Chapter 20: Talking about the past is not always nice.

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We were sitting near the counter at ROBEL. The bar was empty since it was a bit before opening time.

"Seriously, Oga... You should come when ROBEL's open. Even bringing a little girl into a bar like this is almost criminal", Roberu complained.

"Heh. This "little girl" is older than your grandma", Oga said.

"It's been some time since I last saw you. How many years have passed already?" Anya asked.

"Around 4000 years... I never saw you or your master after that battle", he said.

"Ummm... How do you two know each other?" I butted in the conversation.

"Anya used to be my former comrade's weapon. We went on a journey together to fight someone", Oga answered.

"4000 years ago? Wasn't that during the Dark Times?" Roberu asked.

The Dark Times was a period of time when a king tried to take over the world. They said that he was armed with powerful magic and all of his minions had the strength of several warriors.

"Yeah. I fought in that war. Not a really good memory to reminisce", Oga said.

"I'd like to hear all about it", a voice behind us said.

When I looked back, I saw a gray-haired man with glasses was standing at the doorway. He was wearing a green coat and was quite tall. Why in the world was Arurandeisu here?

"Isn't it opening time already, Roberu? Or are there delays for tonight?" he asked.

"Ah... Let me switch the signs first", Roberu headed towards the door as Arurandeisu sat on a stool beside me.

"Hello, Mikage. I haven't seen you since the serial murder case", he greeted me.

"G-Good evening, Arurandeisu. I hope you've been well", I greeted back.

Roberu returned to the counter, "You'll have the usual, right?"

"Yes", Arurandeisu answered and Roberu began mixing some drinks.

"I'll also have some too, Roberu. I'll need it if I will tell the story", Oga said.

"Got it. How about you, Mikage?"

"I'll have what I had last time", I answered.

"If you have any juice, I'll take it", Anya said.

After serving our drinks, Oga told his tale.

"4000 years ago, there was a king who wanted to rule over the world. He waged war over many countries and countless of lives were lost. It was known as the Dark Times", Oga said.

"Yeah. That's what the history books said. You even said that you fought in the war, right?" Roberu asked.

"He did not just "fight in the war." He was one of the heroes who stopped the king and ended the Dark Times", Anya said.

"Really? You're that great, Oga?" I asked.

"What Anya said is true. I was part of the group that killed many of the king's generals and even fought against the king himself. You could say that I was a hero."

"Now that's interesting... Why is your name not in the history books?" Arurandeisu asked.

"Because what I did was not really heroic. I was the sole survivor of our group when we raided the king's castle", Oga answered.

"That's right. My master, and all of our other comrades sacrificed their lives to end the battle. Even I went to deep sleep just to defeat that man", Anya added.

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