Chapter 90: The origin of everything is nothing

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"A long long time ago, even before time began its supposedly endless march, there was nothing. Or to be more accurate, there was something that was nothing", Noir said.

First two sentences in and I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I don't understand what you are trying to say", Dr. Choco frowned.

If even a smart demon like Dr. Choco couldn't understand him, maybe Noir was the one who was in the wrong.

"Hmmm... If I were going to put it in modern terms, there was something that represented nothing", Noir said.

"The Primordial Nothing", Anya told us.

"Bingo! Or to be more accurate, it was the Primordial Void. For something to be born, there must be nothing. After all, everything starts from zero. Even before the darkness, there was nothing."

"But how does this relate to the strange energy?" Ayame asked.

"We get there when we get there!"


"Anyways... The Primordial Void existed. It's impossible to know how long it existed because time wasn't there yet. But the Primordial Void split itself into two parts. Those parts are twins called the ever-so-amazing-and-completely-lovable Primordial Dark and the Primordial Reality."

"Wait. I thought you started existing at the same time as the Primordial Light?" Anya asked.

"That's wrong. The Primordial Light is way younger than me. Not that I'm old or anything but let's not focus on that."

"Yes. Let's not get sidetracked until this man reaches the explanation for the strange energy", Ayame agreed.

"So... The Primordial Void split itself into two which are the Primordial Reality and the Primordial Dark. The Primordial Reality received the ability to have potential. That one is able to bloom and grow towards the infinite possibilities."

"I see. And the rest of the universe was created like that, right? The Primordial Time and the Primordial Space were born at the same time thanks to the Primordial Reality. As the universe evolved, more and more Primordial Beings were born", Dr. Choco said.

"Yep. When the first living creature was created, the Primordial Life appeared. And when the first creature died, the Primordial Death took its life. When sentient creatures learned how to use their mana, the Primordial Magic was born. And when the first sentient creature lost its mind, the Primordial Insanity dropped by. But all Primordial Beings couldn't exist without the Primordial Reality. As time goes by and more and more Primordial Beings appear, the Primordial Reality grows stronger."

"So the Primordial Reality is the part of the Primordial Void which has the potential to bloom into infinite possibilities. Then what about you? What are you?" Anya asked.

"I am nothing. Darkness is the lack of light and that's exactly what I am. The Primordial Reality was able to grow and mature over time. They even created creatures that would act like a Council and keep watch of the other Primordial Beings. Meanwhile, I had nothing until they decided to give me freewill."

"That is unfortunate but are we getting to the part about the strange energy?" Ayame asked.

"You know the conservation of energy, right? Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It's only transformed from one form to another. But there's no such thing as a perfect transformation. For example, if you transform your mana into electricity, not all of your mana would become electricity. No matter how skilled you are, you can't transform everything 100%. That is simply impossible."

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