Chapter 78: The calm before the storm

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An orb of white light appeared on Yogiri's palm.

"Wow! You did it pretty well! And your mana control is decent for a beginner. It's like you're a genius!" Oga praised her.

It was morning and I just finished practicing Synchronicity against Oga. It was easy to convince Yogiri to practice magic. Even if I didn't tell her that she might fight the Unkindness, she was willing to do it because magic interested her.

Things were supposed to be fine except for one thing. Anya told me about her creator named Omegaα, a supreme being who was the overseer of the Council.

I had several questions but Anya didn't have any answers for them. She didn't know much about Omegaα even if she was created by her.

But I know it was a big deal. After all, it was enough to make the Primordial Dark break its silence and warn me about her.

"Don't you think it's time to go home, Yogiri?" I asked her.

"Oh? It's almost time for breakfast. I'm sorry, Oga", Yogiri bowed.

"Nah. It's okay. It's fun teaching you and you're actually learning fast. If you want, I can recommend some grimoires you would want to study. I'm pretty sure Westa Library has them", Oga said.

"Please do."

After Oga wrote down a list, Yogiri and I returned home. Yogiri was actually very skilled at Light Magic and I was even more sure that she was the Primordial Light's vessel. My problem now was telling her that she might have to fight an organization that was more than 4000 years old.

"By the way, Yogiri", I called out her name.


Was I really going to tell her that she would be placed in difficult fights?

"You're pretty good with Light Magic, huh?"

I decided to not tell her yet. As much as possible, I have to be able to deal with the Unkindness on my own. I was their target since I was the Primordial Dark's vessel. As long as they wouldn't pursue Yogiri, she should stay out of this dangerous situation.

"I don't really know but it's like second nature to me. It's as if I was practicing it for my entire life", she replied.

"You're probably just a genius. I had problems with my mana control back when I started. It's only thanks to Anya that I'm a skilled Dark Mage.'

"Is it that hard?"


We arrived home and Amelia already prepared breakfast. While we were eating breakfast, Yogiri told Amelia all about her training. It was great to see them getting along with each other.

After that, I took a shower and put on my knight uniform. It should be a regular day as always.


"I'm sorry, Temma. We miscalculated", one of our barrack's chefs bowed down.

"It's okay. It's not much of a problem. We'll just post an announcement. It's just one day, anyways', Temma told him.

Apparently, there was a mistake in checking our ingredients. The chefs found out that there weren't enough ingredients to feed the 13th unit during lunch time and they were worried. But like Temma said, it wasn't a big problem.

"Can you post this in the announcement board? I'm sure our knights would want to be informed as soon as possible that we won't be serving lunch today", Temma gave the chef a piece of paper.

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