Chapter 76: The resolution of the frame-up.

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Upon receiving Captain Magus' analyses and hearing the story from Roland, the 1st unit released Captain Noel. All was well... except that I was getting crushed by someone who had ridiculous muscle strength.

"MIKAGE! TEMMA! THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME!!" Captain Noel was crushing me and Temma with her arms even though she was just attempting to hug us.

"It's a vice captain's duty to help his captain", Temma said.

"You would've done the same for me", I added.

"And thank you, Amelia! I would be in a real pinch if you didn't investigate", Captain Noel hugged Amelia.

"Y-Yeah. Mikage wanted to help you so I had to pinch in. And even if he won't, Temma and Captain Vein would still hire me", she responded.

"And Vein! Thanks for believing in me!" Captain Noel raised her hand.

"That's what friends are for", Captain Vein gave her a high five.

"How did the 1st unit treat you?" I asked.

"It was horrible! They didn't question me. They put me through a machine and analyzed my memories. And when they couldn't find the memory they were looking for, they simply concluded that I erased them and was more suspicious of me!" she answered.

"Figures. Erasing memories is easy so they would assume that. And since you're the main suspect, they won't question you since you can just lie your way out". Amelia said.

"Will they even give her a fair trial if that's the case?"

"Maybe... Maybe not. The "evidence" they got already proved her guilty and she couldn't produce evidence that proved that she was innocent. That's why I was worried. If we didn't move fast, Captain Noel would be locked up in a high-security prison", Temma answered.

The door of the captain's office swung open and Roland entered the room.

"Hello, Noel. I'm glad to see you're still cheerful", he smiled.

"Big brother!" she tackled and gave him a hug.

Roland patted her head and it was a refreshing sight to see two siblings getting along.

"Thank you for believing in me", Captain Noel said.

"A big brother's job is to be the ally of his little sister even if the entire world is against them", he replied.

"Thanks for helping us in fighting Captain Reagan", Temma said.

"No. I should be thanking you, Temma. You completely believed in Noel. And I'm glad you trusted me to help you in fighting against the mastermind. Beating up the person who dares to mess with my little sister is completely satisfying."

"By the way, Roland. You overpaid by a lot", Amelia told him.

"Consider it as a tip for your services. You did prove my little sister's innocence. Pocket change like that is not enough to express my gratitude."

"Pocket change?" I asked.

When I saw the money Amelia received, my jaw almost dropped. It was almost the same amount as I received when I finished the Moryo Dungeons Quest.

"The 1st unit's salary is like a captain's if not greater. I'm sure Roland is rich", Temma answered.

"Since we're talking about money and it's almost lunch time, my wallet is out. I'm treating all of you with lunch", Roland smiled.

"Then let's go to the usual place!" Captain Noel raised her arm while Captain Vein grinned.


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