Chapter 37: The Bloody White Tiger of the West.

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I opened the door of my classroom. All of my classmates looked at me and the teacher stopped his lecture.

"Kamishiro-san... Late again?" the teacher asked.

"Sorry. Got involved in another troublesome thing", I apologized.

They all had an idea on what happened. I could see it in their faces. After all, I was a well-known delinquent.

"Well, whatever. Just take a seat", the teacher told me and I went to my desk.

I was known as the Chizome no Byakko. The reason I was called Byakko was because I wore my school's white uniform and I went to Amezakura West Middle School. The "Chizome" part came when one day, a group of thugs challenged me and it ended up with them heading to the hospital. Witnesses said that my white uniform turned into red because of all the blood that was spilled because of the fight.

The truth was I didn't become a delinquent on purpose. My eyes had a natural mean look on them that irked other delinquents. They would always pick a fight with me whenever they would see my eyes and since I always win my fights despite being outnumbered, I eventually gained a reputation.

What should I do? At this rate, I would be stuck with that reputation until I graduate high school. My dad kept on scolding me about the fights I involve myself in. Even if most of them were self-defense, it was still bad to injure people... Well, I do admit that breaking their bones was going a tiny bit too far for self-defense.

But according to him, I would be in trouble if I wouldn't fix up my act. I wouldn't be accepted in reputable schools if they would find out my reputation as a delinquent. Chizome no Byakko sounded cool and all but it was a name that I didn't want.

It was lunch time and I opened my lunch box. There were sausages, meatballs, and of course, white rice. I was about to enjoy my lunch until someone went towards me.

"Yo, Chizome no Byakko", she grinned.

She had red hair with white streaks. She was wearing a modified girl's uniform of our school which was black... Her modifications included turning the black uniform into a crop top and turning her ribbon into a red-white combination. Also, instead of wearing a skirt like every other girl, she was wearing short shorts with a red belt. Her hands have fingerless gloves and her arm has bandages.

"I told you not to call me that, Yogiri-san", I said and took a bite of my lunch.

Her name was Yogiri. Like me, she was also a delinquent. Everyone respects her and wouldn't dare get in her way. Even teachers wouldn't reprimand her modified uniform because of her reputation.

It was said that she took out 5 high school students on her own without using any weapons. Despite being younger and a girl, she defeated all of them at the same time. She even leads a gang of female delinquents called Reika Mutsuki which meant "Dark flower of the Mist Moon." Since Yogiri meant "Night Fog", her gang was named that way.

"So... Why were you late again? Got involved in a fight?" she asked.

"I saw a group of delinquents harassing a guy and took his wallet. One of them saw me and didn't like how I was looking at them. Long story short, I beat the crap out of them", I answered.

Yogiri laughed, "And what happened next? Did the guy thank you?"

"Nope. He ran away and left his wallet behind", I said and showed her the guy's wallet, "I really want to quit this life."

"It's too late. Everyone in this town knows the Chizome no Byakko."

"The reason I'm having this problems is because of my eyes. Why do I have mean-looking eyes?"

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