Special Chapter: A glimpse of the distant past

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A blonde girl was tending the wounds of a soldier. Her name was Amelia Watson, a young doctor. She was considered a genius among geniuses. Amelia aced all of the examinations and became a licensed doctor at a young age of 15. Her life would've been a blessed one if not for the ongoing war.

The world was under a huge war. It all started when a king declared war on all of the nations. Normally, a country that would declare war against the entire world wouldn't last long. However, the king had a strange power within him. Every soldier in his army were powerful Dark Mages and caused devastating damage. Many countries already fell and countless lives were lost.

It was called the Dark Times.

Amelia was working endlessly. Because she was a doctor, she had to treat everyone's wounds. She always thought that the reason why she was gifted with intelligence was so that she could help everyone in need. That's why despite her parents' protests, she went to the frontline and tended to wounded soldiers all day.

"Dr. Watson. We have more injured soldiers on the third tent", a medic told her.

When she arrived there, she was completely disheartened. There were far too many injured people and not enough medics. The mad king's army was too powerful. Even a regular soldier from his army could take on a group of warriors.

"Dr. Watson, your orders", another medic went to her.

Despite being 15, Amelia had enough authority. She was the most skilled doctor in the area since the others wouldn't dare to go to the frontline. Her intelligence already saved many lives and the other medics respected her for it.

"Prioritize those who are severely injured. If you think they can still survive, then make them low priority. I know it's harsh but we have to let them grit their teeth while we save those who are in danger", Amelia barked her orders and the rest of the medics ran around.

They diagnosed the injuries of every soldier and they prioritized treating those who were in danger of losing their lives. Most of the time, Amelia would be forced to choose between two soldiers who were gravely injured. And sometimes, she would fail to save the soldier she didn't choose.

Amelia knew that losing lives was just part of war. However, her mind was still haunted by the faces of the soldiers she failed to save. She knew she wasn't omnipotent and she was just a regular human but she wished that she could save every life. If it weren't for the mad king, then she would have lived a peaceful life.

She spent the entire day tending the wounds of the soldiers to the best of her abilities. It was already night time and she was taking a short break. The other medics forced her to take a break since she was working nonstop. However, she still felt bad for wasting time when she could save another soldier.

"Kikkeriki! Hey, Amelia", an orange-haired woman greeted her.

"Oh... It's you, Kiara", Amelia looked at her.

Her name was Kiara Takanashi. She was a phoenix. Normally, phoenixes didn't have any allegiance but for some reason, Kiara volunteered to help out Amelia's country.

"How is the battlefield?" Amelia asked.

"It's pretty bad. Their soldiers are too powerful. We are getting pushed back. Even if I was around, I couldn't turn the tides of the battle", Kiara had a sad smile on her face.

Amelia knew about phoenixes and their powers. If Kiara couldn't hold back the enemies, then the situation was dire.

"I wonder why would the mad king do this?" Kiara asked.

Amelia met Kiara in the battlefield but she knew that the phoenix wasn't a warrior. Kiara had a gentle smile and she would always claim that she was a pacifist. She didn't want to become violent but the Dark Times forced her to pick up her blade again. If Kiara didn't participate in the war, the frontline would've been overrun already.

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