10. Bittersweet Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

'I wish I could be here when you wake up.' he told a sleeping bran 'I'm going north with uncle Benjen I'm taking the black...' Catelyn looked up to him with teary eyes not for Jon but for her son. Jon knelt before Bran, 'I know we always talked about seeing the wall together but you will be able to come and visit me at Castle Black when you're better I'll know my way around by then I will be a sworn brother of the nights watch. We can go out walking beyond the wall if you're not afraid.' Jon added.

'I want you to leave.' Catelyn said through clenched teeth they both looked at the door to see Ned. Jon got up and pressed a kiss to Brans forehead before heading out Ned close the door behind Jon. Ned approached Catelyn's taking slow steps before sitting down next to her.

'17 years ago you rode off with Robert Baratheon, you came back a year later with another woman's son and now you're leaving again!' cat told him exasperatedly.

'I am going. I can't refuse the king.' Ned reminded her

'That's what they always say, all our goals but that's what you tell your family, tell your son... you do have a choice.' cat told him 'and you've made it.'

'Cat-' he said reaching her but she pushed him away

'I can't do it.' she told him 'I really can't'

'You can, you must.' he told her before heading out himself


'You said goodbye to Bran?' robb questioned coming up to Jon, they were headed out, Robb was to be the new lord of winterfell in his fathers absence. 'He's not going to die I know it.' Robb told him

'You starks are hard to kill.' Jon remarked

'My mother?'

'She was very kind.' Jon lied.

'I'm sure she was... Next time I see you you'll be all in black.' Robb remarked as Jon saddled his horse

'It was always my color.' Jon added,

'Farewell snow.'

'And you Stark.' they shared a warm embrace before Robb headed off.

"Take care of my brother, Princess." Jon requested. "He's got a big head."

"I will take care of him and Bran and Rickon as well." Amelia assured.

"It was nice to meet you Amelia."

"You as well. I hope to meet you again." Amelia said honestly.

Robert ruffled amelia hair as he passed

'Bye amelia.' he said not looking back at her she stared after him.

'Bye father.' she whispered

'Oh my sweet girl.' Jaime said coming up and hugging her, her feet lifted off the ground as a smile covered her face. 'I'm going to miss you sweetie.' Jaime said kissing her head.

'Im going to miss you too uncle jaime.' Amelia told him not letting go and jaime sighed. Amelia was his. His daughter but she would only ever see him as uncle jaime.

'Bye Melia!' Tommen said running up to her.

'Goodbye handsome. You take care of ser pounce for me.' Amelia instructed.

'I love you Melia'. Tommen said as she kissed his cheek.

'And i love you!' She assured hugging him tight.' Mycella you are in charge until im back. Dont let joffrey push you around.' Amelia instructed

'Never.' Mycella agreed.

'I'm going to miss you both so much.' Amelia told them hugging them tight. She moved to joffrey next.


'Brother.' She retorted and he stared at her a moment before the ghost of a smile appeared on his face and he hugged her.

'I might miss you.' Joffrey admitted

'I might miss you too.' Amelia retorted.

'I hope your children dont have your nose.' Joffrey sniggered as he jumped into the carriage amelia swatted a hand at him.

'My sweet girl.' cersei said as amelia spun around. 'I dont want to leave you here. You come home whenever you want. Alright my love?'

'I miss you already mama.' amelia told her as she hugged cersei tight.

'I love you so much.' cersei said trying to hold back tears she didnt want to leave her baby in the north especially not after the Bran incedent.

'I love you more.' amelia told her

'Not possible'. Cersei peppered her face with kisses. 'You raven and your uncle and I will come running.' Cersei assured

'I love you mama. '

'I love you baby. My brave little lion.' cersei whispered before climbing in as well.

'Do I get a hug too?' Sandor questioned and amelia smiled up at him as she hugged him. 'I'm going to miss your hugs'. Sandor told her.

'I'm going to miss you. I'm sorry you are stuck with Joffrey.' amelia admitted

'Me too.' Sandor agreed.

'You know I love you sandor.' Amelia told him and he stared down at her speechless. 'I always thought of you as like another uncle. Sort of like Tyrion,' amelia admitted and sandor shook his head. 'Always making inappropriate jokes swearing and drinking to much.' Amelia countered.

'Dont ruin a good moment comparing me to the imp.' Sandor instructed. 'I like you too.' Sandor told her as she hugged him again.

'Amelia!' Tyrion called.

'Hey,' sandor grabbed her hand stopping her she turned back to him and he kissed her cheek. 'Dont let these cunts boss you around.' Sandor told her.

'Bye sandor. '

'Amelia my sweet sweet niece i will see you soon.' Tyrion said as she dropped down before him. 'I love you very much. '

'I dont see the appeal in the wall.' amelia admitted.

'An adventure my love.' Tyrion reminded her.

'Be careful.' Amelia instructed.

'I will. I have so much to live for.' Tyrion assured.

'I love you uncle tyrion.' She helt tight to him a sad smile on her face.

'Bye sweetie. I will see you soon.' Tyrion repeated as he headed off.

'Princess,' ned said as he approached 'perhaps next time we see eaxhcother you will have made me a grandfather.' Ned remarked

'I hope so.' Amliea admitted.

'You will look after the little ones won't you? I saw how much bran and rickon adored you.'

'And i them.' She assured 'i will do my best to help them and protect them.' Amelia added

'It's nice to know someone else is looking out for them.' Ned told her. 'Im glad robb has you as well. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. '

'Thank you lord stark. That means alot.' Amelia told him. Ned gave her shoulder a squeeze as he headed off.


'It is a great honor to be in the nights watch the starks have served it for thousands of years and you are a stark.' ned told Jon, 'you might not have my name but you have my blood.'

'Is my mother alive? Does she know about me? Where I am where I'm going? Does she care?' jon questioned hopelessly.

'Next time we see each other we will talk about your mother.' Ned promised before riding off.

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