100th Chapter Special - What if they were the ones from another world?

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 "A knight from Westa... This would be a good experiment", a strange man pointed his staff at another person.

He wore black robes and his body seemed to be wrapped with bandages. His wooden staff looked worn and yet there was a strong concentration of energy surrounding it.

And then, red orbs of light circled around his staff before heading straight towards his opponent. They launched one by one and they were faster than a baseball thrown by a professional pitcher.

"Protect, my fortress", the Westa knight said.

A yellow barrier appeared in front of him and protected him from the attack.

"I see... Compressing your mana into orbs of light then launching them, that's a valid form of magic... if this was a hundred years ago. Really? Relying on the interference of the principles of reality? I feel peerless in this world", the Westa knight sighed.

"Is that some form of barrier magic? To think you are able to set up a barrier to stop my magic so easily... Are you perhaps an exemplary mage?" the bandaged man asked.

"Huh? This is a D-ranked barrier magic. Its function is to just tamper with the mana inside a magic in order to weaken it enough before it would hit its solid protection. A simple mana compression magic can be easily tampered with."

"Simple mana compression? The Orbs of Destruction is a high-level of attack magic. Not anyone can gather a large quantity of mana in order to unleash a powerful burst like that."

"The sound of the cannon roars.

The firing of the guns shall commence.

Come forth, Rapid Bombardment!"

Several magic circles appeared above the Westa knight and bolts of light hit the bandaged man. He howled in pain as he got hit and when the attack was done, he was barely managing to stand.

"I... I am a Living Darkness! How can I be hurt by simple Light Magic like that?!" the bandaged man shouted.

"Light Magic? Nein. That's Rapid Bombardment, an Attack Magic which only has one purpose and that's to deal damage. Your physical body might be weird but your astral and ethereal bodies are very vulnerable. Although your astral body might be stronger due to an unknown force supporting it, I feel like I have an idea as to what's happening", the Westa knight rubbed his chin.

Darkness came out of the bandaged man and enveloped the surroundings. The Westa knight felt nothing except a cool breeze as the darkness approached him.

And when he snapped his fingers, the darkness gathered into a single small orb above him.

"I see. This is the strange energy I have been feeling for a while. Is it because my astral body changed the moment I got transported to this world? Now that I think about it, your astral body is somehow connected to myself. Looks like I shall have to do some research then", the Westa knight muttered.

The bandaged man tried to gather his mana but his body stiffened after the Westa knight pointed at him.

"Interesting. By using the connection between our astral bodies, I am able to command you. Am I no longer human? From how you have control over this strange energy, I can safely assume that you know things, right?" he approached the bandaged man.

"W-Who... Who are you?!"

"My name is Felix Takeda, the administrative officer of the 13th unit who is going under the process of being transferred to the 6th unit's magical advancement division."

Magic circles appeared above him as he gave a slight bow. Then, his white knight uniform turned into a black suit.

"I am also a magician from the Millenium Nights Association who somehow got summoned into this world."

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