Chapter 95: The freewill of the people

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We were walking through a forest in order to do what Mel requested. According to Ayame, even the neighboring towns were empty because the citizens left.

"Why would they leave willingly?" I asked.

It was weird. The Dark Corruption was making things dangerous for everyone. Demons would rampage without warning and Crystal Beasts attacked anyone in sight. It was safer to stay in towns.

"It's because Vox has a Silver Tongue", Ayame said.

"Mel mentioned that too. Is that important?" Ollie frowned.

"Once every 100 years, five demons would be born with one of the Five Great Abilities. The All-Seeing Eyes, the Golden Ears, the Wolf's Nose, the Wind's Skin, and the Silver Tongue. They won't only just heighten the senses of their users, they also grant them special abilities". Rushia explained.

"The Silver Tongue doesn't only just make Vox taste food better. It can also make his words more convincing", Ayame added.

Oh. I see. That's why Mel said that Vox convinced her people to leave and follow him.

"So why are we heading towards a place where there is a lot of Dark Corruption?" I looked straight ahead.

"Vox is not interested in trivial things. He disappeared a few days after the Dark Corruption appeared and started making people lose themselves. I'm sure that the Dark Corruption you can feel in this forest is somehow related to him", Ayame answered.

"Almost every problem is related to the Dark Corruption nowadays", Rushia said.

"And that Dark Corruption is related to that scary organization that's been following Mikage, right?" Ollie asked.

"Yeah. It's all the Unkindness' fault", I said.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the source of the Dark Corruption and when I saw the size of the wooden fortress in front of us, I couldn't help but to be amazed.

The building resembled the castles back in feudal Japan. I could even recall the buildings I saw back when I went to Kyoto as part of my middle school's field trip. And how I got into a huge trouble with Yogiri because I ended up fighting again.

Those were good times, I thought.

I wondered how everyone was doing well. Was Temma surviving managing the unit without me? Was Captain Noel doing her daily paperwork? Was Oga training Yogiri well?

But I knew one thing for sure.

Amelia was probably solving one case after another without worries. She's a master detective. It would be easy for her to find out that I was safe and so she could continue in her daily life doing what she wanted.

"Halt! Identify yourselves!" the guards in front of the fort blocked our path.

"My name is Ayame Nakiri, the student council pres-"

"Super cute idol, Ollie Kureiji is here!" Ollie cut off Ayame and struck a pose.

The two guards looked at each other in confusion while Ayame sighed. Meanwhile, Rushia started writing down in her notebook while muttering something.

And then, the doors opened as a woman wearing a kimono bowed and greeted us with a warm smile.

"Good day, Lady Ayame, Lady Rushia, Sir Mikage, and Ollie. Milord has been expecting your arrival", the woman said.

"Why was I the only one who didn't get an honorific?!" Ollie retorted.

"Because honorifics are only given to people who act in a manner befitting them."

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