Chapter 38: The Legend of the White Tiger.

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I remembered the first time I met her.


"Hey you!", a voice called me.

"Hmmm?" I looked back.

There was a red-haired girl standing behind me. There were also five more girls who surrounded us.

"You're the Chizome no Byakko, aren't you?" she asked.

"Well no... My name is not Chizome no Byakko. I'm Kamishiro Mikage", I answered.

"Those eyes that look like a hungry tiger looking for a fight tells me otherwise. I'm Yogiri, the leader of the Reika Mutsuki."

I had an idea on what she wanted and I didn't want to get involved with her any further.

"Good for you... If you'll excuse me, I got somewhere I need to be", I was about to leave but 2 girls blocked my path.

"Not so fast, Chizome no Byakko", she said.

"Look here... I didn't ask for this. I just want to be left alone", I told her.

"You should have thought of that before taking the title of Amezakura West Middle School's Strongest for yourself!"

"What? I don't remember taking a title like that. Chizome no Byakko is already a scary title for me."

"Doesn't matter if you remember it or not. I'm challenging you!"

"I refuse."

I was about to leave when she punched my stomach.

"Don't underestimate me because I'm a girl", she growled.

Alright... That's it... No more Mr. Nice Guy.

I clenched my fist and delivered a right hook. She got knocked away and dropped to the ground.

"What?! You would hit a girl?!" one of the girls surrounding me asked.

"You didn't even give out a warning!" another shouted.

"I yearn for true gender equality. You punch me, I punch you back", I said and the girls quieted down.

Yogiri laughed, "Gender equality? That's a good one!"

I sighed as she stood up.

"Are we doing this? If you guys are coming at me, then go already. I still need to study for this afternoon's quiz", I said.

"Don't worry. My girls won't make a move. I'm taking the title of Amezakura West Middle School's Strongest by myself!" she charged towards me.

Our brawl ended with me standing up while Yogiri was lying on the ground.

"Damn it. You really are strong", she said.

"You're pretty good yourself too", I replied.

"Good? I could barely land a hit on you."

"No. I could tell your punches are strong. That's why I did my best in avoiding them."

"Wait... You were watching me closely?"

"Yeah. I do it for every opponent I face. Doesn't matter if they're young or old or a boy or a girl. I never underestimate my opponents."

Yogiri laughed, "You know what? I like you. I don't mind handing over that title to you."

"Oh please.. I don't want to have another scary title added to my reputation."

We both then had a laugh. Wait... She wasn't serious about handing that title to me, right?

From Another World (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें