Volume 2 Author's Rants.

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Volume 2 is done and now it's back to talking about it.

It was supposed to be a long arc called the "Hall of Memories Arc". Now then, I don't know if you've noticed it but I based it off from the Kingdom Hearts GBA game known as Chain of Memories where the characters visited places in their memories. Castle Oblivion is the same as the Hall of Memories.

But enough about that, let's talk about the individual arcs.

Memory Loss Arc (Chapter 24-29, Artix 25- Maio 1)

We ended the first volume with Mikage passing out from rampaging. Actually, I planned to do something different and proceed to the second half of my fic but I thought of a Memory Loss Arc (this is the effect of watching Gintama).

This is where Amelia kicked in. I originally planned her to be just one of the extras but I liked writing about her. She was even promoted to be one of Mikage's possible romantic interests (if I ever plan to include romance in it) and was even placed in the new cover.

I also briefly introduced Rosalyn, the librarian of the Westa Library, and stuff. I don't know if she will appear anytime soon though.

And then I made the riddle for the Hall of Memories. It took me a lot of brain cells just to come up with it and I hoped you had fun decoding it.

I also introduced how the people of the world travelled and it was the first time Mikage got out of Westa.

Writing Pekora was fun but I sometimes keep forgetting to add "peko" in her sentences. I also thought of her to be a war criminal but in the end, I just made her into a mischievous princess. Also, her getting introduced by begging for food was for comedic purposes. Sasuga comedian. Her gambling tendencies were also seen.

Turns out, Mikage's summoning was a lot more complicated. His summoner, Shiroe, was actually a member of the Unkindness. There'll be more about that later.

The bandit hideout scene was a total improv since I didn't plan to include Moona in it until my friend said that having Moona would be great. Also, there is a theory that Mikage could be like Moona who was a vessel for a Primordial Being.

There are now questions on why Mikage was chosen as the vessel for the Primordial Dark. But it'll be answered soon enough. (Trust me, I got a plan)

The arc ended with them meeting Temma in Peafowl Kingdom to catch a certain thief once again.

Spade Echo Returns Arc (Chapter 30-35, Maio 11-12)

Spade Echo returns once more with another coded message. This time, Amelia easily decoded her message and cornered her. I always thought that Spade Echo's artifact was a double-edged sword so it was great that Amelia could corner her using that.

Unfortunately for Amelia, the Unkindness chose that time to attack. To answer a certain commentator's question as to why the Unkindness chose to attack Mikage while there were other knights around instead of just taking him back in Pekorias, it's because they had to prepare the teleportation spell.

Also, Spade Echo saving Mikage is the same as Kaito Kid saving Conan whenever he would fall down. Thanks to Spade Echo, the Unkindness' plan of teleporting Mikage to their headquarters was foiled.

I added a few scenes with Spade Echo like her motives in stealing and stuff. Also, she talked about a friend of hers that was definitely important to the plot (if I were you, I'd take note of him).

After that, I made Amelia let go of Spade Echo as thanks since she is a righteous detective after all.

I also placed a little scene about Amelia's past and Ranpo Doyle (Edogawa Conan since Ranpo's last name is Edogawa and Doyle's first name is Conan). The sharing-a-bed idea was a little fanservice from me to you guys since I know some of you are shipping Mikage with Amelia (and at this rate, she's winning).

Then it ended with a tea party with Reine and the riddle of the Hall of Memories was solved.

Past Arc (Chapter 36-40, Maio 12-13)

Mikage and the others finally arrived at the Hall of Memories where they met the Primordial Memory. I originally planned it to have Rikka to be the caretaker of the place but I was not confident in writing about him yet.

Mikage's past is like a badass delinquent's past. Chizome no Byakko's legend was awesome in my own opinion since fighting a group of thugs and winning is an amazing feat.

Also, Yogiri was introduced (God, I miss her). She was described as a delinquent with a good heart so I made it like that. Also, if you noticed, she has a slight crush on Mikage. I'm still debating if I should give her more appearances in flashbacks OR transport her to the other world so that she would be reunited with Mikage once more.

Then, Mikage's gamer past was shown. Haruto Domyoji was a Vtuber from Game Club Project and I wanted to include him too. Also, Ancient Tales was a spoof of Elder Tales and the raid terminologies were from Log Horizon (Good anime, mind you.)

After that, he met with Shiroe in a dream space. He was finally told about his purpose and was hinted that he was not as simple as a Primordial Being's vessel. Also, Shiroe was Japanese and had a familiar voice.

Overall, the arc was fun to write since I could flesh out Mikage's character.


Kamishiro Mikage has a meaningful name.

Kamishiro (神代) meant "Vessel of God" since he was sort of the Primordial Dark's vessel.

Mikage (御影) meant "Shadow" since well... Primordial Dark stuff.

Also, Mikage's IGN in Ancient Tales is a hint of his real self.

"Shi-kun" is just a nickname his guild members would call him. His IGN is actually ****** (spoilers).


Thank you for sticking this far with the book! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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