Chapter 87: A new tenant in my mind.

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When I opened my eyes, all I could see was darkness.

The Primordial Dark will hasten its awakening, Omegaɑ's words echoed in my mind.

Oh crap! What happened to the battle?!

I bolted upright and my head hit the darkness. What? This was solid? Was I trapped inside a dome of darkness?

You finally figured it out. I wonder how you survived this long with that head, a voice inside me said.

This darkness... Is someone else controlling it? I asked.

Does it matter? You can control any darkness with my powers.

Oh yeah.

I willed the darkness to fade away and the first thing I saw was a large beast's claws going down towards me.

"Woah! What the hell?!" I managed to roll away.

GAHAHAHAHA! You should've seen the look on your face! the voice laughed.

I unsheathed my sword and faced the beast.

It was a purple-furred beast that looked like an oversized rabbit. However, its front teeth looked like fangs instead. It also had sharp claws but the most noticeable thing about it was the large red gem on its head.

I swung my sword and managed to cut its skin. Was its skin this soft? Maybe the only good thing about it was its size.

Go, go, Mikage! Go, go, Mikage! the voice inside me cheered.

You're distracting me too much, Anya! I scolded them.

My shadow rose up into one large spike as I willed it to impale the beast. However, its flesh was tough so I couldn't fully impale it.

Come on... Your imagination is lacking. You're not using darkness properly. I'm ashamed to share a body with you, he said.

That was when I realized that the voice I was talking to was a familiar-sounding male's voice. I wasn't talking to Anya all this time.

Let me show you how to use darkness!

Several spikes popped out from my shadow that impaled the beast. If that wasn't enough, the shadow of the beast moved on its own and turned into multiple spikes that further skewered it.

You can control any darkness in existence. So you might as well learn how to use it!

The beast disintegrated except for the red gem. I didn't mind that. I had one important question I wanted to ask.

Who are you? I questioned.

A semi-transparent man appeared in front of me. He had black hair and he was wearing a white uniform similar to what the Westa Knight Order would wear. The sclera of his eyes were black and his irises were red. But his face was very familiar.

The one and only Primordial Dark!, he gave a bow as an introduction.

Excuse me, what?

Just as he says. He's the Primordial Dark, Anya's voice said.

My heart felt relieved when I heard Anya. And from how she acknowledged his existence, I wasn't going insane.

Gahahaha! I win the bet, Anya! He didn't notice something was wrong until I had to drop a major hint like that! the Primordial Dark laughed.

What's going on? I asked.

Oh, that? You've been snoring for some time so I decided to break the ice with Anya. We had a little talk which ended up with me betting that you are too airheaded to notice that there's an entirely new and different person speaking, he explained.

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