Chapter 77: Does the Primordial Dark have communication disorder?

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Meditation was something I never really tried before. The thought of me sitting still and not moving at all while focusing my mind was not that exciting.

But I still went ahead and did it. I tried to calm my breathing and mind. The Primordial Dark should respond if I were to focus all of my attention on it.

And that's when I saw it. A massive ball of darkness was swirling in front of me. The sheer power it radiated made me gulp down and know that it was the Primordial Dark.

"Hey, Primordial Dark! It's me, Mikage. Do you wanna talk?" I asked.

There was no response. All I could feel from it was sadness. However, I knew that it was aware that I was nearby.

They said that the Primordial Dark had no freewill. But I knew that it was capable of talking. After all, it once talked to me and even took over my body during the Idol Fan Tournament.

"So... Ummm... I wanna know more about you. Can you tell me more about yourself?" I asked.


"Ummm.. Have no idea what to talk about? Let's start with one thing that's been bothering me. You're the Primordial Dark so you should be able to command every single darkness in existence, right? Then how come I couldn't control the Living Darkness?"


"Ah. Could it be that they are superior to you even if you're an actual Primordial Being?"

I then heard a female's voice laughing.

"What are you trying to gain by insulting the Primordial Dark, Mikage?" a red-skinned oni approached me.

"Yoclesh? Why are you here?" I asked.

"It's because you're inside your soul. I and the other masters live here without worrying about the rent. Anyways, what are you up to?"

"I'm trying to talk to the Primordial Dark. But it doesn't respond at all."

"It existed before freewill. What makes you think it can talk?"

"It talked to me back in the Idol Fan Tournament. That's why I know it can talk. For some reason, it's just ignoring me."

"Are you sure it was the Primordial Dark who talked and not yourself?"

"Do you think I would talk to myself?"

"Who knows? Here's a question: who exactly are you?"

The tone of her voice made me think about what she asked. It was like she was trying to tell me something.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Oh... It's nothing. I shouldn't bother you since this is a problem of the living", she answered.

I looked at the Primordial Dark and tried to think of ways to get its attention. Maybe I should annoy it by throwing a punch. No one would ignore someone who just punched them so I thought it was a good idea.

It wasn't a good idea.

Darkness wrapped around my arm when I touched the Primordial Dark. I tried to pull out my arm but it was dragging me inside. If that wasn't bad enough, I could feel an intense wave of sadness and power surging through my body.

My body was almost completely wrapped with darkness and I could feel my consciousness fading. I would've been consumed if it weren't for that annoying sound.


When I opened my eyes, I saw the bright blue sky. A blonde girl was looking down on me.

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