Chapter 91: Traveling across a troubled land

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My shadow rose up and impaled two oversized tigers. They disintegrated into dust and left a red gem.

"That is amazing", Rushia clapped her hands.

"You're strong enough to be a Hamex. No... You're somewhere around Xesh", Ayame said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"In the Underworld Academy, we are separated into ranks. Egad, Tchaim, Zalosh, Arban, Hamex, Xesh, Xeva, Zchomone, Tezra, and Exer are the ranks a student could have with Egad being the initial rank and Exer is the highest", Ayame explained.

"So I'm like around the sixth or fifth strongest rank?"

"Yes. For reference, Ayame is a Xeva while I'm a Xesh ", Rushia told me.

Wow. They must think highly of themselves if they believe they are as strong as us, Noir grumbled.

Ayame has Rakshasa and Asura. Rushia's mastery over necromancy is too exceptional for a student. The rankings are justified, Anya told him.

Oh no. I'm not saying they are wrong for thinking they are strong. They are wrong for thinking that we're weak. If Mikage truly wants to, he can be a Tezra and that's for now. If he completely masters his powers, he can go toy around with Exers.

For once, I agree with you. I am Anya Melfissa, his legendary partner. At the very least, he should be Zchomone.

This conversation reminded me of one thing that Ayame said.

"Hey, what year are you in, Ayame?" I looked at her.

"The Underworld Academy trains its students for six years. I'm currently in my third year", she said.

"You're in third year and you're a Xeva. If I remember correctly, you said that Oga achieved the highest rank in his first year..."

"Exactly! That's how legendary Oga is! In just a single year, he already outclassed his seniors. I may be the youngest student council president but that's simply because Oga refused the position!"

"Before you fangirl, let's collect the gems", Rushia said and walked towards the pile of ashes as she dragged Ayame.

"What're those gems for?" I asked.

"These can be sold in towns for money. Defeating Crystal Beasts isn't an easy task but the gems are valuable. This is a profitable business for battle junkies", she explained.

After picking up the gems, we continued our journey. Our main destination was the south where I could sense the Dark Corruption was being gathered. I already knew how dire the situation was in the Demon Realm so we had to hurry up and take shortcuts.

Crystal Beasts were very hostile thanks to the Dark Corruption inside them so traveling was dangerous. I would've wanted to drain that energy from the Crystal Beast but even if I were going to do it, they would still be hostile to us because they were in pain.

"The next town is in sight", Rushia said and pointed.

Wooden walls were in the distance and I felt relieved. We camped out for two days already so I was happy to be able to sleep on a bed again. Food was also something I was looking forward to because eating jerkies all the time wasn't fun.

It was common to just pack a lot of premade jerkies while traveling. They wouldn't easily go bad since they last for a week despite not using any refrigeration. And despite being small in size, we could easily fill our stomachs with just one or two pieces every meal.

The only downside with them was that they weren't satisfying to eat. They were hard to chew and the spices used to make sure they would last long were not pleasing to my tongue. Ayame and Rushia looked like they were used to it and if I were going to continue traveling, I had no other choice but to adapt too.

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