Chapter 73: The 6th unit of the Westa Knight Order

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The gates of the barracks opened and a knight ushered us inside. There were many tall buildings in the 6th unit's compound and a bunch of weaponless knights were walking around.

"If I remember correctly, the 6th unit is filled with smart knights, right?" I asked.

"That's correct. The 6th unit is in charge of research and development for magical technology. They are partners with all laboratories and research circles in Westa and they would often lend their equipment and personnel for the sake of advancing knowledge", Temma answered.

"Then why are they knights? Wouldn't it be better if they were from technology or magical colleges?"

"It's because Westa needs to control the research and development happening in this city. All research must be approved by them and they would monitor the progress to make sure the budget and other safety procedures are followed. Also, they will make sure that there are no dangerous experiments happening without their supervision", Captain Vein told me.

"I see... The Westa Knight Order is in charge of protecting Westa's peace. And supervising dangerous experiments and making sure research is going smoothly is part of protecting the peace. I think I understand it now."

"Another job the 6th unit is good at is forensic analysis. They would analyze the evidence and other important things that might be helpful to the investigation. With smart knights and high-end equipment, they greatly help the investigation of the other units", Amelia added.

The knight led us to a room and walked away. Captain Vein didn't bother knocking as she opened the door.

"Magus! We're here!" she shouted as she barged in.

There was a white-haired man hunched over a desk. He was wearing a red coat while reading two thick books at the same time and scribbling down notes.

Captain Vein walked towards him and landed a chop on his head.

"Ah. Vein. I didn't see you there", he said after looking up.

"Busy as always, Magus?" she asked.

If I was correct, the man in the red coat was Captain Scarlet Magus. He was the one who revolutionized Magical Technology and helped in improving and creating new magic. Captain Magus was a respected figure among mages and scientists alike.

"What do you need me for today?" he asked.

"We have several questions for you", Captain Vein replied.

He looked at us and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"This man is Mikage Kamishiro, right? The dark mage who can use other people's shadows?" he asked.

"That's me", I answered.

"How did you do such a thing?"

"I'm the vessel of the Primordial Dark. And the Primordial Dark commands every darkness in existence. That's the secret."

"Oh. I should've known. I thought you invented a new way to use Dark Magic but the truth is disappointing. I don't really want to research the Primordial Beings since I'm not interested in them."

"We have several questions involving the strange pill cases", Amelia interrupted our conversation.

"Ah. Yeah. I can faintly recall that Vein asked me to talk to you. What do you need?"

"What exactly are they?"

Captain Magus stood up from his chair and went to a cabinet. He took out several folders and gave them to Amelia.

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