Chapter 52: Synchronicity

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A strong gust of wind blew as I felt myself getting stronger. Yoclesh's soul was pulsing in my sword and I resonated with it. Then my body began glowing.

Before I knew it, my clothes changed. Instead of my usual knight uniform, I was wearing a black long-sleeved top with golden lines and black trousers. My sword now had a black wavy blade.

So you achieved Synchronicity. You met my previous masters and I guess you now know what I am, Anya's voice echoed in me.

Yep... You're a really amazing partner. So how about we kick Oga's butt?

Let's go!

"That form... Synchronicity huh? This should be fun", Oga cracked his knuckles.

Darkness wrapped around his arms and I charged at him. He swung his fist but I easily dodged it. Thanks to Synchronicity, my body knew what to do. I didn't even have to think much. I knew when to parry or block and I could dodge using minimal movements.

I swung my sword and finally cut through Oga's darkness-enhanced arms. Lightning shot from above and I dodged it. Oga opened his mouth and a ball of red light formed. He shot a red beam but I dodged it.

Even with Synchronicity, Oga is still hard to defeat. Focus on cutting his ribbon! Anya told me.

He swung down his fist and I jumped to avoid it. I compressed my mana inside Anya and released a blue wave of energy at its tip. It formed a crescent shape and exploded when it hit Oga. I didn't know what I did since I just went with my instinct. And my instinct was amazing thanks to Synchronicity.

I spotted an opening to cut Oga's ribbon. I was about to cut it when a massive headache attacked me. My clothes reverted to my knight uniform and I could feel my power disappearing.

I landed on the ground as my body felt really heavy. The headache didn't make things better.

What happened? I asked.

You got too excited and stopped resonating with the previous masters. This is an effect of getting out of Synchronicity, Anya answered.

My body was really heavy and the headache was annoying. Oga looked confused but he then grinned.

"It seems you still need to practice Synchronicity. Yoclesh had months of training before she could maintain that form for 10 minutes", he grabbed me and lifted me up.

What should I do? I could use my shadow to attack him but I think he was wary of my own shadow. My body was too tired to even swing Anya. This was bad... How in the world could I get out of this situation?

You are just using your own darkness. As the Primordial Dark, you have the authority to use every darkness in existence, Yagoo's words echoed in my mind.

Wait a minute... Didn't Moona say the same thing too? And she found out that I was the Primordial Dark's vessel when a certain thing happened?

It was worth a shot so I smiled.

Oga's shadow rose up and cut his ribbon. His eyes widened in surprise because of what happened.

"My shadow moved on its own? No... You!" Oga finally realized what happened.

That's right. I was the Primordial Dark's vessel so that meant I had authority over every darkness in existence. Manipulating the shadows of other people was possible for me.

"Oga's ribbon has been cut! The winner is Mikage Kamishiro!"

Oga sighed and put me down. I sat on the floor and took a deep breath. Looks like I won.

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