard.
Carina: I'm sorry buddy. So are we ready to find out what the baby will be?
Rosey: Can we see the baby today?
Carina: You will meet him or her today on a screen. You will be able to meet the baby in that way.
Rosey: So we won't meet the baby for real? We can't hold cookie in our arms?
Carina: I'm sorry Rosey, but today you won't hold the baby. You will have to wait a few more months.
Arizona: I'm sorry baby, but that's just how it works. We can't wish for a baby and than it will appear all of a sudden.
Rosey: I understand mama, but it would be much easier.
Y/n: It would be so much easier, but now we get to slowly fall in love with the baby while he or she is growing inside my belly.
Rosey: Auntie Carina, can I ask something first?
Carina: Of course you can Bella. What is it?
Rosey: Does it help when I cuddle mommy while the baby is inside her belly?
Carina: Actually, it is the best thing to do. The baby will feel so safe when you cuddle mommy her belly and she feels your love. With that the baby will grow all good and will be so happy to meet you when he or she is ready.
Rosey: Okay Carina. Can we now see the baby?
Carina: We will start once your mommy is ready.
Y/n: I'm more than ready. I have everyone around me who I love the most. 
Timothy: Does it hurt when we see the baby?
Y/n: No, it doesn't hurt at all. The only that isn't comfortable is how cold the gel is that Carina will put on my belly.
Timothy: Does it help if we hold your hands? Than you can focus on that and don't think about the cold gel.
Arizona: I think that's a really good idea buddy.
Rosey: Can I hold your hand aswel mommy?
Y/n: You can girlie. I would love nothing more.
Timothy: But if we hold both your hands, mama can't hold your hand.
Arizona: But I have the perfect solution for that. I will stand next to mommy and will hug her from the side the whole time. So we will really do this together.
Carina: This is by far the cutest thing I've ever seen. Lets get started and tell me when you want to stop or when you feel uncomfortable.
Y/n: I know the drill dr. Deluca. Lets start this to find out what we will have.
Rosey: Finally. I still hope it will be a girl, so I can play princes with her all day long.

Carina did the scan and she told you the baby looked perfect. It was now time to find put if it was a boy or a girl.

Arizona: Can you see what we are having?
Carina: Let me have a good look. So here it is, look at the screen.
Timothy: I don't understand it Carina. It's more like an alien.
Y/n: Honestly, I understand what you see big man. When the baby is here, he or she doesn't look like an alien anymore.
Arizona: I think this is the most unique moment an OB ever witnessed during an appointment.
Carina: Definitely. So I think you will be very happy with the news. You are having another girl. 
Rosey: I get a little sister? So I can play dolls with her?
Carina: Yes Rosey, you will have a little sister in some months time.
Timothy: Another sister? Does that mean I need to protect her aswel?
Arizona: Yes baby, you can be the big protecting brother again, but you will also be the man they can come to for help.
Rosey: Just like the best brother you are to me?
Timothy: I will always be there for you Rosey.
Rosey: I love you Timmy.
Timothy: I love you too sissy.
Arizona: You two are so adorable together. It's so sweet they way you two are together.
Y/n: Mama is right. You are the best kids ever. We love you so much and will be so happy when your sister will be here so she can meet you.
Carina: I really think you are the most loving family ever. I'm so blessed having the chance to know you all.
Arizona: And we are grateful for our friendship Carina. Thank you again for all you do for us.

It's been some weeks and you were both at work. You were standing at the nurses station when all of a sudden you felt someone wrapping her arms around your waist. You immediately knew it were the arms of Arizona.

Y/n: Hey you, what brings you here?
Arizona: I wanted to see my beautiful wife and see if she and Cookie were all good.
Y/n: We are perfect and still 26 weeks pregnant.
Arizona: That's good to hear. So I was thinking and what would you say of a weekend away? Just the two of us.
Y/n: You know I always like that, but what about the kids?
Arizona: My parents really wanted to have them over this weekend. They told me they missed spending much time with them when I asked them if they could watch Timothy and Rosey while we were away.
Y/n: Your parents adore them so much. I only think that we need more rooms at home, because they will spoil the kids probably with lots of toys and clothes again.
Arizona: I know for sure that they will get lots of presents. So we are going? I arranged a cute B&B not far away from here. It's a nice place where we can enjoy the nature, but also can go shopping in town.
Y/n: Sounds perfect to me. When are we going?
Arizona: I actually thought about leaving when we are both finished later this afternoon.
Y/n: That's so soon. What about our clothes and everything. We need to pack at least a bag right?
Arizona: Don't worry love. I took care of everything.
Y/n: You amaze me again and again Arizona. This is such a big surprise.
Arizona: All because you deserve this. You work so hard and are so good for cookie, so it's time for me to take care of you.
Y/n: Actually, I could use a good massage and a kiss.

Arizona cupped your face in her hands and kissed you long and passionate before releasing and giving you a tight hug.

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