Chapter 34: Night conversations are meaningful.

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"This is great! You foiled Spade Echo!" Noel cheered when Amelia gave the Red Rose back.

"Yeah. If she didn't save Mikage, I wouldn't have let her go", Amelia said.

"What you did was honorable. Besides, you will have a clear conscience when you try to catch her next time since you cleared your debts", Temma told her.

After that, we returned to the inn. Pekora said she was already tired and headed off to bed with Moona following her. I decided it was a good time to take a bath. For some reason, I really like taking baths. A day without having one made me uncomfortable.

I dipped in the huge bathtub. The warm water relaxed my muscles. Inns didn't have private baths in each room. Instead, there were two huge baths for the inn patrons that was separated by gender. There were no other people in the bath since it was currently 1 in the morning.

This was bliss. Having the entire bath all for myself was great. I could even fall asleep here.

For some reason, I felt that I was forgetting something. It couldn't be helped since I was involved in many things today. Besides, if I forgot, then it wasn't important.

Turns out it was important.

I was immediately reminded that I had to share a bed with Amelia tonight. This was awkward. Amelia was sitting on the bed after taking a bath... She must have felt conscious about herself.

"Maybe I should just sleep on the floor", I said.

"And what? Get a cold? No way. You're sleeping next to me", Amelia immediately shot down my suggestion.

We turned off the lights and lay down on the bed... It wasn't that big of a bed so I could feel Amelia's shoulders touching mine. We were too close to each other.

I was not sure whether I move around too much in my sleep since I never thought about it. Even if I took a bath, I still felt conscious on how I smelled. I used the free soap that the inn gave out earlier so I didn't know whether I smelled good or not.

Not good. I just have to close my eyes and sleep tight... At least I tried. My heart was beating too fast for me to relax and doze off to dreamland. Amelia was probably really mature since she had no problem sleeping next to me... Was I overthinking things?

"Hey Mikage... Are you still awake?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah... What's wrong?"

"Nothing... I'm sorry for not being helpful."

"What makes you say that?"

"I couldn't solve the riddle for the Hall of Memories. And now we got sidetracked in chasing after Spade Echo."

"Now now... We just have to look harder for information related to the riddle. And besides, our side quest did not take long. It might have gotten a bit too dangerous but I was saved thanks to Spade Echo."

"What do you mean?"

"When the dark ball swallowed both of us, we were supposed to be teleported to another place. But thanks to Spade Echo's artifact, the location was changed. If it wasn't for her, I would've been in a place where the Unkindness wants me."

"I see."

"What happened after I was gone anyway?"

"The bandaged man teleported away after you two disappeared. No one was seriously injured which was great. But we were worried about you. Noel would've launched a search party if Moona didn't find you using her abilities as a vessel for the Primordial Moon."

I was silent for a while as I thought... This was probably a good time to tell her.

"You know, I found out that I'm not exactly a normal human", I said.

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