Anniversary Q&A Special!!!!

591 24 575

[From: BoltBlaster_2245]

To: Mikage 'this man' kamishiro

Did you wash anya regularly?(in her sword form of course)

Mikage: I actually don't need to do it. Whenever Anya would transform from her human form into her sword form, she would be in perfect condition. Temma even told me that I'm lucky I don't have to do maintenance on her like any other sword.

[From: Sento_Build]

To: Mikage and Amelia

Do you both plan getting on a Romantic Relationship and be Happy with each other Pls answer me honestly.

Amelia: I may not be planning on that right now but there's no reason why I shouldn't date Mikage. But I'm sure that there are better girls for him out there.

Mikage: Assuming those better girls would fall for me in the first place.

Amelia: Come on. Be more confident in yourself! You have lots of redeeming qualities! You deserve more than just a detective who doesn't trust anyone and will investigate things the moment doubts form in her mind.

Mikage: But you're not just any detective. You're a master detective. And if you're the type to investigate things the moment you think something is wrong, then you must be an amazing partner who can fix things without me gathering up the courage to say that there's a problem in the first place.

Amelia: O-Oh. That's an interesting way of looking at things.

[From: Axieathoth-Verse]

To: Ayame

Yo dayo! When will you appear in this book? (if I haven't forgoten) and can I have a hug?

Ayame: What book? I don't even have time for hugs since I'm dealing with troublesome things in the Demon Realm.

To: Suisei

Can I have a hug? also, how are you?

Suisei: Sorry. I'm an idol so the best I can give you are handshakes. As for how I'm feeling, I'm worried about Mikage since he disappeared like that. But I'm going to trust Ina since she knows that Mikage is not in danger.

[From: Knoxxunor]

To: Noel

How did you get so strong?! I wanna know your secret.

Noel: I was born with good muscles. But that's not enough. I trained hard in order to use my muscles to their full potential. I'm not going to say that if you work hard, you can become as strong as me. However, keep in mind that I am this strong because I worked hard.

To: Mikage

How do you handle stress with your job? Surely the paperwork gets overwhelming.

Mikage: I got used to it. I also talked to Temma every night back when we shared a room in the barracks. When I lived in Amelia's house, I just talked to Oga whenever we had training sessions. They are good listeners and I can vent my stress.

To: Ina

Does Ao-chan talk? Like out right just talk to you, no riddles and cryptids bullshit. Just a conversation.

Ina: AO-chan talks to me a lot. We would theorize together on many things and she's a fun conversation partner since she knows everything. And we often have pun battles but I never beat her cause she knows every single pun out there.

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