Chapter 80: Insanity and Magic against Civilization

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In front of us were five floating screens made from magic. Each of them showed different locations where the Primordial Beings' vessels were.

The first screen showed Gura and Lamy, the second showed Ina, the third showed Moona and Amelia, the fourth showed Calliope, and the last showed Haato and Shion.

"So this is our plan? Lure out the Council and beat them up?" I asked.

"That's right. I had Shion and Ina cooperate to invent a magic that would conceal you, the Primordial Dark's vessel. But that's not enough. I also had them create a magic that would show a false presence similar to yours", Yagoo explained.

"But why would they risk their necks to protect me from the Council? Why would they fight them just for my sake?"

"It's not that they want to fight for you. They are just using you as an excuse. I'm sure the Primordial Beings inside them are willing to take any reason to beat the crap out of the Council". Suisei answered.

"From my prophetic dreams and Suisei's star fortune telling, we know that the Council will strike tonight. That's why I had the magic which gave off a similar presence to the Primordial Dark in all of those locations and hopefully, we can lure the Council and give them a beating", Yagoo said.

Bright light shone from Shion and Haato's screen.

"She's coming", Shion said as several magic circles appeared near her.

A brown-haired girl descended from the sky. She was wearing a brown cloak that draped over her body and as she descended, she was eating a berry.

"What am I doing here again?" she asked.

However, Shion and Haato didn't drop their guards down.

"Baelz said I'm supposed to do something but I forgot", she muttered.

Bolts of purple light shot from the magic circles near Shion and grotesque monsters appeared after Haato snapped her fingers.

However, a stone fort appeared out of nowhere and shielded the brown-haired girl. Cannons appeared and fired at the grotesque monsters. After a minute, the fort and cannons disappeared.

"I remember! I'm supposed to find the Primordial Dark!" the girl exclaimed and then munched on another berry.

She looked at Haato and Shion.

"Do you know where the Primordial Dark is, Primordial Magic and Primordial Insanity?" she asked.

"Why should we tell you?" Shion asked back.

"You have the presence of the Primordial Dark. That's why I was sent here."

"You have to beat us if you wanna know", Haato told her.

"Then that's an easy goal to clear!"

Cannons and guns appeared beside the brown-haired girl and began firing. The ground in front of Shion rose up and turned into a wall which protected the two of them.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Mumei Nanashi, the Guardian of Civilization. All of mankind's achievements and legacies are part of her. From technology to magic, anything made by mankind is under her command", Yagoo answered.

Magic circles appeared near Mumei and brown bolts of light shot from it. In response, Shion clapped her hands and a purple barrier shielded them.

"Damn it, Primordial Insanity! Can't you shut that loud and annoying noise up?!" Shion shouted.

"Sorry! My abilities target everyone around me", Haato replied.

"Oh? So this "Haachama" I've been hearing is from the Primordial Insanity?" Mumei asked.

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