20. My property

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'Don't let Ser Gregor hurt him.' Sansa begged 'I can't watch' Ned tried to comfort his daughter.

'100 gold dragons on the mountain.' petyr called back to Renly.

'I'll take that.' Renly said pleasantly

'Now what will I do with 100 gold dragons Dornish wine or a girl from the pleasure houses?' Petyr questioned.

'You can even buy yourself a friend.' Renly suggested.

'He is going to die!' Sansa told Ned

'He's going to try to win.' Ned told her the horn blew and they were off. Charging at one another Loras' lance got ser Gregor, he collapse to the ground into the fence breaking it.

'Such a shame little finger it would've been so nice for you to have a friend.' Renly told him.

'And tell me Renly when will you be having your friend?' Petyr taunted gesturing to loras, Petyr turned back to sansa, and Ned. 'Loras knew his horse was in heat.' Petyr told sansa.

'He would never do that there is no honor in that in honor in tricks.' Sansa assured him.

'No honor but quite a bit of gold' Petyr told her leaning back. Gregor was not happy about it he threw down his helmet screaming out as Loras approached the victor.

'Sword!' Gregor screamed out as everyone cheered. Gregor was given a sword and he chopped his own horses head clean off with one swing Sansa jumped as the horses head severed and fell to the ground, a scream stuck on her lips as Gregor kept going. Gregor came at Loras knocking him down again and again. Loras's shield was not strong enough to fend off against Gregor but Sandor jumped forward.

'Leave him be!' Sandor declared dueling off against his brother. Gregor charged at Sandor, a wicked look in his eyes. Everyone watched in horror as Sandor faced off against his older brother.

'That is enough! In the name of the king!" Robert shouted and sandor dropped to a knee, gregor's blade just barely missed his head.

'Let him be.' Robert muttered as Gregor stormed off.

"You saved my life ser.' Loras said walking up, still frazzled from his near death. 'thank you.' Loras told sandor.

"I'm no ser.' Sandor grumbled but Loras lifted Sandor's hand and declared him the victor of the tourney. Sandor missed Amelia, having to deal with Joffrey alone was hell. But he assumed she was happily in love, making snow angels and trying for a family of her own, he had to be happy for her even though he was worried about her being so far away. he had started taking care of her when he was just a teenager, spent every day with her, it was strange to be so far away and not knowing if he would ever see the princess again.


'Does ser hugh Have any family in the capital'

'No.' Ser Barriston said as ser hugh was sewn back together after a joust went through his neck at the tournament 'I gave a vigil to him last night he had no one else.'

'He never wore this helmet before.' Ned noted

'Bad luck for him going against the Mountain.'

'Who determines the draw?' Ned questioned

'All the knights draw straws.' Barriston told him.

'Who holds the straws? You've done good work sisters,' ned said as they cleaned up the dead knight.

'Life is strange not so many years ago we fought as enemies at the trident.' Barriston remarked.

'I'm glad we never met on the field Ser barriston.' Ned remarked.

'You are too modest I've seen you cut down a dozen red knights.' Barriston informed him.

'My father once told me you were the best he's ever seen. I never knew the man to be wrong about matters of combat.' Ned told him

'He was a fine man, your father... bad business with the mad king though it was a terrible crime.'

'That knight was a squire up until a few months ago... how can you afford a suit of armor?' Ned questioned as they walked.

'Perhaps his Lord had left him some money? I heard that the king wants to joust today.' Barriston remarked.

'That will never happen.' Ned remarked

'The king tends to do what he wants.'

''If the king got what he wanted all the time we would still be fighting a rebellion.' Ned told him


'I'm sorry my Lord we are filled up every room.'

'My men can sleep in the stable as for myself I do not require a large room.' Tyrion insisted.

'Sincerely my Lord we have nothing.'

'Is there nothing I can do...' Tyrion said knocking a coin on the table 'to remedy this?'

'You can have my room.' Bronn said. Catelyn was on her way back from the capital when she happened upon Tyrion. Rage filled her. she would make every Lannister pay and one had stumbled upon her.

'There's a clever man.' Tyrion said tossing him the coin. His eyes scanned the room, landing on none other than Catelyn stark. 'Pleasure to see you again my lady.' Tyrion said kindly bowing to her but Catelyn did not look happy to see him one bit. Soon she was calling upon all the men from all different houses to stand and defend her. the noised of swords being draw in their direction caused Tyrion to startle. He now understood Amelia's fear he didn't know if she was safer at Winterfell or would have been safer with him right now.

"Lady stark,' Tyrion said with a hint of bitterness and his guards were incapacitated. They were dragged away from the inn, still tried and hungry from their journey but not going to get rest anytime soon.


'You said we were going to Winterfell but we are headed in the wrong direction.' Tyrion remarked.

'I did and loudly.' Catelyn agreed.

'Very clever of you Catelyn... they'll be looking for me in all the wrong places but word has probably gotten to my father by now and he'll be offering a handsome reward.' Tyrion reminded the guards. He was really worried for his niece now. If Catelyn took his hostage with ease then Amelia truly was a hostage at winterfell. 'Everyone knows a Lannister always pays his debts... would you be so good just untie me?'

'Why would I do that?' Catelyn questioned incredulously. Bronn was sharpening his sword looking over at the little lord he could get a nice penny off of returning him safely

'Why not?' Tyrion suggested 'am I going to run? the hill tribes would kill me for my boots unless a shadow cat-'

'Shadow cats and hill tribes are the least of your worries.' Catelyn assured him. Catelyn's life had been on its side since the moment Ned brought home Jon and now Ned was gone again. She was going to get revenge. Taking all her anger out on Tyrion, he was the easiest of lions to catch.

'The eastern road...' Tyrion noted the trail ahead of them. 'we are going to the veil you're taking me to your sister to answer from my imagined crimes.' Tyrion said letting out a huff of a breath. 'tell me lady stark when was the last time you saw your sister?' tyrion asked

'Many years ago.' She admitted.

'She has changed.' Tyrion informed her, 'she has always been a bit touchy but now you might as well kill me here.'

'I am not a murderer Lannister.'

'Neither am I.' Tyrion exclaimed. 'I have nothing to do with the attempt of your son's life.' Tyrion told her.

'The dagger found-'

'What imbecile arms an assassin with his own blade?' Tyrion reminded her.

'Can I gag him?' one of catelyns men suggested.

'Why am I starting to make sense?' tyrion questioned. 

Evermore // Bran StarkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz