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It was a regular morning. I trained with Temma and practiced my Dark Magic a bit. After that, it was a day filled with paperwork. I went on a journey for a few days looking for the Hall of Memories since I lost my memories. Now that I was back to normal, it was time to work on the piled up paperwork.

Captain Noel didn't bother working on them while I was gone. Seriously... How did the 13th unit survive when I wasn't assigned here?

An eerie feeling washed over me. It was the same uneasy feeling that I would get whenever there were incidents that involved the Primordial Dark. Ah crap. Anya was sleeping in my room and I didn't have any weapons nearby. My body began glowing and the scenery shifted.

Instead of the captain's office, I found myself in a room. There were bookshelves, a desk stacked with books, and a closed window.

"What the-" a voice said.

I looked at the source and saw a young man around my age. He had black hair and blue eyes. The young man looked at me and then stood straight.

"What are you?" he asked.

He spoke in Japanese. Whew, that's great. At least I could understand him... But what did he mean by that question? Wasn't it supposed to be "who?"

"I'm Kamishiro Mikage, an administrative officer of the 13th unit of the Westa Knight Order", I answered.

"An administrative officer?? I never thought there was a magic that could summon an office worker", he muttered.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Ah. You're in a world called Earth. To be more specific, you are in a country called Japan."

Japan?? Really? Then that means... I was back in my own world??

I ran towards the nearest window and opened it. The buildings looked modern and a passing human was wearing clothes with Japanese characters on it. I saw a sign that had the words, "Segregate your garbage properly", in Japanese... I really was in Japan.

"That was strange. They said it would summon a legendary creature... Unless being an "administrative officer" is legendary, then you are no ordinary human", he said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Sorry. I got too caught up. My name is Takeda Felix, a magician from the Millennium Nights Association", he said.

Magician?? Wait... Was I really back in my own world? There was supposed to be no magic in my world.

"You seem to be able to speak Japanese... Does this language exist in your world as well?" Takeda-kun asked.

"The truth is..."

I told him about my situation from how I died in an accident to getting sent to another world as a vessel of a Primordial Being to living my life there.

"I see... So your soul was summoned and turned into a vessel of a Primordial Being... How interesting", he said.

"I have a question. Is this really my world? Magic doesn't really exist in my old world", I asked.

"Ah... I think this is your world. Sanada City does exist in this world. I'm guessing you're among the innocents before you got sent to another world."


"I'm talking about the general public. Magic had a bad history. You've read how magicians were hunted in history, right? Because of that, magicians went under the radar and practiced their arts in secret. Thanks to that, the innocents who didn't know that magic was real were the majority of the world."

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