Chapter 93: A new but crazy party member

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"I DON'T KNOW!!" a red-haired girl laughed.

Her name was Ollie Kureiji, the zombie we fought a few minutes ago.

"How is that possible?! You should know your creator! How does a zombie like you have a Life Force?!" Rushia asked.

"Like I said, I don't know! I just found myself in a coffin and when I got out, I found out my home turned into a ramen shop! That was so funny!"

"How's that even funny?" I frowned.

"Cause the owner told me that he'll give back my home if I become a super popular idol! So I swore to myself I'll become an idol even though I'm a zombie!"

"How is that related to you being a zombie with a Life Force?!" Rushia asked her again.

"It isn't! But since we're talking, we should get to know each other more!"

Rushia sighed and then green butterflies appeared around her. I could feel her mana swelling up as her eyes had a dangerous glow on them.

"Then I will have to dissect you myself then."

But before she could make a move, Ayame's sword was pointed at her neck while her other hand was ready to swing her second sword.

"What are you doing, Ayame?" Rushia glared.

"Demon Realm Constitution Article Three Section One", Ayame glared back.

The butterflies disappeared and Rushia relaxed. I was actually afraid that I had to fight Rushia in order to protect Ollie.

"What happened?" Ollie asked.

Did she seriously not understand that she was in danger?

"No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws", Rushia said.

"And by definition, Ollie is a 'person' because she has a Life Force and a sentient mind", Ayame sheathed her swords.

"So... what now?" Ollie asked.

"What happens now is that we go to a vampire's mansion", my voice said.

Ayame, Rushia, and Ollie looked at me.

"Hold on... What's happ-" I couldn't finish my words as I could no longer feel my body.

"Hmmmm... This feels weird. Flesh and blood is different from being just a thought", my voice said.

Noir?! I realized who took over my body.

"Yo, Mikage. Funny how I took over, right?" Noir asked.

"Noir? The Primordial Dark?" Ayame looked at him warily.

"Don't worry. This is just temporary. This body is seriously uncomfortable. One out of five stars. Won't come back if possible."

I had a bad feeling about this. If Noir could freely take over my body like this, it would be problematic. He could just kill someone by taking over my body simply because they annoyed him.

"Now then... When I say a mansion with a vampire, do you have anything that comes into mind?" Noir asked.

"There are many vampires here with mansions. You have to be more specific", Ayame said.

"From the outside, the mansion looks magnificent. It has been built with white marbles and has grand porcelain gargoyle statues near the front door which was made from crimson wood that was most possibly grown on the eastern part of the Demon Realm. Tall windows with intricately-patterned frames added to the overall look of the house, especially so with their fairly symmetrical positionings."

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