Chapter 72: The 20th unit of the Westa Knight Order

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We finished reading the files in the rectangular device. That device contained information about the 1st unit's investigations. To be more specific, it talked about the crime Captain Noel was involved in.

For the past month, there were cases of attacks in Westa East. People would use Dark Magic and cause chaos. Physical descriptions said that darkness would ooze out of their bodies. The sclera of their eyes would turn black and their irises would turn red.

The 20th unit were the ones who dealt with all the cases and upon investigation, they found out that people drank a certain pill before they lost control.

"Wait a minute... Pill??" I asked.

"It's almost like that person", Temma said.

"Yes. Like Theodore Sen", Amelia added.

"Theodore Sen?" Captain Vein asked.

"He's the serial murderer who almost caused a war between the Kageyama Clan and the Familiaran. Theodore Sen also took a strange pill and almost killed Temma", Amelia explained.

Theodore Sen was a skilled swordsman. And when Temma arrived, he took that strange pill. I could feel the strange energy inside him when he drank it. His appearance matched the descriptions of the people in the investigation. The pill also made him stronger and more dangerous.

We continued reading the file. The 20th unit tracked down the production of the pills but there wasn't any luck. But when they learned of a knight who took a pill, they officially asked help from the 1st unit.

The 1st unit managed to figure out the source of the pills and they cornered the man. However, that man took the pill and fought hard. They managed to capture him but he entered a vegetative state after the effects of the pills faded.

When they probed the man's memories, they saw a memory where Captain Noel was the one giving him instructions. The 1st unit analyzed the memory and they could conclude that it wasn't falsified.

"It's not a false memory? There must be something wrong", I said.

"Can we get the data about the memory?" Temma asked.

"The 6th unit was probably the one who did the analysis. If we want, I can schedule a meeting with that guy", Captain Vein said.

"Alright. Please do so, Captain Vein. Can we also have an interview with the 20th unit? I'd like to ask some questions involving their investigations", Amelia asked.

"Arranging a meeting with the 20th unit is easier. We can go there first while I try to make Magus find time to accommodate us", Captain Vein answered.

"Thank you, Captain Vein. Let's try to interview them as soon as we can. The longer we wait, the more difficult it is to find the hole our enemy made. Not to mention that Captain Noel might receive her punishment before we can find the truth."

"I'll do my best."


We were walking in Westa East and on our way to the 20th unit. Captain Vein managed to open up a schedule with them and they were fine with answering our questions.

"What's the 20th unit? Is there anything I should know about them?" I asked.

"The 20th unit is sort of bizarre, even if they were among the 20 regular units of the Westa Knight Order", Temma answered.

"Bizarre? How?"

"All of the knights in the 20th unit are magical knights."

"So they can use magic and stuff?"

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